< Daniel 10 >

1 During the third year that Cyrus was the king of Persia, I Daniel, [who had been given the] name Belteshazzar, received [another] message [from God]. The message was true, but it was very difficult for me to understand it. But [later] I understood the message because of the vision that I had seen.
En el tercer año del reinado del rey Ciro de Persia, un mensaje fue revelado a Daniel (también llamado Beltsasar). El mensaje era cierto y se refería a un gran conflicto. Él entendió el mensaje y obtuvo la comprensión de la visión.
2 At that time I had been sad for three weeks [about what had happened to Jerusalem].
Cuando esto sucedió, yo, Daniel, había estado de luto durante tres semanas completas.
3 I did not eat any tasty food or any meat or drink any wine. I did not even put any perfumed oil on my [face or hair] for those three weeks.
No comía nada bueno. Ni carne ni vino pasaron por mis labios. No usé aceites perfumados hasta que pasaron esas tres semanas.
4 [When those three weeks ended, ] on April 23, [my companions and] I were standing on the bank of the great Tigris River.
El día veinticuatro del primer mes estaba yo en la orilla del gran río Tigris.
5 I looked up and saw someone there who was wearing fine white/linen clothes and a belt [made of] pure gold.
Miré a mi alrededor y vi a un hombre vestido de lino, y alrededor de su cintura había un cinturón de oro puro.
6 His body [shone] like a precious beryl stone. His face was as [bright as] a flash of lightning. His eyes [were/shone] like flaming torches. His arms and legs [shone] like polished bronze. And his voice was [very loud], like the roar of a huge crowd.
Su cuerpo brillaba como una joya; su rostro era tan brillante como un relámpago; sus ojos eran como antorchas ardientes; sus brazos y piernas brillaban como el bronce pulido; y su voz sonaba como el rugido de una multitud.
7 I, Daniel, was the only one who saw this vision. The men who were with me did not see anything, but [they sensed that someone was there, and they] became terrified. They ran away and hid themselves.
Yo, Daniel, fui el único que vio esta visión—los otros que estaban conmigo no vieron la visión, pero de repente se sintieron muy asustados y huyeron para esconderse.
8 So I was left there by myself, looking at this very unusual vision. I had no strength left. My face became very pale, with the result that no one would have recognized me.
Me quedé solo para ver esta maravillosa visión. Mis fuerzas se agotaron y mi rostro se puso pálido como la muerte. No me quedaba ni un gramo de fuerza.
9 I saw a man there, and when I heard him speak, I fell to the ground. I (fainted/became unconscious), [and I lay there] with my face on the ground.
Le oí hablar, y al oír su voz perdí el conocimiento y me tumbé en el suelo boca abajo.
10 Suddenly someone’s hand took hold of me and lifted me, with the result that I was on my hands and knees, [but I was still] trembling.
Entonces una mano me tocó y me levantó sobre las manos y las rodillas.
11 The man said to me, “Daniel, [God] loves you very much. Stand up and listen to what I am going to say to you, because [God] sent me to you.” When he said that, I stood up, [but I was still] trembling.
Me dijo: “Daniel, Dios te ama mucho. Presta atención a lo que te digo. Levántate, porque he sido enviado a ti”. Cuando me dijo esto me puse de pie, temblando.
12 Then he said to me, “Daniel, do not be afraid. God has heard what you have prayed ever since the first day that you determined to humble yourself in order to understand [the vision]. I have come to you because of what you prayed.
“No tengas miedo, Daniel”, me dijo. “Desde el primer día en que te concentraste en tratar de entender esto, y en humillarte ante Dios, tu oración fue escuchada, y yo he venido a responderte.
13 The [evil spirit who] rules the kingdom of Persia resisted/hindered me for 21 days, but Michael, who is one of God’s chief angels, came to help me. I left him there in Persia [to resist] that evil spirit who rules there.
Pero el príncipe del reino de Persia se opusieron a mí durante veintiún días. Entonces Miguel, uno de los principales príncipes, vino a ayudarme, porque los reyes de Persia me tenían detenido.
14 I have come here to enable you to understand what will happen to the Israeli people in the future. [Do not forget that] the vision [that you saw] is about [things that will happen in] the distant future, [not about things that will happen very soon].”
Ahora he venido a explicarte lo que le sucederá a tu pueblo en los últimos días, porque la visión se refiere a un tiempo futuro”.
15 While he was saying that, I stared at the ground and was unable to say anything [because I was very afraid].
Mientras me decía esto, me quedé con la cara en el suelo y no pude decir nada.
16 Suddenly [the angel], who resembled a human, touched my lips. Then [I was able to speak, and] I said to him, “Sir, because [I have seen] this vision, I have become very weak, with the result that I cannot stop trembling.
Entonces el que parecía un ser humano me tocó los labios y pude hablar. Le dije al que estaba frente a mí: “Señor mío, desde que vi la visión he estado agonizando y me siento muy débil.
17 I am not able [RHQ] to talk to you, my master. I have no strength left, and it is very difficult for me to breathe.”
¿Cómo puedo yo, tu siervo, hablarte, mi señor? No tengo fuerzas y apenas puedo respirar”.
18 But he took hold of me again, and enabled me to become stronger again.
Una vez más, el que parecía un ser humano me tocó y me devolvió las fuerzas.
19 He said to me, “You human, God loves you very much. [So] do not be afraid. I desire/want things to go well for you and that you will be encouraged.” When he had said that, I felt even stronger, and I said, “Sir, tell me [what you want to tell me]. You have enabled me to feel stronger.”
“No tengas miedo; Dios te quiere mucho. ¡Que tengas paz! ¡Sé fuerte! Ten valor!” Mientras me hablaba, me fortalecí y dije: “Señor mío, háblame, porque me has fortalecido”.
20 Then he said, “(Do you know why I came to you?/I will tell you why I came to you.) [RHQ] It is to reveal to you what is written in the book which reveals/contains God’s truth. But now I must return to fight against [the evil spirit] who rules the kingdom of Persia. After I have defeated him, [the evil angel] who guards Greece will appear [and I must defeat him]. Michael, who guards you [Israeli people], will help me, but there is no one else to help me.”
“¿Sabes por qué he acudido a ti?”, me preguntó. “Dentro de poco tendré que volver a luchar contra el príncipe de Persia, y después vendrá el príncipe de Grecia.
Pero antes te diré lo que está escrito en el Libro de la Verdad. Nadie me ayuda a luchar contra estos príncipes, excepto Miguel, tu príncipe”.

< Daniel 10 >