< 1 Chronicles 21 >

1 Satan decided to cause the Israeli people to have trouble. So he incited David to find out how many men in Israel [were able to be in the army].
Satanás interfirió para causar problemas a Israel. Entonces provocó a David para que hiciera un censo de Israel.
2 So David commanded Joab and the other army commanders, “Count all the men in Israel [who are able to be in the army]. Start at Beersheba [town in the south] and go all the way to Dan [city in the north]. Then come back and report to me, in order that I may know how many men there are.”
David les dijo a Joab y a los comandantes del ejército: “Vayan a contar a los israelitas desde Beerseba hasta Dan. Luego infórmenme para que tenga un número total”.
3 But Joab replied, “Your majesty, even if Yahweh allowed us to have 100 times as many soldiers as we have now, you would [RHQ] still rule all of them. So why do you want us to do this? You will surely [RHQ] cause [all the people of] Israel to be guilty of sinning.”
Pero Joab respondió: “Que el Señor multiplique su pueblo cien veces. Su Majestad, ¿no son todos sus súbditos? ¿Por qué quieres hacer esto? ¿Por qué culparás a Israel?”
4 But David would not change his mind. So Joab [and his soldiers] went everywhere in Israel and in Judah, and counted the people. Then they returned to Jerusalem,
Pero el rey se mostró inflexible, así que Joab se marchó y recorrió todo Israel. Finalmente regresó a Jerusalén,
5 and they reported to David that there were 1,100,000 men in Israel who could be in the army, and 470,000 in Judah.
y le dio a David el número de personas censadas. En Israel había 1.100.000 hombres combatientes que podían manejar una espada, y 470.000 en Judá.
6 Joab did not count the men from the tribes of Levi and Benjamin, because he was disgusted with what the king had commanded.
Sin embargo, Joab no incluyó a Leví y Benjamín en el total del censo, porque no estaba de acuerdo con lo que el rey había ordenado.
7 David’s command to count the people caused God to become angry, so he [told David that he had decided to] punish [the people of] Israel.
El Señor consideró que el censo era algo malo y castigó a Israel por ello.
8 Then David prayed, saying, “Yahweh, what I did was very foolish. I have sinned greatly by what I have done. So now I plead with you, please forgive me.”
Entonces David le dijo a Dios: “He cometido un terrible pecado al hacer esto. Por favor, quita la culpa de tu siervo, porque he sido muy estúpido”.
9 Then Yahweh said to Gad, David’s prophet,
El Señor le dijo a Gad, el vidente de David,
10 “Go and tell this to David: I am allowing you to choose one of three things [to punish you]. I will do whichever one you choose.”
“Ve y dile a David que esto es lo que dice el Señor: ‘Te doy tres opciones. Elige una de ellas, y eso es lo que te haré’”.
11 So Gad went to David and said to him, “This is what Yahweh says: ‘You can choose one of these [punishments]:
Gad fue y le dijo a David: “Esto es lo que dice el Señor: ‘Elige:
12 three years of famine [in Israel], or three months during which your armies will run away from their enemies [who will attack them with] swords, or three days during which I will send my angel to cause many people in the country to die because of a (plague/very serious illness).’ So, you must decide what I will say to answer [Yahweh, ] the one who sent me.”
o tres años de hambre; o tres meses de devastación, huyendo de las espadas de tus enemigos; o tres días de la espada del Señor, es decir, tres días de plaga en la tierra, con un ángel del Señor causando la destrucción en todo Israel’. Ahora tienes que decidir cómo debo responder al que me ha enviado”.
13 David replied to Gad, “I am very distressed. But allow Yahweh to punish [MTY] me, because he is very merciful. Do not allow humans to punish me, [because they will not be merciful].”
David respondió a Gad: “¡Esta es una situación terrible para mí! Por favor, deja que el Señor decida mi castigo, porque es muy misericordioso. No permitas que la gente me castigue”.
14 So Yahweh sent a plague on [the people of] Israel, and 70,000 of them died because of it.
Entonces el Señor lanzó una plaga sobre Israel, y murieron 70.000 israelitas.
15 And God sent an angel to destroy the people in Jerusalem by the plague. But when the angel was standing at the ground where Araunah, from the Jebus people-group, threshed grain, Yahweh saw all the suffering that the people had endured, and he was grieved. So he said to the angel, “Stop what you are doing [IDM]! That is enough [IDM]!”
Dios también envió un ángel para destruir Jerusalén. Pero justo cuando el ángel estaba a punto de destruirla, el Señor lo vio, y renunció a causar tal desastre. Le dijo al ángel destructor: “Es suficiente. Ya puedes parar”. Justo en ese momento el ángel del Señor estaba junto a la era de Ornán el jebuseo.
16 David looked up and saw the angel whom Yahweh had sent, standing between the sky and the ground. The angel had a sword in his hand that was pointed toward Jerusalem. Then David and the elders [of the city], who were wearing clothes made of rough sackcloth, prostrated themselves on the ground.
Cuando David levantó la vista y vio al ángel del Señor de pie entre la tierra y el cielo, con su espada desenvainada extendida sobre Jerusalén, David y los ancianos, vestidos de saco, cayeron sobre sus rostros.
17 David said to God, “I am [RHQ] the one who ordered the men who could be in the army to be counted. I am the one who has sinned and done what is very wrong, but these people are [as innocent as] [MET] sheep. They have certainly not [RHQ] done anything [that is wrong]. So Yahweh my God, punish [IDM] me and my family, but do not allow this plague to continue to [cause] your people [to become sick and die].”
David le dijo a Dios: “¿No fui yo quien ordenó el censo del pueblo? Yo soy el que ha pecado y actuado con maldad. Pero estas ovejas, ¿qué han hecho? Señor, Dios mío, por favor, castígame a mí y a mi familia, pero no castigues a tu pueblo con esta plaga”.
18 Then the angel who was sent by Yahweh told Gad to go up to the place where Araunah threshed grain and tell David to build an altar to [worship] Yahweh there.
Entonces el ángel del Señor le dijo a Gad que le dijera a David que fuera a construir un altar al Señor en la era de Ornán el jebuseo.
19 So [after Gad told] David, [he] obeyed the message that Yahweh [MTY] had given to Gad, [and he went up there].
Así que David fue e hizo lo que Gad le había dicho en nombre del Señor.
20 While Araunah was threshing some wheat, he turned and saw the angel. His four sons who were with him [also saw the angel, and they] hid themselves.
Ornán estaba ocupado trillando trigo. Se volvió y vio al ángel; y sus cuatro hijos que estaban con él fueron a esconderse.
21 Then David approached. When Araunah saw him, he left the place where he was threshing grain and prostrated himself, with his face touching the ground.
Cuando llegó David, Ornán se asomó y vio a David. Abandonó la era y se inclinó ante David con el rostro en tierra.
22 David said to him, “Please sell me your threshing place in order that I can build an altar here to [worship] Yahweh. Then he will stop this plague. I will pay the full price.”
David le dijo a Ornán: “Por favor, déjame la era. La compraré por su precio completo. Así podré construir aquí un altar al Señor para que cese la plaga del pueblo”.
23 Araunah replied, “Take it! Your majesty, do whatever you want to. I will give you the oxen [that thresh the grain] for an offering to be completely burned [on the altar]. And I will give you the threshing boards to use as wood [on the altar], and I will give you grain for a grain offering. I will give all those things to you.”
“Tómala, y tu majestad podrá hacer lo que quiera con ella”, le dijo Ornán a David. “Puedes tener los bueyes para los holocaustos, las tablas de trillar para la leña y el trigo para la ofrenda de grano. Te lo daré todo”.
24 But the king said to Araunah, “No, [I will not take these things as a gift]. I will pay you the full price for it. I will not take things that belong to you, things that have cost me nothing and offer them as sacrifices to Yahweh to be completely burned on the altar.”
“No, insisto, pagaré el precio completo”, respondió el rey David. “No tomaré para el Señor lo que es tuyo ni presentaré holocaustos que no me costaron nada”.
25 So David paid Araunah 600 pieces of gold for the whole area.
Así que David pagó a Ornán seiscientos siclos de oro por el lugar.
26 David built an altar to [worship] Yahweh there, and he offered sacrifices to be completely burned [on the altar] and sacrifices to restore fellowship [with Yahweh]. David prayed to Yahweh, and Yahweh answered by sending a fire from heaven [to burn up the offerings] on the altar.
David construyó allí un altar al Señor y presentó holocaustos y ofrendas de amistad. Invocó al Señor en oración, y el Señor le respondió con fuego del cielo sobre el altar del holocausto.
27 Then Yahweh spoke to the angel, and told him to put his sword back into its sheath. [So the angel did that].
Entonces el Señor le dijo al ángel que volviera a enfundar su espada.
28 And when David saw that Yahweh had answered him there at the place where Araunah threshed grain [and had ended the plague], he offered sacrifices there.
Cuando David vio que el Señor le había respondido en la era de Ornán el jebuseo, ofreció allí sacrificios.
29 Yahweh’s Sacred Tent, which Moses had commanded to be set up in the desert, and the altar for burning sacrifices completely, were at that time on a hill at Gibeon [city].
En aquel tiempo, la tienda del Señor que Moisés había hecho en el desierto y el altar del holocausto estaban en el lugar alto de Gabaón.
30 But David did not want to go there to request God to tell him what he wanted [him to do], because he was afraid that the angel sent from Yahweh [might strike him with] his sword.
Pero David no quiso ir allí a pedir la voluntad de Dios, porque tenía miedo de la espada del ángel del Señor.

< 1 Chronicles 21 >