< Genesis 46 >

1 So Jacob left [Canaan], taking with him all his family and possessions. When they arrived at Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to God, the one whom his father Isaac worshiped.
Востав же Израиль сам и вся сущая его, прииде ко кладязю Клятвенному и пожре жертву Богу отца своего Исаака.
2 That night, God called to Jacob in a vision, saying, “Jacob! Jacob!” He replied, “I am here!”
Рече же Бог ко Израилю в видении нощию, глаголя: Иакове, Иакове. Он же рече: что есть?
3 God said, “I am God, the one your father worshiped. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, because I will give you many descendants, and they will become a great nation there.
Он же рече ему: Аз есмь Бог отцев твоих, не убойся изыти во Египет: в язык бо велий сотворю тя тамо:
4 I will go down to Egypt with you, and later I will bring [your descendants] back to Canaan again. And Joseph will be with you [MTY] when you die.” [IDM]
и Аз сниду с тобою во Египет, и Аз возведу тя до конца: и Иосиф возложит руки своя на очи твои.
5 Jacob left Beersheba, and his sons took their father, their wives, and their children, in the carts that the king had sent for them to travel in.
Воста же Иаков от кладязя Клятвеннаго, и взяша сынове Израиля отца своего, и стяжание, и жены своя на колесницы, яже посла Иосиф, взяти его:
6 So Jacob and all his family went to Egypt. They took with them the livestock and all the other possessions that they had acquired in Canaan.
и вземше имения своя и все стяжание, еже стяжаша в земли Ханаанстей, внидоша во Египет Иаков и все семя его с ним:
7 Jacob went to Egypt with all his sons and his daughters and grandsons and granddaughters—his whole family.
сынове и сынове сынов его с ним, дщери и дщери дщерей его, и все семя свое введе во Египет.
8 (Here is/I will now give you) a list of the names of the members of Jacob’s family who went with him to Egypt: Reuben, Jacob’s oldest son; Reuben’s sons Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi; Simeon and his sons Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jakin, Zohar, and Shaul, who was the son of a Canaan people-group woman; Levi and his sons Gershon, Kohath, and Merari; Judah and his sons, Shelah, Perez, and Zerah (his other sons, Er, and Onan, had died in Canaan); Perez and his two sons Hezron and Hamul; Issachar and his sons Tola, Puah, Jashub, and Shimron; Zebulon and his sons Sered, Elon, and Jahleel; (Those were the sons of Jacob and Leah, and their daughter Dinah, who were born in Paddan-Aram/Mesopotamia: There were 33 of them, altogether.) They had Gad and his sons Zephon, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri, Arodi, and Areli; Asher and his sons Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi, and Beriah; and their sister Serah; Beriah’s sons Heber and Malkiel; (Those were the children and grandchildren of Jacob and Zilpah, the slave girl whom Laban gave to his daughter Leah: There were 16 of them, altogether.) Joseph and Benjamin, the sons of Jacob’s wife Rachel; (Ephraim and Manasseh were Joseph’s two sons. [They did not go down to Egypt] because they were already in Egypt. They were sons of Asenath, the daughter of On, who was the priest in the temple in On [city].) Benjamin and his sons Bela, Beker, Ashbel, Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Rosh, Muppim, Huppim, and Ard; (Those were the sons and grandsons of Rachel and Jacob: There were 14 people altogether.) Dan and his son Hushim; Naphtali and his sons Jahziel, Guni, Jezer, and Shillem. (Those were the sons and grandsons of Jacob and Bilhah, the slave girl whom Laban gave to his daughter Rachel: There were seven people altogether.)
Сия же имена сынов Израилевых вшедших во Египет купно со Иаковом отцем своим: Иаков и сынове его: первенец Иаковль Рувим.
Сынове же Рувимли: Енох и Фаллос, Асрон и Харми.
Сынове же Симеони: Иемуил и Иамин, и Аод и Ахин, и Саар и Саул, сын Хананитидин.
Сынове же Левиини: Гирсон, Кааф и Мерарий.
Сынове же Иудины: Ир и Авнан, и Силом и Фарес и Зара: умроша же Ир и Авнан в земли Ханаани. Быша же сынове Фаресу: Есром и Иемуил.
Сынове же Иссахаровы: Фола и Фуа, и Асум и Самвран.
Сынове же Завулони: Серед и Аллон и Ахоил.
Сии сынове Лиини, ихже роди Иакову в Месопотамии Сирстей, и Дину дщерь его: всех душ сынов и дщерей тридесять три.
Сынове же Гадовы: Сафон и Ангис, и Саннис и Фасован, и Аидис и Ароидис и Ареилис.
Сынове же Асировы: Иемна и Ессуа, и Иеул и Вариа, и Сара сестра их. Сынове же Вариины: Ховор и Мелхиил.
Сии сынове Зелфины, юже даде Лаван Лии, дщери своей, яже роди сих Иакову, шестьнадесять душ.
Сынове же Рахили, жены Иаковли: Иосиф и Вениамин.
Быша же сынове Иосифу в земли Египетстей, ихже роди ему Асенефа, дщи Петефриа жреца Илиопольска, Манассию и Ефрема. Быша же сынове Манассиины, ихже роди ему наложница Сира, Махира. Махир же роди Галаада. Сынове же Ефраима, брата Манассиина: Суталаам и Таам. Сынове же Суталаамли, Едом.
Сынове же Вениамини: Вала и Ховор и Асфил. Быша же сынове Валовы: Гира и Ноеман, и Анхис и Рос, и Мамфим и Офимим. Гира же роди Арада.
Сии сынове Рахилины, ихже роди Иакову, всех душ осмьнадесять.
Сынове же Дановы: Асом.
Сынове же Неффалимли: Асиил и Гони, и Иссаар и Селлим.
Сии сынове Валлины, юже даде Лаван Рахили дщери своей, яже роди сих Иакову: всех душ седмь.
26 Altogether there were 66 people who were Jacob’s descendants who went to Egypt with him. That number does not include his sons’ wives.
Всех же душ вшедших со Иаковом во Египет, яже изыдоша из чресл его, кроме жен сынов Иаковлих, всех душ шестьдесят шесть.
27 Including Jacob and Joseph and Joseph’s two sons who were born in Egypt, there were 70 members of Jacob’s family when they were all there in Egypt.
Сынове же Иосифовы, иже быша ему в земли Египетстей, душ девять: всех душ дому Иаковля, яже приидоша со Иаковом во Египет, душ седмьдесят пять.
28 Jacob sent Judah to go ahead of the rest of them to talk with Joseph and ask for directions on how to travel to Goshen. Then [Judah returned to the rest of his family and] they all traveled to the Goshen region. When they arrived there,
Иуду же посла пред собою ко Иосифу срести его у Иройска града в земли Рамессийстей.
29 Joseph got his chariot ready and went to Goshen to meet his father. When Joseph arrived, he threw his arms around his father’s neck and cried a long time.
Впряг же Иосиф колесницы своя, изыде во сретение Израилю, отцу своему, ко Ироону граду: и явився ему, нападе на выю его и плакася плачем великим.
30 Jacob said to Joseph, “I have seen you and I know that you are still alive! So now I am ready to die.”
И рече Израиль ко Иосифу: да умру отныне, понеже видех лице твое: еще бо ты еси жив.
31 Then Joseph said to his [older] brothers [and younger brother] and to the rest of his father’s family, “I will go to the king and say to him, ‘My [older] brothers [and younger brother] and my father and the rest of his family, who were living in Canaan land, have all come to me.
Рече же Иосиф ко братии своей: шед повем фараону и реку ему: братия моя и дом отца моего, иже быша в земли Ханаани, приидоша ко мне:
32 The men are all shepherds. They take care of their livestock, and they have brought with them their sheep and goats and cattle, and everything else that they own.’
они же суть мужие пастуси, мужие бо скотопитателие быша: и скоты, и волы, и вся своя приведоша:
33 When the king summons you and asks, ‘What work do you do?’
аще убо призовет вас фараон и речет вам: что дело ваше есть?
34 answer him by saying, ‘From the time when we were young, we have taken care of livestock, just as our ancestors did.’ If you tell him that, he will let you live in the Goshen region.” Joseph told them to say that because the people of Egypt despised all shepherds.
Рцыте: мужие скотопитателие есмы, раби твои, издетска даже до ныне, и мы и отцы наши: да вселитеся в земли Гесем аравийстей: мерзость бо есть Египтяном всяк пастух овчий.

< Genesis 46 >