< Judges 1 >

1 After the death of Joshua, the people of Israel asked Yahweh, saying, “Who first will attack the Canaanites for us, to fight against them?”
MAHOPE iho o ka make ana o Iosua, ninau aku la ka poe mamo a Iseraela ia Iehova, i aku la, Owai ko makou mea e pii mua aku i ke alo o ko Kanaana, e kaua aku ia lakou?
2 Yahweh said, “Judah will attack. See, I have given them control of this land.”
I mai la o Iehova, E pii ae ka Iuda; aia hoi, ua haawi au i ka aina i kona lima.
3 The men of Judah said to men of Simeon, their brothers, “Come up with us into our territory that was assigned to us that together we may fight against the Canaanites. We will likewise go with you to the territory that was assigned to you.” So the tribe of Simeon went with them.
I ae la ka Iuda i ka Simeona, i kona kaikuaana, E hele pu oe me au, ma ko'u hele ana, i kaua aku kakou i ko Kanaana, a e hele pu no hoi au me oe, ma kou hele ana. A hele pu aku la ka Simeona me ia.
4 The men of Judah attacked, and Yahweh gave them victory over the Canaanites and the Perizzites. They killed ten thousand of them at Bezek.
Pii aku la ka Iuda, a haawi mai la o Iehova i ko Kanaana, a me ka Pereza, i ko lakou lima. A luku aku la lakou i kela poe ma Bezeka, he umi tausani kanaka.
5 They found Adoni-Bezek at Bezek, and they fought against him and defeated the Canaanites and the Perizzites.
A ma Bezeka, loaa ia lakou o Adonibezeka; a kaua aku la lakou ia ia, a luku aku la lakou i ko Kanaana, a me ka Pereza.
6 But Adoni-Bezek fled, and they pursued him and caught him, and they cut off his thumbs and his big toes.
Holo aku la o Adonibezeka, a hahai aku la lakou ia ia, a loaa oia, alaila ooki ae la lakou i na manamana nui o kona mau lima, a me na manamana nui o kona mau wawae.
7 Adoni-Bezek said, “Seventy kings, who had their thumbs and their big toes cut off, gathered their food from under my table. As I have done, even so God has done to me.” They brought him to Jerusalem, and he died there.
I ae la o Adonibezeka, He kanahiku alii, ua okiia na manamana nui o ko lakou lima, a me ko lakou wawae, hoiliili lakou malalo iho o ko'u papaaina. E like me ka'u i hana aku ai, pela i hoopai mai ai ke Akua ia'u. Lawe ae la lakou ia ia i Ierusalema, a malaila ia i make ai
8 The men of Judah fought against the city of Jerusalem and took it. They attacked it with the edge of the sword and they set the city on fire.
Ua kaua aku ka poe mamo a Iuda, a ua hoopio, a ua luku aku ia Ierusalema, i ka maka o ka pahikaua, a ua puhi aku ia kulanakauhale i ke ahi.
9 After that, the men of Judah went down to fight against the Canaanites who lived in the hill country, in the Negev, and the western foothills.
A mahope iho hele ae la na mamo a Iuda e kaua aku i ko Kanaana, i ka poe i noho ma ka mauna, a ma ka aoao hema, a ma ka papu.
10 Judah advanced against the Canaanites who lived in Hebron (the name of Hebron was previously Kiriath Arba), and they defeated Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai.
Hele ka e aku la ka Iuda i ko Kanaana, i ka poe i noho ma Heberona; o Kiriatareba ka inoa kahiko o Heberona; a pepehi aku la lakou ia Sesai, a me Ahimana, a me Talemai.
11 From there the men of Judah advanced against the inhabitants of Debir (the name of Debir was previously Kiriath Sepher).
A malaila aku lakou i hele ai e ku e ia Debira; o Kiriatesepera ka inoa kahiko o Debira.
12 Caleb said, “Whoever attacks Kiriath Sepher and takes it, I will give him Aksah, my daughter, to be his wife.”
I iho la o Kaleba, O ka mea nana e pepehi ia Kiriatesepera, a e hoopio iho, e haawi aku au ia Akesa, i ka'u kaikamahine, i wahine nana.
13 Othniel, son of Kenaz (Caleb's younger brother) captured Debir, so Caleb gave him Aksah, his daughter, to be his wife.
Na Oteniela, ke keiki a Kenaza, ke kaikaina o Kaleba i hoopio aku ia wahi; a haawi iho la oia ia Akesa, i kana kaikamahine, i wahine nana.
14 Soon Aksah came to Othniel, and she urged him to ask her father to give her a field. As she was getting off her donkey, Caleb asked her, “What can I do for you?”
Eia hoi kekahi, a hiki mai ka wahine io na la, koi ae la oia ia ia e noi aku i kona makuakane i aina. A iho iho la ia mai luna mai o ka hoki. Ninau ae la o Kaleba i ke kaikamahine, Heaha kau?
15 She said to him, “Give me a blessing. Since you have given me the land of the Negev, also give me springs of water.” So Caleb gave her the upper springs and the lower springs.
I mai la kela, E haawi mai oe ia'u i mea e pomaikai ai. No ka mea, ua haawi mai oe ia'u i aina ma ke kukuluhema; e haawi mai no hoi oe i na kumuwai. A haawi mai la o Kaleba i na kumuwai luna a me na kumuwai lalo.
16 The descendants of Moses' father-in-law the Kenite went up from the City of Palms with the people of Judah, into the wilderness of Judah, which is in the Negev, to live with the people of Judah near Arad.
Pii aku la na mamo a ka mea no Keni, a ka makuahonowai kane o Mose, mai ke kulanakauhale o na laau pama aku, me na mamo a Iuda, a i ka waonahele o ka Iuda, aia no ia ma ka aoao hema o Arada; a hele ae la lakou a noho pu iho la me kanaka.
17 The men of Judah went with the men of Simeon their brothers and they attacked the Canaanites who inhabited Zephath and they completely destroyed it. The name of the city was called Hormah.
Hele pu aku la ka Iuda, me ka Simeona, kona kaikuaana, a luku aku la lakou i ko Kanaana, ka poe i noho ma Zepata, a hooki loa iho la ia wahi. Ua kapaia ka inoa o ia kulanakauhale, o Horema.
18 The people of Judah also captured Gaza and the land around it, Ashkelon and the land around it, and Ekron and the land around it.
Hoopio iho la ka Iuda ia Gaza a me ko laila mau mokuna, a ia Asekelona kekahi me ko laila mau mokuna, a ia Ekerona hoi me ko laila mau mokuna.
19 Yahweh was with the people of Judah and they took possession of the hill country, but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the plains because they had iron chariots.
O Iehova pu no kekahi me ka Iuda, a loaa ia lakou ka mauna; aole hiki ia lakou ke kipaku aku i ka poe i noho ma na aina haahaa, no ka mea, he hao ko lakou kaakaua.
20 Hebron was given to Caleb (like Moses had said), and he drove out from there the three sons of Anak.
A haawi ae la lakou ia Heberona no Kaleba, e like me ka Mose i olelo mai ai. A kipaku aku la ia, malaila aku, i na keiki ekolu a Anaka.
21 But the people of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites who inhabited Jerusalem. So the Jebusites have lived with the people of Benjamin in Jerusalem to this day.
Aole i kipaku na mamo a Beniamina i ka Iebusi, i noho ma Ierusalema; aka, noho pu no ka Iebusi me na mamo a Beniamina ma Ierusalema, a hiki loa mai i keia la.
22 The house of Joseph prepared to attack Bethel, and Yahweh was with them.
O ka ohana a Iosepa kekahi i pii, e kaua aku ia Betela; a o Iehova pu no me lakou.
23 They sent out men to spy on Bethel (the city that was formerly called Luz).
Kiu aku ka ohana a Iosepa ia Betela. o Luza ka inoa kahiko o ia kulanakauhale.
24 The spies saw a man coming out of the city, and they said to him, “Show us, please, how to get into the city, and we will be kind to you.”
Ike aku la na kiu i kekahi kanaka, mai ke kulanakauhale ia i hele mai ai. I aku la lakou ia ia, E kuhikuhi mai oe ia makou, i kahi e komo aku ai iloko o ke kulanakauhale, a e hana lokomaikai aku makou ia oe.
25 He showed them a way into the city, and so they attacked the city with the edge of the sword, but they let the man and all his family get away.
Kuhikuhi mai la oia ia lakou i kahi o komo aku ai iloko o ke kulanakauhale, a luku aku la lakou ia kulanakauhale i ka maka o ka pahi kaua; a kuu aku la lakou i ua kanaka la, a me kona poe a pau.
26 Then the man went to the land of the Hittites and built a city and called it Luz, which is its name to this day.
A hele aku la ua kanaka nei i ka aina o ka Heta, a kukulu iho la i kulanakauhale, a kapa aku la i ka inoa, o Luza, oia hoi kona inoa a hiki mai i neia la.
27 The people of Manasseh did not drive out the people living in the cities of Beth Shan and its villages, or Taanach and its villages, or those who lived in Dor and its villages, or those who lived in Ibleam and its villages, or those who lived in Megiddo and its villages, because the Canaanites were determined to live in that land.
Aole i kipaku ka Manase i ko Beteseana, a me ko laila mau wahi; aole hoi i ko Taanaka, a me ko laila mau wahi, aole i ka poe i noho ma Dora, a me ko laila mau wahi; aole i ka poe i noho ma Ibeleama, a me ko laila mau wahi, aole i ka poe i noho ma Megido, a me ko laila mau wahi; aka, hoopaa no ko Kanaana i ko lakou noho ana ma ia aina.
28 When Israel became strong, they forced the Canaanites to serve them with hard labor, but they never drove them out completely.
A hiki i ka manawa i ikaika ai ka Iseraela, auhau aku la lakou i ko Kanaana, aole i kipaku loa ia lakou.
29 Ephraim did not drive out the Canaanites who lived in Gezer, so the Canaanites continued to live in Gezer among them.
Aole hoi i kipaku ka Eperaima i ko Kanaana i noho ma Gezera. Noho pu no ko Kanaana me lakou ma Gezera.
30 Zebulun did not drive out the people living in Kitron, or the people living in Nahalol, and so the Canaanites continued to live among them, but Zebulun forced the Canaanites to serve them with hard labor.
Aole hoi i kipaku aku ka Zebuluna i ka poe i noho ma Kiterona, aole i ka poe i noho ma Nahalola. Noho pu no ko Kanaana mo lakou, a lilo lakou i poe i hookupu mai.
31 Asher did not drive out the people living in Akko, or the people living in Sidon, or those living in Ahlab, Akzib, Helbah, Aphek, or Rehob.
Aole hoi i kipaku aku o Asera i ka poe i noho ma Ako, aole i ka poe i noho ma Zidona, aole i ko Ahelaba, aole i ko Akeziba, aole i ko Helaba, aole i ko Apika, aole i ko Rehoba.
32 So the tribe of Asher lived among the Canaanites (those who lived in the land), because they did not drive them out.
Noho pu no ka Asera me ko Kanaana, na kanaka o ka aina, no ka mea, aole lakou i kipaku aku ia poe.
33 The tribe of Naphtali did not drive out those who were living in Beth Shemesh, or those living in Beth Anath. So the tribe of Naphtali lived among the Canaanites (the people who were living in that land). However, the inhabitants of Beth Shemesh and Beth Anath were forced into hard labor for Naphthali.
Aole hoi i kipaku aku ka Napetali i ka poe i noho ma Betesemesa, aole hoi i ka poe i noho ma Beteanata; noho pu no lakou me ko Kanaana, na kanaka o ka aina; aka, lilo na kanaka o Betesemesa, a me Beteanata, i poe hookupu mai na lakou.
34 The Amorites forced the tribe of Dan to live in the hill country, not allowing them to come down to the plain.
Hooke aku la ka Amora i na mamo a Dana, a hiki iluna o ka puu. Aole lakou i ae aku ke iho mai ia poe i na aina papu.
35 So the Amorites lived at Mount Heres, in Aijalon, and in Shaalbim, but the military might of the house of Joseph conquered them, and they were forced to serve them with hard labor.
Hoopaa no ka Amora i ko lakou noho ana ma ka mauna o Heresa, a ma Aialona, a ma Saalebima: aka, ua kaumaha aku no ka lima o ko Iosepa poe, a lilo kela i poe hookupu mai.
36 The border of the Amorites ran from the hill of Akrabbim at Sela up into the hill country.
O na mokuna o ka Amora, mai ka puu o Akerabima aku ia, a mai I Sela aku no.

< Judges 1 >