< 1 Corinthians 6 >

1 Dare any of you, having a matter against his neighbor, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints?
I siiga nni nilo ya baa maama yeni o lielo, o ba yini o bi nilanba kani ti buudi ki kan gedi bi nimɔnba kani ii?
2 Don’t you know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters?
I ki bani ki bi nimɔnba ba jia ti buudi yeni ŋanduna aa?
3 Don’t you know that we will judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?
I ki bani ki ti ba jia ti buudi yeni malekinba aa? Li ba gaa ledi keti kan jia ti buudi yeni mi yema mabidi?
4 If then you have to judge things pertaining to this life, do you set them to judge who are of no account in the assembly?
I ya ba fidi ki jia mi yema maabidi, li tieni ledi i, ke yi ba liidi ki kpaagi li maama ki ŋa yaaba n ki pia mayuli i jaandi ni taanli nni i?
5 I say this to move you to shame. Isn’t there even one wise man among you who would be able to decide between his brothers?
N maadi yi, li tie i fee i. Nilo ki ye i siiga nni ki ba fidi ki jia maama nilo yeni o naataano siiga nni yeni mi yanfuoma aa?
6 But brother goes to law with brother, and that before unbelievers!
Ama nilo ṅ yini o kpiilo ti buudi daano yua ki dugi kani.
7 Therefore it is already altogether a defect in you that you have lawsuits one with another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?
Yaali n mɔni tie ke kɔnkɔnli n ji da ye kristo nitaanlinni. Lani tie biginli i po. Li ga ledi ke kan ŋmali o biidka tubli. Li tien ledi ke janbdi i lieba?
8 No, but you yourselves do wrong and defraud, and that against your brothers.
Li tie ke i tieni mi tudma i kpiilo po
9 Or don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Don’t be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals,
I bani ke yua n ki tiegi kan di u tienu diema faali ii? Da cengi mani mi tofaama, ti cancangindi, i buli jɔdma, mi conconma, mi naaŋmaama ya jaba n dua yeni bii jalieba,
10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortionists, will inherit God’s Kingdom.
bu subu, mi ŋaanma, li daañugaadli, ku totabgu, yeni jodi. Oba kuli kan di u tienu diema faali.
11 Some of you were such, but you were washed. You were sanctified. You were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God.
B tianba i siiga nni tie yeni i, bi ŋuudi i pala ke i ji ŋani, ki guan ki mangi yeni u tienu. Ti badciamo jesu kristo yeli po yeni u tienu foŋanma po.
12 “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are expedient. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be brought under the power of anything.
“Bi cabi nni buoli kuli” ama li kuli ka tie bonmɔnli, ki pia mi buama. Bi cabi nn buoli kuli ama n kan tua bonliba kuli yonbo.
13 “Foods for the belly, and the belly for foods,” but God will bring to nothing both it and them. But the body is not for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.
Mi jiema ye ku puogu po, ke ku puogu mɔ ye mi jiema po. Ama u tienu ba biani lan ya bona kuli. Ama u gbann ki ye mi conconma cagindi po ka, ama ti yonbdaano po. O tuonsɔnlo ba lingi bonli kuli u gbanu po.
14 Now God raised up the Lord, and will also raise us up by his power.
U tienu bu faadi ti diedo yeni tinba o paa ciamu po.
15 Don’t you know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? May it never be!
I ke bani ke i gbanu ti( u tienu) kristo gbannandi ii? N ba taa kristo gbannandi ki taani yeni li poconconli ii? Lani ṅ da tieni!
16 Or don’t you know that he who is joined to a prostitute is one body? For, “The two”, he says, “will become one flesh.”
I ke bani ke yua n taani yeni conconli tua gbannanyendi yeni ooo? Mani lan diani maama “bani bilie kuli taani gbannanyengu”
17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit.
Ama yua n taani yeni o diedo ba taani ki tua yeni o yantiayenli. Yin fangi i yula yeni mi concomma cancangindi. Ya tuonbiidi n sieni ke nilo ba tieni km taabi o gbanu, ama mi conconma cancangindi tie ya tuonbiidi n taabi o gbanu i.
18 Flee sexual immorality! “Every sin that a man does is outside the body,” but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.
Sani mani ya bontitiedi ke ŋani, ya tuonbiidi n sieni kuli jɔgni ti gbanu i. I ke bani ke mi conconma biidi ti gbanu i.
19 Or don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own,
I ki bani ke i gbanu tie u tienu foŋanma yekaanu uu? Yaama n ye i niinni. Yin gaa yaama u tienu kani. Yeni, l ji ki yeni i yuli ii?
20 for you were bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
Kelima bi cɔdi, ki daa yi. Ama yin taa l gbanu ki kpiagi u tienu yeli.

< 1 Corinthians 6 >