< 1 Chronicles 27 >

1 Now the children of Israel after their number, the heads of fathers’ households and the captains of thousands and of hundreds, and their officers who served the king in any matter of the divisions which came in and went out month by month throughout all the months of the year—of every division were twenty-four thousand.
Nantu uluhlu lwabako-Israyeli, inhloko zezimuli, abalawuli bezinkulungwane labalawuli bamakhulu, ababesebenzela inkosi kulokho okuqondane lamaviyo empi ayefanele ukuzophisana ngenyanga kuze kuyephela umnyaka. Iviyo lilinye lalilamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lane.
2 Over the first division for the first month was Jashobeam the son of Zabdiel. In his division were twenty-four thousand.
Owayephethe iviyo lakuqala, ngenyanga yakuqala, kwakunguJashobheyamu indodana kaZabhidiyeli. Kwakulamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lane esigabeni sakhe.
3 He was of the children of Perez, the chief of all the captains of the army for the first month.
Yena wayengowosendo lukaPherezi njalo eyinduna yezikhulu zonke zamabutho okwenyanga yakuqala.
4 Over the division of the second month was Dodai the Ahohite and his division, and Mikloth the ruler; and in his division were twenty-four thousand.
Owayephethe iviyo ngenyanga yesibili kwakunguDodayi wako-Ahohi; uMikhilothi engumkhokheli weviyo lakhe. Kwakulamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lane eviyweni lakhe.
5 The third captain of the army for the third month was Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada the chief priest. In his division were twenty-four thousand.
Umlawuli wamabutho wesithathu, owezopho lesithathu, kwakunguBhenaya indodana kaJehoyada umphristi. Wayeyinduna, njalo esigabeni sakhe kwakulamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lane.
6 This is that Benaiah who was the mighty man of the thirty and over the thirty. Of his division was Ammizabad his son.
Nguyenalo uBhenaya owayeliqhawe phakathi kwamaTshumi amaThathu njalo eyinduna yamaTshumi amaThathu. Indodana yakhe u-Amizabhadi yayiphethe iviyo lakhe.
7 The fourth captain for the fourth month was Asahel the brother of Joab, and Zebadiah his son after him. In his division were twenty-four thousand.
Owesine, owezopho lenyanga yesine, kwakungu-Asaheli umfowabo kaJowabi; indodana yakhe uZebhadiya wasala esethatha isikhundla sakhe. Kwakulamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lane eviyweni lakhe.
8 The fifth captain for the fifth month was Shamhuth the Izrahite. In his division were twenty-four thousand.
Owesihlanu, owezopho lenyanga yesihlanu, kwakungumlawuli uShamihuthi owako-Izira. Kwakulamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lane eviyweni lakhe.
9 The sixth captain for the sixth month was Ira the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite. In his division were twenty-four thousand.
Owesithupha, owezopho lenyanga yesithupha, kwakungu-Ira indodana ka-Ikheshi waseThekhowa. Kwakulamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lane eviyweni lakhe.
10 The seventh captain for the seventh month was Helez the Pelonite, of the children of Ephraim. In his division were twenty-four thousand.
Owesikhombisa, owezopho lenyanga yesikhombisa, kwakunguHelezi umPheloni, owako-Efrayimi. Kwakulamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lane eviyweni lakhe.
11 The eighth captain for the eighth month was Sibbecai the Hushathite, of the Zerahites. In his division were twenty-four thousand.
Owesificaminwembili, owezopho lenyanga yesificaminwembili, kwakunguSibhekhayi umHushathi wakoZera. Kwakulamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lane eviyweni lakhe.
12 The ninth captain for the ninth month was Abiezer the Anathothite, of the Benjamites. In his division were twenty-four thousand.
Owesificamunwemunye, owezopho lesificamunwemunye, kwakungu-Abhiyezeri umʼAnathothi owakoBhenjamini. Kwakulamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lane eviyweni lakhe.
13 The tenth captain for the tenth month was Maharai the Netophathite, of the Zerahites. In his division were twenty-four thousand.
Owetshumi, owezopho lenyanga yetshumi, kwakunguMaharayi umNethofa wakoZera. Kwakulamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lane eviyweni lakhe.
14 The eleventh captain for the eleventh month was Benaiah the Pirathonite, of the children of Ephraim. In his division were twenty-four thousand.
Owetshumi lanye, owezopho lenyanga yetshumi lanye, kwakunguBhenaya umPhirathoni wako-Efrayimi. Kwakulamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lane eviyweni lakhe.
15 The twelfth captain for the twelfth month was Heldai the Netophathite, of Othniel. In his division were twenty-four thousand.
Owetshumi lambili, owezopho lenyanga yetshumi lambili, kwakunguHelidayi umNethofa, owemuli ka-Othiniyeli. Kwakulamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lane eviyweni lakhe.
16 Furthermore over the tribes of Israel: of the Reubenites, Eliezer the son of Zichri was the ruler; of the Simeonites, Shephatiah the son of Maacah;
Izikhulu ezizwaneni zako-Israyeli yilezi: KwabakoRubheni: ngu-Eliyezari indodana kaZikhiri; kwabakoSimiyoni, nguShefathiya indodana kaMahakha;
17 of Levi, Hashabiah the son of Kemuel; of Aaron, Zadok;
kwabakoLevi: nguHashabhiya indodana kaKhemuweli; kwabako-Aroni: nguZadokhi;
18 of Judah, Elihu, one of the brothers of David; of Issachar, Omri the son of Michael;
kwabakoJuda: ngu-Elihu, umfowabo kaDavida; kwabaka-Isakhari: ngu-Omri indodana kaMikhayeli;
19 of Zebulun, Ishmaiah the son of Obadiah; of Naphtali, Jeremoth the son of Azriel;
kwabakoZebhuluni: ngu-Ishimaya indodana ka-Obhadaya; kwabakoNafithali: nguJerimothi indodana ka-Aziriyeli
20 of the children of Ephraim, Hoshea the son of Azaziah; of the half-tribe of Manasseh, Joel the son of Pedaiah;
kwabako-Efrayimi: nguHosheya indodana ka-Azaziya; kwabayingxenye yesizwana sikaManase: nguJoweli indodana kaPhedaya;
21 of the half-tribe of Manasseh in Gilead, Iddo the son of Zechariah; of Benjamin, Jaasiel the son of Abner;
kwabayingxenye yesizwana sikaManase eGiliyadi: ngu-Ido indodana kaZakhariya; kwabakoBhenjamini: nguJasiyeli indodana ka-Abhineri;
22 of Dan, Azarel the son of Jeroham. These were the captains of the tribes of Israel.
kwabakoDani: ngu-Azareli indodana kaJerohamu. Laba babeyizikhulu ezizwaneni zako-Israyeli.
23 But David didn’t take the number of them from twenty years old and under, because Yahweh had said he would increase Israel like the stars of the sky.
UDavida kazange abhale phansi inani lamadoda ayeleminyaka engamatshumi amabili lababengaphansi kwaleyo, ngoba uThixo wayethembise ukuthi wayezakwandisa u-Israyeli abe njengezinkanyezi emkhathini.
24 Joab the son of Zeruiah began to take a census, but didn’t finish; and wrath came on Israel for this. The number wasn’t put into the account in the chronicles of King David.
UJowabi indodana kaZeruya waqalisa ukubala amadoda kodwa kaqedanga. Ulaka lwehlela u-Israyeli ngenxa yalokho kubalwa ngakho inani lelo alibhalwanga encwadini yezindaba zeNkosi uDavida.
25 Over the king’s treasures was Azmaveth the son of Adiel. Over the treasures in the fields, in the cities, in the villages, and in the towers was Jonathan the son of Uzziah;
U-Azimavethi indodana ka-Adiyeli wayephethe iziphala zesikhosini. UJonathani indodana ka-Uziya wayephethe iziphala emaphandleni ezabelweni, emadolobheni, emizini kanye lasezilindweni.
26 Over those who did the work of the field for tillage of the ground was Ezri the son of Chelub.
U-Eziri indodana kaKhelubi wayephethe izisebenzi emaphandleni ezazilima amasimu.
27 Over the vineyards was Shimei the Ramathite. Over the increase of the vineyards for the wine cellars was Zabdi the Shiphmite.
UShimeyi umʼRamathi wayephethe izivini. UZabhidi waseShefama wayephethe izithelo zezivini zokwenza iwayini.
28 Over the olive trees and the sycamore trees that were in the lowland was Baal Hanan the Gederite. Over the cellars of oil was Joash.
UBhali-Hanani umGederi wayephethe izihlahla zama-oliva lomkhiwane wesikhamore emawatheni ezintatshana zasentshonalanga. UJowashi wayephethe amafutha e-oliva.
29 Over the herds that fed in Sharon was Shitrai the Sharonite. Over the herds that were in the valleys was Shaphat the son of Adlai.
UShithirayi umSharoni wayephethe imihlambi eyayisemadlelweni aseSharoni. UShafathi indodana ka-Adilayi, wayephethe imihlambi ezihotsheni.
30 Over the camels was Obil the Ishmaelite. Over the donkeys was Jehdeiah the Meronothite. Over the flocks was Jaziz the Hagrite.
U-Obhili owako-Ishumayeli wayephethe amakamela, uJehideya owakoMeronothi ephethe ezabobabhemi.
31 All these were the rulers of the property which was King David’s.
UJazizi umHagari wayephethe ezemihlambi yezimvu. Bonke laba babeyizikhulu ezaziphethe impahla zenkosi uDavida.
32 Also Jonathan, David’s uncle, was a counselor, a man of understanding, and a scribe. Jehiel the son of Hachmoni was with the king’s sons.
UJonathani, isihlobo sikaDavida, wayengumcebisi, indoda ehlakaniphileyo njalo engumbhali. UJehiyeli indodana kaHakhimoni wayephethe amadodana enkosi.
33 Ahithophel was the king’s counselor. Hushai the Archite was the king’s friend.
U-Ahithofeli wayengumcebisi wenkosi. UHushayi owako-Arikhi wayengumngane wenkosi.
34 After Ahithophel was Jehoiada the son of Benaiah, and Abiathar. Joab was the captain of the king’s army.
UJehoyada indodana kaBhenaya nguye owathatha isikhundla sika-Ahithofeli kwalandela u-Abhiyathari. UJowabi wayengumlawuli webutho lenkosi.

< 1 Chronicles 27 >