< Proverbs 2 >

1 My son, listen to what I say, and [consider my instructions to be as valuable as] [MET] a treasure.
Mon fils, si tu reçois mes paroles, Et si tu gardes avec toi mes préceptes,
2 Pay attention to wisdom and try hard to understand it.
Si tu rends ton oreille attentive à la sagesse, Et si tu inclines ton cœur à l’intelligence;
3 Call out [to God] to get insight; plead with him to help you to understand more [of what he wants you to know].
Oui, si tu appelles la sagesse, Et si tu élèves ta voix vers l’intelligence,
4 Search [eagerly] for wisdom, like you would search for silver, like you would search for a treasure that someone has hidden.
Si tu la cherches comme l’argent, Si tu la poursuis comme un trésor,
5 If you do that, you will understand how to revere Yahweh, and you will succeed in knowing God.
Alors tu comprendras la crainte de l’Éternel, Et tu trouveras la connaissance de Dieu.
6 Yahweh is the one who gives us wisdom. He is the one who tells us things that we need to know and understand.
Car l’Éternel donne la sagesse; De sa bouche sortent la connaissance et l’intelligence;
7 He gives good advice to those who conduct their lives as they should. He protects [MET] those who do what is right.
Il tient en réserve le salut pour les hommes droits, Un bouclier pour ceux qui marchent dans l’intégrité,
8 He guards those who act justly/fairly [toward others], and he watches over those who are faithful/loyal [to him].
En protégeant les sentiers de la justice Et en gardant la voie de ses fidèles.
9 [If you ask God for wisdom], you will understand what is right and just [DOU] [to do], and [you will know] the right way to conduct your life,
Alors tu comprendras la justice, l’équité, La droiture, toutes les routes qui mènent au bien.
10 because you will be wise in your inner being; and knowing [what God wants you to know] will cause you to be joyful.
Car la sagesse viendra dans ton cœur, Et la connaissance fera les délices de ton âme;
11 If you know [PRS] how to choose what is right to do and if you understand [what God wants] you to do, God will protect you and guard you and keep you safe.
La réflexion veillera sur toi, L’intelligence te gardera,
12 If you are wise [PRS], you will not do what evil people do, and you will not [believe what] deceitful people say.
Pour te délivrer de la voie du mal, De l’homme qui tient des discours pervers,
13 Deceitful people have stopped acting fairly/justly [toward others] and (walk on dark and evil paths/do what evil people do) [MET].
De ceux qui abandonnent les sentiers de la droiture Afin de marcher dans des chemins ténébreux,
14 They enjoy doing what is wrong; they like to do what is evil and to deceive [people].
Qui trouvent de la jouissance à faire le mal, Qui mettent leur plaisir dans la perversité,
15 They (walk on crooked paths/always deceive others) and are always dishonest.
Qui suivent des sentiers détournés, Et qui prennent des routes tortueuses;
16 If you are wise [PRS], you will [also] be saved from (immoral women/prostitutes); you will not pay attention when adulterous women try to (seduce/entice you by what they say.)
Pour te délivrer de la femme étrangère, De l’étrangère qui emploie des paroles doucereuses,
17 Those women have left the husbands whom they married when they were young; they have disregarded the solemn promise they made to God [not to commit adultery].
Qui abandonne l’ami de sa jeunesse, Et qui oublie l’alliance de son Dieu;
18 If you go into houses of women who are like that, you will die [when you are still young]; the road [to their houses] leads to hell. (questioned)
Car sa maison penche vers la mort, Et sa route mène chez les morts:
19 No man who (visits/sleeps with) a woman like that will again [live harmoniously with his family]. He will never have a [happy] life again.
Aucun de ceux qui vont à elle ne revient, Et ne retrouve les sentiers de la vie.
20 If [you are wise], you should behave like good men behave. You should (stay on the paths that righteous [people] walk on/do what godly people do) [MET],
Tu marcheras ainsi dans la voie des gens de bien, Tu garderas les sentiers des justes.
21 because only godly people will live in this land [and receive God’s blessings]; [only] those who have not done wrong will stay here [for a long time].
Car les hommes droits habiteront le pays, Les hommes intègres y resteront;
22 Wicked [people] will be expelled from this land, and [people] who are not trustworthy will be thrown {God will throw them} out of it.
Mais les méchants seront retranchés du pays, Les infidèles en seront arrachés.

< Proverbs 2 >