< 2 Thessalonians 1 >

1 To the Thessalonian church in union with God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, From Paul, Silas, and Timothy.
Sodꞌa moleꞌ mia au, Paulus, ma mia au nonoo nggara, Silas no Timotius. Susura ia, hai haitua neu basa atahori saraniꞌ sia kota Tesalonika. Hei, mana pili fo tungga hita Aman Lamatualain no hita malanggan Yesus Kristus.
2 May God, the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and give you peace.
Hai moꞌe fo Ara ratudꞌu rala malole Nara neu nggi, fo misodꞌa no mole-dꞌame.
3 Friends, it is our duty always to thank God about you, as is but right, considering the wonderful growth of your faith, and because, without exception, your love for one another is continually increasing.
Basa toronoo nggare! Memaꞌ nandaa hai moꞌe makasi neu Lamatualain mikindooꞌ a, huu hei bau mimihere neu E, ma hei esa bau sue esa.
4 So much is this the case that we ourselves speak with pride, before the churches of God, of the patience and faith which you have shown, in spite of all the persecutions and troubles that you are enduring.
Naa de hai dui-bꞌengga neu Lamatualain atahori sarani nara sia bee-bꞌee soꞌal hei. Hai dui mae, onaꞌ mae atahori feaꞌ ra tuni-ndeni tao doidꞌoso nggi o, hei miꞌitataaꞌ mikindoo mo mimihere mara.
5 These persecutions will vindicate the justice of God’s judgment, and will result in your being reckoned worthy of God’s kingdom, for the sake of which you are now suffering;
Basa ia ra ratudꞌu oi, dei fo Lamatualain naꞌetuꞌ dedꞌea mara no matetuꞌ. Te doidꞌosoꞌ fo hei lemba aleꞌ ia, tao nggi mindandaa dadꞌi Eni atahori nara. Eni, hei mane ma.
6 since God deems it just to inflict suffering on those who are now inflicting suffering on you,
Afiꞌ mimitau, te Lamatualain naa, ndoo-tetuꞌ. Mete neuꞌ ena! Dei fo Ana bala-bꞌae atahori mana tao doidꞌoso hei ra.
7 and to give relief to you who are suffering, as well as to us, at the appearing of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire.
Boe ma ana o fee nggi hahae mia doidꞌosoꞌ fo hei lembaꞌ a. Ana tao taꞌo naa neu hai boe. Basa ia ra dei fo dadꞌi, leleꞌ Lamatuaꞌ Yesus onda nema no basa ana dedenu manaseli nara mia sorga.
8 Then he will inflict punishment on those who refuse to know God, and on those who turn a deaf ear to the good news of Jesus, our Lord.
Dei fo ara onda rema ro ai manambila rorooꞌ. Basa ma Ana bala-bꞌae basa nda mana nau nahine Lamatualain sa, ma nda mana nau tungga Lamatuaꞌ Yesus Dudꞌui Malolen sa.
9 They will pay the penalty of unutterable ruin – banished from the presence of the Lord and from the glorious manifestation of his might, (aiōnios g166)
Ana naꞌondaꞌ huku-dokiꞌ beran seli neu basa se, de doidꞌoso rakandooꞌ a. Ana oi hendi se mia matan, de ara nda ramedꞌa koasa monae manaselin sa. (aiōnios g166)
10 when he comes to be honored in his people, and to be revered in all who have learned to believe in him (for you also believed our testimony) – as he will be on that day.
Te leleꞌ Ana nema, basa atahori mamahereꞌ ra soꞌu rananaru Naran, ma fee hadꞌat neu E. Hei o sia atahori mamahereꞌ naa ra taladꞌa nara, huu ama simbo basa Dudꞌui Maloleꞌ naa, fo maꞌahulun hai mifadꞌe basa neu heiꞌ a.
11 With this in view, our constant prayer for you is that our God may count you worthy of the call that you have received, and by his power make perfect your delight in all goodness and the efforts that have resulted from your faith.
Naa de, hai hule-oꞌe fee nggi hatuꞌ-rerelon, naa fo Lamatualain duꞌa nae hei mindaa dadꞌi Eni atahorin. Hai o moꞌe fo Ana fee koasan neu nggi, naa fo ama tao basa maloleꞌ ra tungga saa fo miꞌetuꞌ basa mae tao, ma tungga saa fo mimihereꞌ a.
12 Then, in the loving kindness of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ, will the name of Jesus, our Lord, be honored in you, and you in him.
Mete ma misodꞌa taꞌo naa, na atahori ra soꞌu rananaru Lamatuaꞌ Yesus naran. Hei o nenekokoaꞌ, huu hei tungga neu E. Dei fo basa ia ra dadꞌi, huu hita Aman Lamatualain no hita Malanggan Yesus Kristus rala malolen.

< 2 Thessalonians 1 >