< Mark 6 >

1 On leaving that place, Jesus, followed by his disciples, went to his own part of the country.
Y salió de allí, y vino a su tierra; y le siguieron sus discípulos.
2 When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue; and the people, as they listened, were deeply impressed. ‘Where did he get this?’ they said, ‘and what is this wisdom that has been given him? And these miracles which he is doing?
Y llegado el sábado, comenzó a enseñar en la sinagoga; y muchos oyéndo le estaban atónitos, diciendo: ¿De dónde tiene éste estas cosas? ¿Y qué sabiduría es esta que le es dada, que tales maravillas son hechas por sus manos?
3 Isn’t he the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James, and Joses, and Judas, and Simon? And aren’t his sisters, too, living here among us?’ This proved a hindrance to their believing in him;
¿No es éste el carpintero, hijo de María, hermano de Santiago, y de Joses, y de Júdas, y de Simón? ¿No están también aquí con nosotros sus hermanas? Y se escandalizaban en él.
4 at which Jesus said, ‘A prophet is not without honour, except in his home town, and among his own relatives, and in his own home.’
Mas Jesús les decía: No hay profeta deshonrado sino en su tierra, y entre sus parientes, y en su casa.
5 And he could not work any miracle there, beyond placing his hands on a few infirm persons, and curing them;
Y no pudo allí hacer alguna maravilla: solamente que sanó unos pocos enfermos, poniendo sobre ellos las manos.
6 and he wondered at the want of faith shown by the people. Jesus went round the villages, one after another, teaching.
Y estaba maravillado de la incredulidad de ellos; y rodeaba las aldeas de al derredor enseñando.
7 He called the Twelve to him, and began to send them out as his messengers, two and two, and gave them authority over foul spirits.
Y llamó a los doce, y comenzó a enviarlos de dos en dos, y les dio potestad sobre los espíritus inmundos;
8 He instructed them to take nothing but a staff for the journey – not even bread, or a bag, or coins in their purse;
Y les mandó que no llevasen nada para el camino, sino solamente un bordón; ni alforja, ni pan, ni dinero en la bolsa;
9 but they were to wear sandals, and not to put on a second coat.
Mas que calzasen sandalias; y no vistiesen dos ropas.
10 ‘Whenever you go to stay at a house,’ he said, ‘remain there until you leave that place;
Y les decía: En cualquier casa que entrareis, posád allí hasta que salgáis de aquel lugar.
11 and if a place does not welcome you, or listen to you, as you go out of it shake off the dust that is on the soles of your feet, as a protest against them.’
Y todos aquellos que no os recibieren, ni os oyeren, saliendo de allí, sacudíd el polvo que está debajo de vuestros pies en testimonio contra ellos. De cierto os digo, que más tolerable será el castigo de Sodoma, o de Gomorra en el día del juicio, que él de aquella ciudad.
12 So they set out, and proclaimed the need of repentance.
Y saliendo predicaban, que se arrepintiesen los hombres.
13 They drove out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were infirm, and cured them.
Y echaban fuera muchos demonios, y ungían con aceite a muchos enfermos, y sanaban.
14 Now King Herod heard of Jesus; for his name had become well known. People were saying – ‘John the Baptizer must have risen from the dead, and that is why these miraculous powers are active in him.’
Y oyó el rey Heródes la fama de Jesús, porque su nombre era hecho notorio, y dijo: Juan el Bautista ha resucitado de los muertos; y por tanto virtudes obran en él.
15 Others again said – ‘He is Elijah,’ and others – ‘He is a prophet, like one of the great prophets.’
Otros decían: Elías es. Y otros decían: Profeta es; o alguno de los profetas.
16 But when Herod heard of him, he said – ‘The man whom I beheaded – John – he must be risen!’
Y oyéndo lo Heródes, dijo: Este es Juan el que yo degollé: él ha resucitado de los muertos.
17 For Herod himself had sent and arrested John, and put him in prison, in chains, to please Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip, because Herod had married her.
Porque el mismo Heródes había enviado y prendido a Juan, y le había aprisionado en la cárcel a causa de Herodías, mujer de Felipe su hermano; porque la había tomado por mujer.
18 For John had said to Herod – ‘You have no right to be living with your brother’s wife.’
Porque Juan decía a Heródes: No te es lícito tener la mujer de tu hermano.
19 So Herodias was incensed against John, and wanted to put him to death, but was unable to do so,
Por tanto Herodías le tenía ojeriza, y deseaba matarle; mas no podía;
20 because Herod stood in fear of John, knowing him to be an upright and holy man, and protected him. He had listened to John, but still remained much perplexed, and yet he found pleasure in listening to him.
Porque Heródes temía a Juan, conociéndole por varón justo y santo; y le tenía respeto, y obedeciéndole hacía muchas cosas; y le oía de buena gana.
21 A suitable opportunity, however, occurred when Herod, on his birthday, gave a dinner to his high officials, and his generals, and the foremost men in Galilee.
Y viniendo un día oportuno, en que Heródes, en la fiesta de su nacimiento, hacía cena a sus príncipes y tribunos, y a los principales de Galilea,
22 When his daughter – that is, the daughter of Herodias – came in and danced, she delighted Herod and those who were dining with him. ‘Ask me for whatever you like,’ the king said to the girl, ‘and I will give it to you’;
Y entrando la hija de Herodías, y danzando, y agradando a Heródes, y a los que estaban con él a la mesa, el rey dijo a la moza: Pídeme lo que quisieres, que yo te lo daré.
23 and he swore to her that he would give her whatever she asked him – up to half his kingdom.
Y le juró: Todo lo que me pidieres te daré hasta la mitad de mi reino.
24 The girl went out, and said to her mother ‘What must I ask for?’ ‘The head of John the Baptizer,’ answered her mother.
Y saliendo ella, dijo a su madre: ¿Qué pediré? Y ella dijo: La cabeza de Juan el Bautista.
25 So she went in as quickly as possible to the king, and made her request. ‘I want you,’ she said, ‘to give me at once, on a dish, the head of John the Baptist.’
Entonces ella entró prestamente al rey, y pidió, diciendo: Quiero que ahora luego me des en un plato la cabeza de Juan el Bautista.
26 The king was much distressed; yet, because of his oath and of the guests at his table, he did not like to refuse her.
Y el rey se entristeció mucho; mas a causa del juramento, y de los que estaban con él a la mesa, no quiso negárse lo.
27 He immediately dispatched one of his bodyguard, with orders to bring John’s head. The man went and beheaded John in the prison,
Y luego el rey, enviando uno de la guardia, mandó que fuese traída su cabeza. El cual fue, y le degolló en la cárcel.
28 and, bringing his head on a dish, gave it to the girl, and the girl gave it to her mother.
Y trajo su cabeza en un plato, y la dio a la moza, y la moza la dio a su madre.
29 When John’s disciples heard of it, they came and took his body away, and laid it in a tomb.
Y oyéndo lo sus discípulos, vinieron, y tomaron su cuerpo, y le pusieron en un sepulcro.
30 When the apostles came back to Jesus, they told him all that they had done and all that they had taught.
Y los apóstoles se juntaron a Jesús, y le contaron todo lo que habían hecho, y lo que habían enseñado.
31 ‘Come by yourselves privately to some lonely spot,’ he said, ‘and rest for a while’ – for there were so many people coming and going that they had not time even to eat.
Y él les dijo: Veníd vosotros aparte a un lugar desierto, y reposád un poco; porque eran muchos los que iban y venían, que ni aun tenían lugar de comer.
32 So they set off privately in their boat for a lonely spot.
Y se fueron en una nave a un lugar desierto aparte.
33 Many people saw them going, and recognised them, and from all the towns they flocked together to the place on foot, and got there before them.
Y los vieron ir muchos, y lo conocieron; y concurrieron allá muchos a pie de las ciudades, y vinieron antes que ellos, y se juntaron a él.
34 On getting out of the boat, Jesus saw a great crowd, and his heart was moved at the sight of them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.
Y saliendo Jesús vio una grande multitud, y tuvo misericordia de ellos, porque eran como ovejas sin pastor; y les comenzó a enseñar muchas cosas.
35 When it grew late, his disciples came up to him, and said, ‘This is a lonely spot, and it is already late.
Y como ya fue el día muy entrado, sus discípulos llegaron a él, diciendo: El lugar es desierto, y el día es ya muy entrado,
36 Send the people away, so that they may go to the farms and villages around and buy themselves something to eat.’
Envíalos para que vayan a los cortijos y aldeas de al derredor, y compren para sí pan, porque no tienen que comer.
37 But Jesus answered, ‘It is for you to give them something to eat.’ ‘Are we to go and spend almost a year’s wages on bread,’ they asked, ‘to give them to eat?’
Y respondiendo él, les dijo: Dádles de comer vosotros; y le dijeron: ¿Qué? ¿iremos a comprar pan por doscientos denarios, para darles de comer?
38 ‘How many loaves have you?’ he asked, ‘Go, and see.’ When they had found out, they told him, ‘Five, and two fish.’
Y él les dice: ¿Cuántos panes tenéis? Id, y védlo. Y sabiéndolo ellos, dijeron: Cinco, y dos peces.
39 Jesus directed them to make all the people take their seats on the green grass, in parties;
Y les mandó que hiciesen recostar a todos por ranchos sobre la yerba verde.
40 and they sat down in groups – in hundreds, and in fifties.
Y se recostaron por partes, por ranchos, de ciento en ciento, y de cincuenta en cincuenta.
41 Taking the five loaves and the two fish, Jesus looked up to heaven, and said the blessing; he broke the loaves into pieces, and gave them to his disciples for them to serve out to the people, and he divided the two fish also among them all.
Y tomados los cinco panes y los dos peces, mirando al cielo, bendijo, y rompió los panes, y dio a sus discípulos para que les pusiesen delante. Y los dos peces repartió entre todos.
42 Everyone had sufficient to eat;
Y comieron todos, y se hartaron.
43 and they picked up enough broken pieces to fill twelve baskets, as well as some of the fish.
Y alzaron de los pedazos doce esportones llenos, y de los peces.
44 The people who ate the bread were five thousand in number.
Y eran los que comieron de los panes cinco mil varones.
45 Immediately afterwards Jesus made his disciples get into the boat, and cross over in advance, in the direction of Bethsaida, while he himself was dismissing the crowd.
Y luego dio priesa a sus discípulos a subir en la nave, e ir delante de él a la otra parte a Betsaida, entre tanto que él despedía la multitud.
46 After he had taken leave of the people, he went away up the hill to pray.
Y después que los hubo despedido, se fue al monte a orar.
47 When evening fell, the boat was out in the middle of the sea, and Jesus on the shore alone.
Y como fue la tarde, la nave estaba en medio de la mar, y él solo en tierra.
48 Seeing them labouring at the oars – for the wind was against them – about three hours after midnight Jesus came towards them, walking on the water, intending to join them.
Y los vio que se trabajaban navegando, porque el viento les era contrario; y cerca de la cuarta vela de la noche vino a ellos andando sobre la mar, y quería pasarlos.
49 But, when they saw him walking on the water, they thought it was a ghost, and cried out;
Y viéndole ellos, que andaba sobre la mar, pensaron que era fantasma, y dieron voces;
50 for all of them saw him, and were terrified. But Jesus at once spoke to them. ‘Courage!’ he said, ‘it is I; do not be afraid!’
Porque todos le veían, y se turbaron. Mas luego habló con ellos, y les dijo: Aseguráos, yo soy: no tengáis miedo.
51 Then he got into the boat with them, and the wind dropped. The disciples were utterly amazed,
Y subió a ellos en la nave, y el viento reposó, y ellos en gran manera estaban fuera de sí, y se maravillaban;
52 for they had not understood about the loaves, their minds being slow to learn.
Porque aun no entendían el milagro de los panes; porque sus corazones estaban endurecidos.
53 When they had crossed over, they landed at Gennesaret, and moored the boat.
Y cuando fueron a la otra parte, vinieron a tierra de Genesaret, y tomaron puerto.
54 But they had no sooner left her than the people, recognising Jesus,
Y saliendo ellos de la nave, luego le conocieron.
55 hurried over the whole countryside, and began to carry about on mats those who were ill, wherever they heard he was.
Y corriendo por toda la tierra de al derredor, comenzaron a traer de todas partes enfermos en lechos, como oyeron que estaba allí.
56 So wherever he went – to villages, or towns, or farms – they would lay their sick in the market-places, begging him to let them touch only the tassel of his cloak; and all who touched were made well.
Y donde quiera que entraba, en aldeas, o ciudades, o heredades, ponían en las calles los que estaban enfermos, y le rogaban que tocasen siquiera el borde de su vestido, y todos los que le tocaban quedaron sanos.

< Mark 6 >