< 1 Kings 6 >

1 In the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel had come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month Ziv, which is the second month, he began to build Yahweh’s house.
Mfe ahannan aduɔwɔtwe a wogyee Israelfo fii nkoasom mu wɔ Misraim no a na Salomo nso adi Israel so hene mfe anan no ɔsram Sif mu no, ofii ase sii Awurade Asɔredan no.
2 The house which King Solomon built for Yahweh had a length of sixty cubits, and its width twenty, and its height thirty cubits.
Asɔredan a ɔhene Salomo si maa Awurade no tenten mu yɛ anammɔn aduɔkron, ne trɛw yɛ anammɔn aduasa na ne sorokɔ yɛ anammɔn aduanan anum.
3 The porch in front of the temple of the house had a length of twenty cubits, which was along the width of the house. Ten cubits was its width in front of the house.
Ntwironoo a ɛda asɔredan no anim no tenten yɛ anammɔn aduasa, a ɛne asɔredan no ntrɛwmu yɛ pɛ. Na ne trɛw nso yɛ anammɔn dunum.
4 He made windows of fixed lattice work for the house.
Salomo yɛɛ mfɛnsere wɔ ɔfasu no soro hyiae.
5 Against the wall of the house, he built floors all around, against the walls of the house all around, both of the temple and of the inner sanctuary; and he made side rooms all around.
Asɔredan no fasu no akyi no nso, wosisii adan bebree bataa ho hyiae.
6 The lowest floor was five cubits wide, and the middle was six cubits wide, and the third was seven cubits wide; for on the outside he made offsets in the wall of the house all around, that the beams should not be inserted into the walls of the house.
Na ɛyɛ aban a ɛtoa so abiɛsa a ase dan no trɛw mu yɛ anammɔn ason ne fa. Aban a ɛto so abien no trɛw yɛ anammɔn akron na apampamu dan no trɛw yɛ anammɔn du ne fa. Wɔde mpuran a egugu dannua bi a ɛhyehyɛ ɔfasu no mu na aka adan no abatabata ɔfasu no ho. Enti ɛkyerɛ sɛ wɔamfa mpuran no anhyehyɛ ɔfasu no ankasa mu.
7 The house, when it was under construction, was built of stone prepared at the quarry; and no hammer or ax or any tool of iron was heard in the house while it was under construction.
Na abo a wɔde sii asɔredan no nso, wosiesiee ho wɔ abopaebea hɔ nti, ɔdan no si no, obi ante asae, pɛe anaa dade biara nnyigyei wɔ ɔdansibea hɔ.
8 The door for the middle side rooms was in the right side of the house. They went up by winding stairs into the middle floor, and out of the middle into the third.
Na ɔkwan a wɔde kɔ ase adan no mu no da Asɔredan no anafo fam. Atrapoe kyinkyimii na wɔforo kɔ ɔdan a ɛto so abien no so na foforo nso wɔ adan a ɛto so abien ne abiɛsa no ntam.
9 So he built the house and finished it; and he covered the house with beams and planks of cedar.
Wowiee asɔredan no si no, Salomo de nnua ne sida mpuran yɛɛ ani nsamso no.
10 He built the floors all along the house, each five cubits high; and they rested on the house with timbers of cedar.
Sɛnea wɔaka no, na adan wowɔ ɔdan no afanan nyinaa a wɔnam sida so de abata Asɔredan no afasu no ho. Ɔdan no mu biara sorokɔ yɛ anammɔn ason.
11 Yahweh’s word came to Solomon, saying,
Na Awurade de saa asɛm yi brɛɛ Salomo se,
12 “Concerning this house which you are building, if you will walk in my statutes, and execute my ordinances, and keep all my commandments to walk in them, then I will establish my word with you, which I spoke to David your father.
“Saa Asɔredan a woresi yi de, sɛ woyɛ osetie ma me mmara nyinaa ne me nhyehyɛe, na wudi me hyɛ nsɛm so a, menam wo so bedi bɔ a mehyɛɛ wʼagya Dawid no so.
13 I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake my people Israel.”
Mɛtena Israel manfo mu, na merempa me nkurɔfo akyi da.”
14 So Solomon built the house and finished it.
Na Salomo wiee asɔredan no si.
15 He built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar; from the floor of the house to the walls of the ceiling, he covered them on the inside with wood. He covered the floor of the house with cypress boards.
Na emu nyinaa, efi fam kosi nsamso no, wɔde nnua na ɛkataa fasu no anim. Wɔde sida na ɛkataa ɔfasu no anim, na wɔde ɔpepaw kataa abrannaa no so.
16 He built twenty cubits of the back part of the house with boards of cedar from the floor to the ceiling. He built this within, for an inner sanctuary, even for the most holy place.
Otwaa mu, nyaa kronkronbea a ɛhɔ yɛ kronkron mu kronkron wɔ asɔredan no ti mu hɔ pɛɛ. Na ɛhɔ ntwemu yɛ anammɔn aduasa a wɔde sida asam fam hɔ, de kosi ani nsɛmee no so.
17 In front of the temple sanctuary was forty cubits long.
Asɔredan no ankasa a na ɛwɔ kronkron mu kronkron no akyi no, na ne tenten mu yɛ anammɔn aduosia.
18 There was cedar on the house within, carved with buds and open flowers. All was cedar. No stone was visible.
Wɔde sida na ɛsam abo afasu a ɛwɔ asɔredan no nyinaa so, na wosen ntoa fɛfɛ ne nhwiren de dii nsɛmee no ani adwinni.
19 He prepared an inner sanctuary in the middle of the house within, to set the ark of Yahweh’s covenant there.
Salomo siesiee kronkron mu kronkron a ɛtoa asɔredan no so; faako a wɔde Awurade Apam Adaka no besi.
20 Within the inner sanctuary was twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in width, and twenty cubits in its height. He overlaid it with pure gold. He covered the altar with cedar.
Saa kronkron mu kronkron no, na ne tenten mu yɛ anammɔn aduasa na ne trɛw yɛ anammɔn aduasa, na ne sorokɔ nso yɛ anammɔn aduasa. Na Salomo de sikakɔkɔɔ ankasa duraa nʼafasu ne ne nsamso no ho nyinaa. Saa ara na oduraa afɔremuka a wɔde sida ayɛ no ho.
21 So Solomon overlaid the house within with pure gold. He drew chains of gold across before the inner sanctuary, and he overlaid it with gold.
Afei, asɔredan no mu nkae no, ɔde sikakɔkɔɔ ankasa sam hɔ nyinaa, na ɔde sikakɔkɔɔ yɛɛ nkɔnsɔnkɔnsɔn de guu ɔkwan a wɔde kɔ kronkron mu kronkron hɔ, de bɔɔ hɔ ano ban.
22 He overlaid the whole house with gold, until all the house was finished. He also overlaid the whole altar that belonged to the inner sanctuary with gold.
Enti ɔde sikakɔkɔɔ duraa Asɔredan no ho nyinaa, kronkron mu kronkron ne afɔremuka no nyinaa ho, de wiei.
23 In the inner sanctuary he made two cherubim of olive wood, each ten cubits high.
Kronkronbea mu hɔ, ɔde ngodua sen kerubim abien a emu biara sorokɔ yɛ anammɔn dunum, de sisii hɔ.
24 Five cubits was the length of one wing of the cherub, and five cubits was the length of the other wing of the cherub. From the tip of one wing to the tip of the other was ten cubits.
Kerubim baako biara ntaban mu trɛw yɛ anammɔn dunum a, ntaban baako biara tenten yɛ anammɔn ason ne fa.
25 The other cherub was ten cubits. Both the cherubim were of one measure and one form.
Na kerubim abien no nyinaa tebea ne wɔn kɛse yɛ pɛ
26 One cherub was ten cubits high, and so was the other cherub.
a ɔbaako biara sorokɔ yɛ anammɔn dunum.
27 He set the cherubim within the inner house. The wings of the cherubim were stretched out, so that the wing of the one touched the one wall and the wing of the other cherub touched the other wall; and their wings touched one another in the middle of the house.
Salomo de wɔn sisi bɛnee wɔn ho wɔn ho wɔ asɔredan kronkronbea mu hɔ. Wɔn ntaban mu trɛw no fi ɔfasu baako kɔka ɔfasu baako. Na wɔn ntaban a ɛwɔ ntam no hyia ɔdan no mfimfini.
28 He overlaid the cherubim with gold.
Na ɔde sikakɔkɔɔ duraa kerubim abien no ho.
29 He carved all the walls of the house around with carved figures of cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers, inside and outside.
Na kronkronbea mu afasu ne ɔdan mu no, odii adwinni a ɛyɛ kerubim mmedua ne nhwiren guu ho.
30 He overlaid the floor of the house with gold, inside and outside.
Na ɔde sikakɔkɔɔ duraa adan abien no abrannaa so.
31 For the entrance of the inner sanctuary, he made doors of olive wood. The lintel and door posts were a fifth part of the wall.
Ɔkwan a wɔfa so kɔ kronkronbea mu hɔ no, Salomo de ngodua yɛɛ apon abien a emu biara wɔ twɔtwɔw anum.
32 So he made two doors of olive wood; and he carved on them carvings of cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers, and overlaid them with gold. He spread the gold on the cherubim and on the palm trees.
Saa apon no ho nso, na wɔadi kerubim, mmedua ne nhwiren adwinni, na ne nyinaa nso, ɔde sikakɔkɔɔ duraa ho.
33 He also made the entrance of the temple door posts of olive wood, out of a fourth part of the wall,
Afei, ɔde ngodua yɛɛ apongua a emu biara wɔ twɔtwɔw anan a wɔfa hɔ kɔ asɔredan no mu.
34 and two doors of cypress wood. The two leaves of the one door were folding, and the two leaves of the other door were folding.
Ɔde ɔpepaw nnua yɛɛ apon abien a wɔbobɔw, na wosii ɔpon no biara wɔ ɔkwan bi so sɛ, emu biara tumi bobɔw gu ɛno ara so.
35 He carved cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers; and he overlaid them with gold fitted on the engraved work.
Wɔde kerubim, mmedua ne nhwiren adi saa apon yi ho adwinni, na wɔde sikakɔkɔɔ adura ho.
36 He built the inner court with three courses of cut stone and a course of cedar beams.
Wosii adiwo hɔ afasu no a sida nnua mmeaso baako wɔ abo a wɔatwa ntotoso abiɛsa biara so.
37 The foundation of Yahweh’s house was laid in the fourth year, in the month Ziv.
Wɔtoo Awurade Asɔredan fapem no ɔsram Sif (a ɛte sɛ Kɔtɔnimma) mfimfini a saa bere no na Salomo adi hene mfe anan no.
38 In the eleventh year, in the month Bul, which is the eighth month, the house was finished throughout all its parts and according to all its specifications. So he spent seven years building it.
Wowiee ɔdan no ho biribiara ɔsram Bul mfimfini no a na wadi hene mfe dubaako. Enti mfe ason na wɔde sii asɔredan no.

< 1 Kings 6 >