< Titus 1 >

1 From Paul, a servant of God, and an Apostle of Jesus Christ, charged to strengthen the faith of God’s Chosen People, and their knowledge of that Truth which makes for godliness
Nne Pauli, ntumwa jwa a Nnungu na ntume jwa a Yeshu Kilishitu, njitumwa kwa ligongo lya bhanndunji bhaagwilwenje na a Nnungu, kwaalongoyanga ku ngulupai na kweli na namuna ja mmbone ja tama malinga shibhaapinga a Nnungu.
2 and is based on the hope of Immortal Life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began, (aiōnios g166)
Na kwa nneyo, ngulupai yabhonji yaapeleshelanje nnolelo gwa gumi gwa pitipiti gubhalajile a Nnungu, kuumila bhukala shilambolyo shikanabhe panganywa, na bhenebho bhakabheleketa ya unami. (aiōnios g166)
3 and has revealed at his own time in his Message, with the proclamation of which I was entrusted by the command of God our Saviour.
Gubhagatendile malobhe gabho gamanyishe kwa malanga gubhapanjile, kwa ntenga gubhangamwiye, niinajila nunguye kwa mashili gabho bhayene a Nnungu bhaatapula bhetu.
4 To Titus, my true Child in our one Faith: May God, the Father, and Christ Jesus, our Saviour, bless you and give you peace.
Jene bhaluwa jino, ngunakukujandishila ugwe Tito mwanangu jwa kweli nngulupai jikutulundanya pamo. Nema na ulele kukopoka kwa Atati a Nnungu na kwa a Yeshu Kilishitu Bhaatapula bhetu, ibhe na ugwe.
5 My reason for leaving you in Crete was that you might put in order what had been left unsettled, and appoint Officers of the Church in the various towns, as I myself directed you.
Nashinkukuleka ku Kilete shilambo shitimbililwe na mashi, nkupinga umalishiye maengo galepeshe, na kwaabhikanga bhanangulungwa mmakanisha, kila shilambo malinga shinakulajile.
6 They are to be men of irreproachable character, who are faithful husbands, whose children are Christians and have never been charged with dissolute conduct or have been unruly.
Nkulungwa jwa likanisha anabhe mundu jwa gambwa. Alombe jwankongwe jumo, anabhe mundu jwa matala, na ashibhana bhabho bhabhanganje Bhakilishitu ukoto, wala bhanakolanje sha gambwa kwa itendi ya shonanga na ungakunda.
7 For a Presiding-Officer, as God’s steward, ought to be a man of irreproachable character; not self-willed or quick-tempered, nor addicted to drink or to brawling or to questionable money-making.
Pabha nkulungwa jwa likanisha anapinjikwa abhe mundu jwangali sha gambwa, pabha jwenejo ni mundu ajimilila liengo lya a Nnungu, anabhe mundu jwa mbwinya, eu jwa nngomo, eu jwa kolelwa, na wala anabhe jwa mipwai, na anabhe mundu jwangajogopa tokomala ga mmbiya,
8 On the contrary, he should be hospitable, eager for the right, discreet, upright, a man of holy life and capable of self-restraint,
ikabhe abhe mundu jwa poshela bhajeninji na bhapita mpanda, na apinga ya uguja, na abhe mundu jwa lunda na jwa pinga ya aki, na abhe mundu jwa ukonjelo na kwiiluma.
9 who holds doctrine that can be relied on as being in accordance with the accepted Teaching; so that he may be able to encourage others by sound teaching, as well as to refute our opponents.
Anapinjikwa abhe mundu jwa kamulila ukoto lilobhe lya ngulupai malinga shajigenywe, nkupinga akombole kwaataganga ntima bhandu kwa majiganyo ga kweli, na abhapeyanje bhandu bhaataukanga.
10 There are, indeed, many unruly persons — great talkers who deceive themselves, principally converts from Judaism,
Pabha bhapalinji bhandunji bhabhagwinji bhakaakananga, bhakwetenje malobhe gangali mana, bhanaminji, kajekaje bhaatolelelanga ga jaluka kubha shiumilo sha ukilishitu.
11 whose mouths ought to be stopped; for they upset whole households by teaching what they ought not to teach, merely to make questionable gains.
Inaapinjikwa kwaapeyanga bhene bhanganyabho bhanakolanje sha bheleketa, pabha bhanakwaapuganyanga bhandunji bha likaja lyowe, bhalijiganyanga indu ikapinjikwa, nkupinga bhaipatilanje mmbiya kwa tekeya bhandu.
12 It was a Cretan — one of their own teachers — who said: ‘Cretans are always liars, base brutes, and gluttonous idlers’; and his statement is true.
Na mundu jumo akwiitemba nkulondola ashibheleketa kuti, “Bhandunji bha ku Kilete bhanami mobha gowe, bhannyama bha jogoya, na bhandunji bha kongolela kulya, na bhandunji bha ukata.”
13 Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they may be sound in the Faith,
Gene malobhego ga kweli. Kwa nneyo mwaakalipilanje kwa kaje, nkupinga bhaishimilikanje nngulupai ya kweli.
14 and may pay no attention to Jewish legends, or to the directions of those who turn their backs upon the Truth.
Bhanapilikanishiyanje ndango ya unami ya Bhayaudi, wala malajilo ga bhandunji bhaakananga indu ya kweli.
15 Everything is pure to the pure-minded, but to those whose minds are polluted and who are unbelievers nothing is pure. Their minds and consciences are alike polluted.
Kila shindu shinakonja kwa mundu akonjile, ikabheje shakwa sha konja kubhandu bhanyatilenje mitima, na bhanyatilenje lumanyio na ng'aniyo yabhonji ya muntima.
16 They profess to know God, but by their actions they disown him. They are degraded and self-willed; and, as far as anything good is concerned, they are utterly worthless.
Bhandunji bhakuitendanga kuti bhanakwaamanyanga a Nnungu, ikabheje kwa itendi yabhonji bhanakwaakananga, bhandunji bhaatendanga ya nnjimwa, bhaatendebhukenje a Nnungu, na wala bhakapwaanga kwa itendi yoyowe ili ya mmbone.

< Titus 1 >