< 1 Corinthians 14 >

1 Follow after love and earnestly desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.
Karaa jaalalaa duukaa buʼaa; kennaawwan Hafuuraa, keessumattuu kennaa raajii cimsaatii barbaadaa.
2 For he who speaks in another language speaks not to men, but to God, for no one understands, but in the Spirit he speaks mysteries.
Namni afaan haaraan dubbatu kam iyyuu Waaqatti malee namootatti hin dubbatuutii. Dhugumaan namni tokko iyyuu isa hin hubatu; inni Hafuuraan icciitii dubbata.
3 But he who prophesies speaks to men for their edification, exhortation, and consolation.
Namni raajii dubbatu garuu isaan ijaaruuf, gorsuu fi jajjabeessuuf jedhee namootatti dubbata.
4 He who speaks in another language edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the assembly.
Namni afaan haaraan dubbatu ofuma isaa cimsa; kan raajii dubbatu garuu waldaa kiristaanaa cimsa.
5 Now I desire to have you all speak with other languages, but even more that you would prophesy. For he is greater who prophesies than he who speaks with other languages, unless he interprets, that the assembly may be built up.
Ani akka hundi keessan afaan haaraan dubbattan nan barbaada; caalaatti garuu akka raajii dubbatan nan jaalladha. Namni afaan haaraan dubbatu tokko akka waldaan kiristaanaa ittiin jajjabaattuuf jedhee waan dubbatu sana yoo hiikuu baate isa afaan haaraan dubbatu irra isa raajii dubbatutu caala.
6 But now, brothers, if I come to you speaking with other languages, what would I profit you unless I speak to you either by way of revelation, or of knowledge, or of prophesying, or of teaching?
Egaa yaa obboloota, ani yoon mulʼata yookaan beekumsa yookaan raajii yookaan barsiisa tokko tokko isinitti hime malee yoon afaan haaraa qofa dubbachaa gara keessan dhufe maal isin fayyada?
7 Even lifeless things that make a sound, whether pipe or harp, if they didn’t give a distinction in the sounds, how would it be known what is piped or harped?
Kunis meeshaa lubbuu hin qabne kan akka ululleetii fi kiraaraa kanneen sagalee kennan biratti illee akkanuma; ululleen afuufamee yookaan kiraarri rukutamee yoo sagaleen isaa gargar baafame malee namni tokko akkamitti addaan baasee beekuu dandaʼa?
8 For if the trumpet gave an uncertain sound, who would prepare himself for war?
Yoo sagaleen malakataa addaan baafamee beekame malees eenyutu lolaaf qophaaʼa?
9 So also you, unless you uttered by the tongue words easy to understand, how would it be known what is spoken? For you would be speaking into the air.
Isinis akkasuma. Yoo afaan keessaniin dubbii hubatamaa dubbattan malee namni tokko akkamitti waan isin jettan sana beekuu dandaʼa? Qilleensatti dubbachuu keessaniitii.
10 There are, it may be, so many kinds of languages in the world, and none of them is without meaning.
Akka afaan gosa garaa garaa addunyaa irra jiran hin shakkamu. Garuu isaan keessaa kan hiikkaa hin qabne tokko iyyuu hin jiru.
11 If then I don’t know the meaning of the language, I would be to him who speaks a foreigner, and he who speaks would be a foreigner to me.
Kanaafuu ani yoon hiikkaa waan namni tokko dubbatuu hubachuu baadhe ani namicha dubbatu sanatti alagaa dha. Namichi dubbatu sunis anatti alagaa dha.
12 So also you, since you are zealous for spiritual gifts, seek that you may abound to the building up of the assembly.
Isinis akkasuma. Isin waan jabeessitanii kennaawwan Hafuuraa qabaachuu barbaaddaniif, kennaawwan waldaa kiristaanaa cimsan jabeessaatii barbaadaa.
13 Therefore let him who speaks in another language pray that he may interpret.
Kanaaf namni afaan haaraan dubbatu tokko akka waan dubbatu sana hiikuu dandaʼuuf kadhachuu qaba.
14 For if I pray in another language, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful.
Yoo ani afaan haaraan kadhadhe hafuurri koo ni kadhataatii; qalbiin koo garuu hin hirmaatu.
15 What should I do? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also. I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.
Yoos ani maalan godha ree? Hafuura kootiin nan kadhadha; qalbii kootiinis nan kadhadha; hafuura kootiin nan faarfadha; qalbii kootiinis nan faarfadha.
16 Otherwise, if you bless with the spirit, how will he who fills the place of the unlearned say the “Amen” at your giving of thanks, seeing he doesn’t know what you say?
Yoo kanaa achii utuu ati hafuura keetiin Waaqa galateeffachuutti jirtuu, namni iddoo warra hin baratinii taaʼe tokko waan ati dubbattu waan hin beekiniif akkamitti galata ati dhiʼeessitu sanaaf “Ameen” jechuu dandaʼaa?
17 For you most certainly give thanks well, but the other person is not built up.
Ati dhugumaan sirriitti galateeffata taʼa; namni kaan garuu ittiin hin jajjabeeffamu.
18 I thank my God, I speak with other languages more than you all.
Ani waanan hunduma keessan caalaa afaan haaraan dubbadhuuf Waaqa nan galateeffadha.
19 However, in the assembly I would rather speak five words with my understanding, that I might instruct others also, than ten thousand words in another language.
Waldaa kiristaanaa keessatti garuu dubbii kuma kudhan afaan haaraan dubbachuu irra warra kaan barsiisuuf dubbii hubatamaa shan dubbachuu nan barbaada.
20 Brothers, don’t be children in thoughts, yet in malice be babies, but in thoughts be mature.
Yaa obboloota, akka ijoolleetti yaaduu dhiisaa; waan hamaaf daaʼimman taʼaa; hubannaadhaan garuu nama guddaa taʼaa.
21 In the law it is written, “By men of strange languages and by the lips of strangers I will speak to this people. They won’t even listen to me that way, says the Lord.”
Seera keessatti akkana jedhamee barreeffameera: “Ani afaan biraatiin, afaan alagootaatiinis saba kanatti nan dubbadha; isaan garuu yeroo sanatti illee na hin dhagaʼan, jedha Gooftaan.”
22 Therefore other languages are for a sign, not to those who believe, but to the unbelieving; but prophesying is for a sign, not to the unbelieving, but to those who believe.
Kanaafuu afaan haaraan dubbachuun warra hin amaniniif mallattoo taʼa malee warra amananiif miti; raajii dubbachuun garuu warra amananiif malee warra hin amaniniif miti.
23 If therefore the whole assembly is assembled together and all speak with other languages, and unlearned or unbelieving people come in, won’t they say that you are crazy?
Egaa waldaan amantootaa guutuun walitti qabamee yoo hundi isaanii afaan haaraan dubbatan, yoo namoonni hin baratin yookaan namoonni hin amanne ol seenan isin maraattaniirtu isiniin hin jedhanii?
24 But if all prophesy, and someone unbelieving or unlearned comes in, he is reproved by all, and he is judged by all.
Utuu namni hundi raajii dubbachaa jiruu yoo namni hin amanne tokko yookaan namni hin baratin tokko ol seene inni akka cubbamaa taʼe nama hundaan ni amansiifama; nama hundaanis isatti murama;
25 And thus the secrets of his heart are revealed. So he will fall down on his face and worship God, declaring that God is among you indeed.
icciitiin garaa isaa keessaas ifatti ni baafama. Innis, “Waaqni dhugumaan isin gidduu jira” jedhee dubbachaa addaan lafatti gombifamee Waaqa waaqeffata.
26 What is it then, brothers? When you come together, each one of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has another language, or has an interpretation. Let all things be done to build each other up.
Yaa obboloota, egaa maal jenna ree? Yommuu isin walitti qabamtanitti namni hundi faarfannaa yookaan barsiisa yookaan mulʼata yookaan afaan haaraa yookaan hiikkaa afaan haaraa sanaa qaba. Wanni hundinuu waldaa kiristaanaa cimsuuf hojjetamuu qabu.
27 If any man speaks in another language, let there be two, or at the most three, and in turn; and let one interpret.
Namni afaan haaraan dubbatu yoo jiraate lama yookaan yoo baayʼate sadii taʼanii dabaree dabareen haa dubbatan; namni tokko immoo haa hiiku.
28 But if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in the assembly, and let him speak to himself and to God.
Yoo namni hiiku jiraachuu baate garuu namichi dubbatu sun waldaa kiristaanaa keessatti calʼisee ofii isaattii fi Waaqatti haa dubbatu.
29 Let two or three of the prophets speak, and let the others discern.
Raajonnis lama yookaan sadii taʼanii haa dubbatan; warri kaan immoo waan dubbatamu sana haa madaalan.
30 But if a revelation is made to another sitting by, let the first keep silent.
Yoo warra achi taaʼan keessaa isa tokkoof mulʼanni dhufe, namichi duraan dubbachaa ture sun haa calʼisu.
31 For you all can prophesy one by one, that all may learn and all may be exhorted.
Namni hundi akka baratuuf, hundinuus akka jajjabeeffamuuf dabaree dabareedhaan raajii dubbachuu ni dandeessuutii.
32 The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets,
Hafuuronni raajotaa raajotaaf ni ajajamu.
33 for God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the assemblies of the saints.
Waaqni akka waldoota qulqullootaa hundumaa keessatti taʼaa jiru kana Waaqa jeequmsaa utuu hin taʼin Waaqa nagaa ti.
34 Let the wives be quiet in the assemblies, for it has not been permitted for them to be talking except in submission, as the law also says,
Dubartoonni waldaa kiristaanaa keessatti haa calʼisan. Akka seerri jedhutti isaan akka ajajaman malee akka dubbatan hin eeyyamamneefiitii.
35 if they desire to learn anything. “Let them ask their own husbands at home, for it is shameful for a wife to be talking in the assembly.”
Wanti isaan beekuu barbaadan yoo jiraate manatti dhirsa isaanii haa gaafatan; dubartiin tokko waldaa kiristaanaa keessatti dubbachuun qaaniidhaatii.
36 What!? Was it from you that the word of God went out? Or did it come to you alone?
Dubbiin Waaqaa isin keessaa argamee? Yookaan isinuma qofa bira gaʼee?
37 If any man thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize the things which I write to you, that they are the commandment of the Lord.
Eenyu iyyuu yoo raajii yookaan nama Hafuuraa of seʼe akka wanni ani amma isiniif barreessu kun ajaja Gooftaa taʼe haa beeku.
38 But if anyone is ignorant, let him be ignorant.
Namni kam iyyuu yoo waan kana beekuu baate, inni hin beekin.
39 Therefore, brothers, desire earnestly to prophesy, and don’t forbid speaking with other languages.
Kanaaf yaa obboloota ko, raajii dubbachuu jabeessaatii hawwaa; afaan haaraan dubbachuus hin dhowwinaa.
40 Let all things be done decently and in order.
Wanti hundinuu garuu karaa qajeelaa fi sirna qabeessa taʼeen hojjetamuu qaba.

< 1 Corinthians 14 >