< Psalms 58 >

1 To the choirmaster al-tashcheth of David a miktam. ¿ Really silence righteousness do you speak! uprightness do you judge? [the] children of humankind. 2 Also in [the] heart injustice you do! in the land [the] violence of hands your you weigh out! 3 They turn aside wicked [people] from [the] womb they go astray from [the] belly [those who] speak falsehood. 4 Venom of them [is] like [the] likeness of [the] venom of a snake like a cobra deaf [which] it shuts ear its. 5 Which not it listens to [the] sound of charmers [one who] casts spells skillful. 6 O God break away teeth their in mouth their [the] teeth of young lions break off - O Yahweh. 7 May they flow like waters [which] they go about themselves may he bend (arrows his *Q(K)*) like let them be cut off. 8 Like a snail [which] melting away it goes a miscarriage of a woman [which] not they have seen [the] sun. 9 Before they will perceive pots your a thorn bush like alive like burning he will blow away it. 10 He will rejoice [the] righteous if he has seen vengeance feet his he will bathe in [the] blood of the wicked. 11 So he may say anyone surely fruit [belongs] to the righteous surely there [is] a God [who] judges on the earth.

< Psalms 58 >