< Luke 4 >

1 Jesus then full of [the] Spirit Holy returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit (into the wilderness *N+kO)
Исус пак пун Духа Светог врати се од Јордана, и одведе Га Дух у пустињу,
2 days forty being tempted by the devil. And not He ate no [thing] in the days those, and when were ending they (afterward *K) He was hungry.
И четрдесет дана куша Га ђаво, и не једе ништа за то дана; и кад се они навршише, онда огладне,
3 (and *k) Said (then *no) to Him the devil; If [the] Son You are of God, do speak to the stone this that it may become bread.
И рече Му ђаво: Ако си Син Божји, реци овом камену да постане хлеб.
4 And answered to him Jesus (saying: *k) It has been written that Not on bread alone will live the man’ (but upon everything declaration of God. *KO)
И одговори му Исус говорећи: У писму стоји: Неће живети човек о самом хлебу, него о свакој речи Божијој.
5 And having led up Him (devil into mountain high *K) he showed to Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time
И изведавши Га ђаво на гору високу показа Му сва царства овог света у тренућу ока,
6 And said to Him the devil; To You will I give authority this all and the glory of it, for to me myself it has been delivered and to whom (maybe *NK+o) I shall wish I give it;
И рече Му ђаво: Теби ћу дати сву власт ову и славу њихову, јер је мени предана, и коме ја хоћу даћу је;
7 You yourself therefore if You shall worship before (me *N+kO) will be Yours (everything. *N+kO)
Ти, дакле, ако се поклониш преда мном биће све твоје,
8 And answering Jesus said to him (do go *KO) (behind me Satan; *K) It has been written: (for *k) [The] Lord the God of you you will worship and Him only you will serve.’
И одговарајући Исус рече му: Иди од мене, сотоно; у писму стоји: Поклањај се Господу Богу свом, и Њему једином служи.
9 (and *k) He led (also *no) Him to Jerusalem and set (him *ko) upon the pinnacle of the temple and said to Him; If (the *k) Son You are of God, do cast Yourself from here down;
И одведе Га у Јерусалим, и постави Га наврх цркве, и рече Му: Ако си Син Божји, скочи одавде доле;
10 It has been written for that To the angels of Him He will give orders concerning You to guard You;
Јер у писму стоји да ће анђелима својим заповедити за тебе да те сачувају,
11 and that in [their] hands will they bear You, otherwise otherwise You may strike against a stone the foot of You.’
И узеће те на руке да где не запнеш за камен ногом својом.
12 And answering He said to him Jesus that It has been said; Not you will test [the] Lord the God of you.’
И одговарајући Исус рече му: Казано је: Не кушај Господа Бога свог.
13 And having finished every temptation the devil departed from Him until an opportune time.
И кад сврши ђаво све кушање, отиде од Њега за неко време.
14 And returned Jesus in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and a report went out into all the surrounding region concerning Him.
И врати се Исус у сили духовној у Галилеју; и отиде глас о Њему по свему оном крају.
15 And He himself was teaching in the synagogues of them being glorified by all.
И Он учаше по зборницама њиховим, и сви Га хваљаху.
16 And He came to Nazareth where He was raised, and He entered according to the being customary to Him on the day of the Sabbaths into the synagogue and stood up to read.
И дође у Назарет где беше одрастао, и уђе по обичају свом у дан суботни у зборницу, и устаде да чита.
17 And there was given to Him [the] scroll of the prophet Isaiah; and (having unrolled *NK+o) the scroll He found the place where it was written
И даше Му књигу пророка Исаије, и отворивши књигу нађе место где беше написано:
18 [The] Spirit of [the] Lord [is] upon Me myself, of which because He has anointed Me (to evangelise *N+kO) to [the] poor, He has sent Me (to heal the bruised heart *K) to proclaim to [the] captives deliverance and to [the] blind recovery of sight, to send forth [the] oppressed in deliverance,
Дух је Господњи на мени; зато ме помаза да јавим јеванђеље сиромасима; посла ме да исцелим скрушене у срцу; да проповедим заробљенима да ће се отпустити, и слепима да ће прогледати; да отпустим сужње;
19 to proclaim [the] year of [the] Lord’s favor.
И да проповедам пријатну годину Господњу.
20 And having rolled up the scroll having delivered [it] to the attendant He sat down, and of all the eyes in the synagogue were fixed upon Him.
И затворивши књигу даде слузи, па седе: и сви у зборници гледаху на Њ.
21 He began then to say to them that Today has been fulfilled Scripture this in the hearing of you.
И поче им говорити: Данас се изврши ово писмо у ушима вашим.
22 And all were bearing witness to Him and they were marveling at the words of the grace which are proceeding out of the mouth of Him and they were saying; (surely *N+kO) [the] son is of Joseph this?
И сви Му сведочаху, и дивљаху се речима благодати које излажаху из уста Његових, и говораху: Није ли ово син Јосифов?
23 And He said to them; Surely you will say to Me proverb this; Physician do heal yourself! As much as we have heard has been done (in *N+kO) Capernaum, do perform also here in the hometown of You.
И рече им: Ви ћете мени без сумње казати ову причу: Лекару! Излечи се сам; шта смо чули да си чинио у Капернауму учини и овде на својој постојбини.
24 He said then; Amen I say to you that no prophet acceptable is in the hometown of him.
Рече пак: Заиста вам кажем: никакав пророк није мио на својој постојбини.
25 In truth now I say to you; many widows there were in the days of Elijah in Israel when was shut up the heaven for years three and months six, when there was a famine great upon all the land;
А заиста вам кажем: Многе удовице беху у Израиљу у време Илијино кад се небо затвори три године и шест месеци и би велика глад по свој земљи;
26 and to none of them was sent Elijah only except to Zarephath (of Sidon *N+kO) to a woman a widow.
И ни к једној од њих не би послан Илија до у Сарепту сидонску к жени удовици.
27 And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet; and none of them was cleansed only except Naaman the Syrian.
И многи беху губави у Израиљу за пророка Јелисија; и ниједан се од њих не очисти до Неемана Сиријанина.
28 And were filled all with anger in the synagogue hearing these things;
И сви се у зборници напунише гнева кад чуше ово.
29 and having risen up they cast Him out of the city and led Him unto (the *k) brow of the hill upon which the town had been built of them (in order *N+kO) to throw over him.
И уставши истераше Га напоље из града, и одведоше Га наврх горе где беше њихов град сазидан да би Га бацили одозго.
30 He himself however having passed through [the] midst of them was going away.
Али Он прође између њих, и отиде.
31 And He went down to Capernaum a city of Galilee And He was teaching them on the Sabbaths.
И дође у Капернаум град галилејски, и учаше их у суботе.
32 and they were astonished at the teaching of Him for with authority was the message of Him.
И чуђаху се науци Његовој; јер Његова беседа беше силна.
33 And in the synagogue was a man having a spirit of a demon unclean, and he cried out in a voice loud;
И у зборници беше човек у коме беше нечисти дух ђаволски, и повика гласно
34 (saying *ko) Ha! What to us and to You, Jesus of Nazareth? Are You come to destroy us? I know You who are, the Holy [One] of God.
Говорећи: Прођи се, шта је теби до нас, Исусе Назарећанине? Дошао си да нас погубиш? Знам Те ко си, Светац Божји.
35 And rebuked him Jesus saying; do be silent and do come forth (out of *N+kO) him! And having thrown him the demon into the midst it came out from him in nothing having hurt him.
И запрети му Исус говорећи: Умукни, и изиђи из њега. И оборивши га ђаво на среду, изиђе из њега, и нимало му не науди.
36 And came astonishment upon all, and they were speaking to one another saying; What word [is] this for with authority and power He commands the unclean spirits, and they come out?
И у све уђе страх, и говораху један другом говорећи: Каква је то реч, да влашћу и силом заповеда нечистим духовима, и излазе?
37 And was spreading [the] report concerning Him into every place of the surrounding region.
И отиде глас о Њему по свима околним местима.
38 Having risen up then (out of *N+kO) the synagogue He entered into the house of Simon. (The *k) mother-in-law then of Simon was oppressed with a fever great, and they appealed to Him for her.
Уставши, пак, из зборнице дође у кућу Симонову; а ташту Симонову беше ухватила велика грозница, и молише Га за њу.
39 And having stood over her He rebuked the fever, and it left her; immediately then having arisen she was serving them.
И ставши више ње запрети грозници, и пусти је. И одмах устаде и служаше им.
40 When is setting now the sun (all *N+kO) as many as had [any] ailing with diseases various brought them to Him; and on one each of them the hands (having laid He was healing *N+kO) them.
А кад захођаше сунце, сви који имаху болеснике од различних болести, довођаху их к Њему; а Он на сваког од њих меташе руке, и исцељиваше их.
41 Were going out now also demons from many (shouting out *N+kO) and saying that You yourself are (Christ *K) the Son of God. And rebuking [them] not was He allowing them to speak because they knew the Christ Him to be.
А и ђаволи излажаху из многих вичући и говорећи: Ти си Христос Син Божји. И запрећиваше им да не говоре да знају да је Он Христос.
42 When was arriving now daybreak having gone out He went into a solitary place, and the crowds (were sought after *N+kO) Him and they came up to Him and were detaining Him of the not to go from them.
А кад наста дан, изиђе и отиде у пусто место; и народ Га тражаше, и дође к Њему, и задржаваху Га да не иде од њих.
43 But He said to them that Also to the other towns to evangelise Me it behooves of the kingdom of God, because (for *N+kO) this (have I been sent forth. *N+kO)
А Он им рече: и другим градовима треба ми проповедити јеванђеље о царству Божијем; јер сам на то послан.
44 And He was preaching (in the synagogues *N+kO) (of Judea. *N+KO)
И проповедаше по зборницама галилејским.

< Luke 4 >