< 1 Corinthians 15 >

1 Now, my fellow believers, I want to remind you about the message about Christ that I preached to you. It is the message that you received and that you have continued to trust firmly.
Voorts, broeders, ik maak u bekend het Evangelie, dat ik u verkondigd heb, hetwelk gij ook aangenomen hebt, in hetwelk gij ook staat;
2 If you keep on firmly [believing] this message that I preached to you, you will be saved {[God] will save you}. If you do not continue to believe it, your believing [in Christ] was (all for nothing/useless)!
Door hetwelk gij ook zalig wordt, indien gij het behoudt op zodanige wijze, als ik het u verkondigd heb; tenzij dan dat gij tevergeefs geloofd hebt.
3 The most important part of the message that I received [from the Lord Jesus], and that I told you, was this: Christ died to [take away the guilt] of our sins, as the Scriptures [said that he would do].
Want ik heb ulieden ten eerste overgegeven, hetgeen ik ook ontvangen heb, dat Christus gestorven is voor onze zonden, naar de Schriften;
4 His [dead body] was buried {They buried his [body]}. On the third day [after that], [God] caused him to become alive again, as the Scriptures [said would happen].
En dat Hij is begraven, en dat Hij is opgewekt ten derden dage, naar de Schriften;
5 After that, [Christ] was seen by {appeared to} Peter. Then he appeared to [eleven of] the [original] twelve [apostles].
En dat Hij is van Cefas gezien, daarna van de twaalven.
6 Later he was seen by {appeared to} more than 500 of our fellow believers. Most of those are still living, but some of them have died [EUP].
Daarna is Hij gezien van meer dan vijfhonderd broeders op eenmaal, van welken het meren deel nog over is, en sommigen ook zijn ontslapen.
7 Then he was seen by {appeared [to]} [his younger brother] James, [who became the leader of the congregation in Jerusalem]. Then he appeared to all of the apostles.
Daarna is Hij gezien van Jakobus, daarna van al de apostelen.
8 Finally, he was seen by {appeared to} me, but I became an apostle in a way that was very unusual [MET].
En ten laatste van allen is Hij ook van mij, als van een ontijdig geborene, gezien.
9 The fact is, I [consider that I] am the least important of the apostles. I do not deserve to be an apostle, because I (persecuted God’s groups of believers/caused God’s groups of believers to suffer) [everywhere I went].
Want ik ben de minste van de apostelen, die niet waardig ben een apostel genaamd te worden, daarom dat ik de Gemeente Gods vervolgd heb.
10 But it is because God acted kindly toward me in ways that I did not deserve that I became what I am now. And his acting kindly toward me produced a great result [LIT], which is that I worked harder [for Christ] than all the other apostles. But it was not that I [was working with my own ability]. Instead, God was helping me in a way I did not deserve.
Doch door de genade Gods ben ik, dat ik ben; en Zijn genade, die aan mij bewezen is, is niet ijdel geweest, maar ik heb overvloediger gearbeid dan zij allen; doch niet ik, maar de genade Gods, Die met mij is.
11 So it does not matter whether it was I [who was preaching or whether it was the other apostles who were preaching]. We all preached [the same message], and that message is what you believed.
Hetzij dan ik, hetzij zijlieden, alzo prediken wij, en alzo hebt gij geloofd.
12 So now [let me ask you this]: Since [we] have all preached to you that Christ was raised again {that [God] caused Christ to become alive} after he died, (no one among you should be saying that [God] will not cause [believers] to become alive again after they die!/why do some of you say that [God] will not cause [believers] to become alive again after they die?) [RHQ]
Indien nu Christus gepredikt wordt, dat Hij uit de doden opgewekt is, hoe zeggen sommigen onder u, dat er geen opstanding der doden is?
13 If [it is true that God] will not cause anyone to become alive again, that situation would mean that Christ was not raised from the dead {[he] did not cause Christ to become alive again}!
En indien er geen opstanding der doden is, zo is Christus ook niet opgewekt.
14 And if Christ was not raised from the dead {if [God] did not cause Christ to become alive again}, then what we preached to you was useless, and your believing [in Christ] is useless.
En indien Christus niet opgewekt is, zo is dan onze prediking ijdel, en ijdel is ook uw geloof.
15 [If it is true that] no one will be raised from the dead {[that God] will not cause anyone to become alive again after he dies}, we [(exc)] have been guilty of lying to you about God, because we told you that God caused Christ to become alive again.
En zo worden wij ook bevonden valse getuigen Gods; want wij hebben van God getuigd, dat Hij Christus opgewekt heeft, Dien Hij niet heeft opgewekt, zo namelijk de doden niet opgewekt worden.
16 But if it were really true that no one who has died will be raised {that [God will] not cause anyone who has died to become alive} again, then Christ was not raised {[he] did not cause Christ to become alive} again either!
Want indien de doden niet opgewekt worden, zo is ook Christus niet opgewekt.
17 If it were true that Christ was not raised {that [God] did not cause Christ to become alive} again after he died, you have believed in Christ for nothing, [because] God will still [punish] you for [MTY] your sins.
En indien Christus niet opgewekt is, zo is uw geloof tevergeefs, zo zijt gij nog in uw zonden.
18 And those people who died [EUP] [while they were trusting] in Christ will go to hell. (questioned)
Zo zijn dan ook verloren, die in Christus ontslapen zijn.
19 In this life [many of us have suffered much for Christ] because we confidently expect [that he will reward us in heaven]. If we have confidently expected this in vain, people should pity us more than they pity anyone else!
Indien wij alleenlijk in dit leven op Christus zijn hopende, zo zijn wij de ellendigste van alle mensen.
20 But [the truth is that] Christ has been raised from the dead {that [God] has caused Christ to live again after he had died}, and (that guarantees/because of that, it is certain) [MET] that he will also cause those [believers] who have died [EUP] to become alive again.
Maar nu, Christus is opgewekt uit de doden, en is de Eersteling geworden dergenen, die ontslapen zijn.
21 What one man, [Adam, did affects us all]. We all die. Similarly, what one man—[Christ]—did [affects us(inc) all]: God will cause [all believers] to become alive again.
Want dewijl de dood door een mens is, zo is ook de opstanding der doden door een Mens.
22 Because of what Adam did, all [of us who are descended] from him die. Similarly, because of what [Christ did], all of us who have a close relationship with him will be brought back to life {[God] will make alive all of us who have a close relationship with Christ}.
Want gelijk zij allen in Adam sterven, alzo zullen zij ook in Christus allen levend gemaakt worden.
23 But we must all take our turn. [God raised] Christ first [MET]. And when Christ returns, [God will cause] those who belong to Christ to become alive again.
Maar een iegelijk in zijn orde: de eersteling Christus, daarna die van Christus zijn, in Zijn toekomst.
24 Then, after Christ has destroyed all [DOU] the evil powers that oppose God, [the world] will end. Then Christ will give to God, his Father, his kingdom to completely rule over it.
Daarna zal het einde zijn, wanneer Hij het Koninkrijk aan God en den Vader zal overgegeven hebben; wanneer Hij zal te niet gedaan hebben alle heerschappij, en alle macht en kracht.
25 You must realize that Christ must rule [here on earth] until he has completely defeated [MTY] all his enemies.
Want Hij moet als Koning heersen, totdat Hij al de vijanden onder Zijn voeten zal gelegd hebben.
26 The last thing that [he] will get rid of is death. [But he certainly will get rid of death, which is like] an enemy [to us].
De laatste vijand, die te niet gedaan wordt, is de dood.
27 [In the Scriptures the Psalmist wrote that] God will cause everything to be under Christ’s [authority] [MTY]. But it is clear that the word ‘everything’ here does not include God, because God is the one who will cause everything to be under Christ’s [authority] [MTY].
Want Hij heeft alle dingen Zijn voeten onderworpen. Doch wanneer Hij zegt, dat Hem alle dingen onderworpen zijn, zo is het openbaar, dat Hij uitgenomen wordt, Die Hem alle dingen onderworpen heeft.
28 After everything is put under [the authority of] God’s Son, then Christ will put himself completely under [the authority of] God, the one who gave him that authority. Then God will be completely in control of everything [IDM], everywhere.
En wanneer Hem alle dingen zullen onderworpen zijn, dan zal ook de Zoon Zelf onderworpen worden Dien, Die Hem alle dingen onderworpen heeft, opdat God zij alles in allen.
29 [Now think about this: Some among you] are being baptized (OR, are baptizing people) on behalf of those who died [before someone baptized them] (OR, who died [before they became believers]). If, [as some people say, believers] will not be raised [from the dead] {[God] will not cause [believers] to become alive again}, (what is the value in those people doing that?/there is no value in those people doing that!) [RHQ] If [God] will not cause any [believers] to become alive again, it is senseless to be baptized {baptize anyone} on behalf of someone who has died. [RHQ]
Anders, wat zullen zij doen, die voor de doden gedoopt worden, indien de doden ganselijk niet opgewekt worden? Waarom worden zij voor de doden ook gedoopt?
30 Furthermore, [if God will not cause us believers to become alive again], it is [RHQ] very foolish for me and the other apostles to be constantly [putting ourselves] in danger [because we tell people the gospel].
Waarom zijn ook wij alle ure in gevaar?
31 My fellow believers, every day I [am in danger of] being killed {people killing me}! That is as true as it is that I am pleased with you because of your close relationship with Christ Jesus our Lord.
Ik sterf alle dagen, hetwelk ik betuig bij onzen roem, dien ik heb in Christus Jezus, onzen Heere.
32 [If God will not cause us believers to become alive again after we die], (I will receive no benefit at all [from having opposed those who attacked me so strongly] in Ephesus [city]./what will I gain [from having opposed those who attacked me so strongly] in Ephesus [city]?) [RHQ] They were [fighting me like] wild beasts! If we [believers] will not be raised [from the dead] {If [God] will not cause us [believers] to live again}, we might as well say [as people often say]: “Tomorrow we are going to die, so we might as well enjoy now everything that we can. We might as well feast and get drunk!”
Zo ik, naar den mens, tegen de beesten gevochten heb te Efeze, wat nuttigheid is het mij, indien de doden niet opgewekt worden? Laat ons eten en drinken, want morgen sterven wij.
33 Do not let [yourselves be deceived by those who say that God will not cause believers to live again] {Do not let [people who say that God will not cause believers to live again] deceive you}. If you associate with evil people [who say such things], they will (influence you to do evil things/destroy your good moral way of living).
Dwaalt niet, kwade samensprekingen verderven goede zeden.
34 Start thinking correctly again [about these matters], as you should, and [stop your sinful behavior which has resulted from] your wrong thinking. [I say that] because [it seems that] some among you do not know God, and as a result they [are thinking wrongly]. I say that to make you ashamed.
Waakt op rechtvaardiglijk, en zondigt niet. Want sommigen hebben de kennis van God niet. Ik zeg het u tot schaamte.
35 But some of you are asking, “How will dead people be raised {How will [God] cause dead people to become alive} again? What kind of bodies will they have?”
Maar, zal iemand zeggen: Hoe zullen de doden opgewekt worden, en met hoedanig een lichaam zullen zij komen?
36 [Anyone who asks such questions is] foolish. You [know that] a seed that is planted in the ground must completely change its form [MET] before it sprouts.
Gij dwaas, hetgeen gij zaait, wordt niet levend, tenzij dat het gestorven is;
37 A seed, such as a wheat seed, is very different from the plant that sprouts from it.
En hetgeen gij zaait, daarvan zaait gij het lichaam niet, dat worden zal, maar een bloot graan, naar het voorvalt, van tarwe, of van enig der andere granen.
38 God gives everything that lives the form that he desires. He gives each seed its own form.
Maar God geeft hetzelve een lichaam, gelijk Hij wil, en aan een iegelijk zaad zijn eigen lichaam.
39 [Similarly], people, animals, birds, and fish all have flesh, but each one has a different kind of flesh.
Alle vlees is niet hetzelfde vlees; maar een ander is het vlees der mensen, en een ander is het vlees der beesten, en een ander der vissen, en een ander der vogelen.
40 Also, there are angelic beings in heaven (OR, stars and planets in the sky), and there are people with bodies on the earth. The angelic beings (OR, stars and planets) are beautiful in one way, and people on earth are beautiful in a different way.
En er zijn hemelse lichamen, en er zijn aardse lichamen; maar een andere is de heerlijkheid der hemelse, en een andere der aardse.
41 The sun is bright in one way, and the moon is bright in a different way, and the stars are bright in a different way. And even the various stars are different from each other in how bright they are.
Een andere is de heerlijkheid der zon, en een andere is de heerlijkheid der maan, en een andere is de heerlijkheid der sterren; want de ene ster verschilt in heerlijkheid van de andere ster.
42 And it is the same way [with our bodies. The bodies that we will have when God causes us] to live again after we die [will not be the same as the bodies that we have now] [MET]. [The bodies that we have now] will die and decay. [The new bodies that we will have] will never die.
Alzo zal ook de opstanding der doden zijn. Het lichaam wordt gezaaid in verderfelijkheid, het wordt opgewekt in onverderfelijkheid;
43 We despise [the bodies that we have now], before we die. But our [new bodies] will be glorious. The [bodies that we have before we die] are weak. But our new bodies will be strong.
Het wordt gezaaid in oneer, het wordt opgewekt in heerlijkheid; het wordt gezaaid in zwakheid, het wordt opgewekt in kracht.
44 The bodies that we have before we die are natural bodies. But [our new bodies] will be ones that [God’s] Spirit ([controls/gives us]). Just like there are natural bodies, there are bodies that [God’s] Spirit [completely] controls (OR, makes alive).
Een natuurlijk lichaam wordt er gezaaid, een geestelijk lichaam wordt er opgewekt. Er is een natuurlijk lichaam, en er is een geestelijk lichaam.
45 [In the Scriptures] it is written {we read} that [when] the first man, Adam, [was created], he became a living human being. [Christ later also became a human being]. But [he is different from Adam, because he] became a person who gives us [spiritual] life.
Alzo is er ook geschreven: De eerste mens Adam is geworden tot een levende ziel; de laatste Adam tot een levendmakenden Geest.
46 But our bodies that God’s Spirit (will completely control/will give us) are not the first bodies that we have. We have our natural bodies first.
Doch het geestelijke is niet eerst, maar het natuurlijke, daarna het geestelijke.
47 The first man, [Adam], was created {[God] created the first man, Adam} from the dust of the earth. But [Christ], the one who came later, came from heaven.
De eerste mens is uit de aarde, aards; de tweede Mens is de Heere uit den hemel.
48 Everyone on earth [has a body] like the first man on the earth had. And in heaven, [everyone will have a body like Christ], the man who came from heaven, has.
Hoedanig de aardse is, zodanige zijn ook de aardsen; en hoedanig de hemelse is, zodanige zijn ook de hemelsen.
49 And just like [God] gave us bodies like the first man on earth had, so we [believers will have bodies] like [Christ] has, who is now in heaven.
En gelijkerwijs wij het beeld des aardsen gedragen hebben, alzo zullen wij ook het beeld des hemelsen dragen.
50 My fellow believers, I want you to know that we [(inc)] [SYN] cannot go [to heaven, where] God rules [over everything], with our physical bodies, because our bodies [cannot last forever]. They will die and decay.
Doch dit zeg ik, broeders, dat vlees en bloed het Koninkrijk Gods niet beerven kunnen, en de verderfelijkheid beerft de onverderfelijkheid niet.
51 But I will tell you something that [God] has not revealed [before]: [Some of] us [believers] will not die [EUP]. However, all of us will be changed {[God] will change all of us}.
Ziet, ik zeg u een verborgenheid: wij zullen wel niet allen ontslapen, maar wij zullen allen veranderd worden;
52 [It will happen] suddenly, as [fast as someone can] blink his eye [MET], when [we hear the sound of God’s] trumpet for the last time. When we hear that trumpet, all [the believers] who have died will come back to life and will have bodies that are changed {that [God] has changed}, bodies that will never decay.
In een punt des tijds, in een ogenblik, met de laatste bazuin; want de bazuin zal slaan, en de doden zullen onverderfelijk opgewekt worden, en wij zullen veranderd worden.
53 And the [bodies of us who are alive at that time] will [also] be changed {And [God] will [also] change the [bodies of us who are alive at that time]}. These bodies of ours that die and decay must be transformed into [new bodies that] will never die; [it will be like someone] [MET] getting rid of [his old clothes] and putting on [new ones].
Want dit verderfelijke moet onverderfelijkheid aandoen, en dit sterfelijke moet onsterfelijkheid aandoen.
54 When that happens, what is written {what ([a prophet/Isaiah]) wrote} [in the Scriptures] will come true/happen: [God] will completely get rid of [MET] death. Our dying will no longer have any power to defeat us;
En wanneer dit verderfelijke zal onverderfelijkheid aangedaan hebben, en dit sterfelijke zal onsterfelijkheid aangedaan hebben, alsdan zal het woord geschieden, dat geschreven is: De dood is verslonden tot overwinning.
55 Death [APO] will not win a victory over us. Death will not be able to hurt us. (Hadēs g86)
Dood, waar is uw prikkel? Hel, waar is uw overwinning? (Hadēs g86)
56 It is because we sin [MET] [that we die, and it is because we] have God’s laws that we [know that we] have sinned.
De prikkel nu des doods is de zonde; en de kracht der zonde is de wet.
57 But because of what our Lord Jesus Christ [has done], he enables us to be free [from having to obey God’s laws to be saved and to be free of being afraid to die]. We should thank God for that!
Maar Gode zij dank, Die ons de overwinning geeft door onzen Heere Jezus Christus.
58 So, my fellow believers whom I love, continue to hold strongly to [the things that you believe]. Do not let anything cause you to doubt them. Always be doing enthusiastically the work that the Lord [gives you]. And remember that the work that you do for the Lord is never (in vain/useless), [as it would be if God will not cause us to live again after we die].
Zo dan, mijn geliefde broeders! Zijt standvastig, onbewegelijk, altijd overvloedig zijnde in het werk des Heeren, als die weet, dat uw arbeid niet ijdel is in den Heere.

< 1 Corinthians 15 >