< Psalms 55 >

1 For the end, among Hymns of instruction by David. Listen, O God, to my prayer; and disregard not my supplication.
Pazljivo prisluhni moji molitvi, oh Bog in ne skrij se pred mojo ponižno prošnjo.
2 Attend to me, and listen to me: I was grieved in my (meditation) and troubled;
Prisluhni mi in me usliši. V svoji pritožbi žalujem in zganjam hrup
3 because of the voice of the enemy, and because of the oppression of the sinner: for they brought iniquity against me, and were wrathfully angry with me.
zaradi glasu sovražnika, zaradi zatiranja zlobnega, kajti name mečejo krivičnost in z besom me sovražijo.
4 My heart was troubled within me; and the fear of death fell upon me.
Moje srce znotraj mene je boleče zaskrbljeno in strahote smrti so padle name.
5 Fear and trembling came upon me, and darkness covered me.
Strah in trepet sta prišla name in groza me je preplavila.
6 And I said, O that I had wings as [those] of a dove! then would I flee away, and be at rest.
Rekel sem: »Oh da bi imel peruti kakor golobica! Kajti potem bi odletel proč in bi bil miren.
7 Behold! I have fled afar off, and lodged in the wilderness. (Pause)
Glej, potem bi odtaval daleč proč in ostal v divjini. (Sela)
8 I waited for him that should deliver me from distress of spirit and tempest.
Pospešil bi svoj pobeg pred vetrovnim viharjem in neurjem.«
9 Destroy, O Lord, and divide their tongues: for I have seen iniquity and gain saying in the city.
Uniči, oh Gospod in razdeli njihove jezike, kajti videl sem nasilje in prepir v mestu.
10 Day and night he shall go round about it upon its walls: iniquity and sorrow and unrighteousness [are] in the midst of it;
Dan in noč hodijo okrog po njegovih zidovih. Tudi vragolija in bridkost sta v njegovi sredi.
11 and usury and craft have not failed from its streets.
Zlobnost je v njegovi sredi. Prevara in zvijača ne odideta iz njegovih ulic.
12 For if an enemy had reproached me, I would have endured it; and if one who hated [me] had spoken vauntingly against me, I would have hid myself from him.
Kajti ni bil sovražnik, ki me je grajal, potem bi to lahko prenesel. Niti ni bil, kdor me je sovražil, ki se je poveličal zoper mene, potem bi se skril pred njim.
13 But you, O man like minded, my guide, and my acquaintance,
Toda bil si ti, človek, moj vrstnik, moj vodnik in moj znanec.
14 who in companionship with me sweetened [our] food: we walked in the house of God in concord.
Skupaj sva imela prijetno namero in družno hodila v Božjo hišo.
15 Let death come upon them, and let them go down alive into Hades, for iniquity is in their dwellings, in the midst of them. (Sheol h7585)
Naj se jih polasti smrt in naj hitro gredo dol v pekel, kajti zlobnost je v njihovih bivališčih in med njimi. (Sheol h7585)
16 I cried to God, and the Lord listened to me.
Kar se mene tiče, bom klical k Bogu in Gospod me bo rešil.
17 Evening, and morning, and at noon I will declare and make known [my wants]: and he shall hear my voice.
Zvečer, zjutraj in opoldan bom molil in glasno vpil. Slišal bo moj glas.
18 He shall deliver my soul in peace from them that draw near to me: for they were with me in many [cases].
V miru je osvobodil mojo dušo pred bitko, ki je bila zoper mene, kajti mnogo jih je bilo z menoj.
19 God shall hear, and bring them low, [even] he that has existed from eternity. (Pause) For they suffer no reverse, and [therefore] they have not feared God.
Bog bo slišal in jih prizadel, celó on, ki ostaja od davnine. (Sela) Ker nimajo sprememb, zato se ne bojijo Boga.
20 He has reached forth his hand for retribution; they have profaned his covenant.
Svoje roke je iztegnil zoper tiste, ki so v miru z njim; prelomil je svojo zavezo.
21 They were scattered at the anger of his countenance, and his heart drew near them. His words were smoother than oil, yet are they darts.
Besede iz njegovih ust so bile bolj gladke kakor maslo, toda v njegovem srcu je bila vojna. Njegove besede so bile mehkejše kakor olje, čeprav so bile izvlečeni meči.
22 Cast your care upon the Lord, and he shall sustain you; he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.
Svoje breme vrzi na Gospoda in on te bo podpiral. Nikoli ne bo dopustil, da bi bil pravični omajan.
23 But you, O God, shall bring them down to the pit of destruction; bloody and crafty men shall not live out half their days; but I will hope in you, O Lord.
Toda ti, oh Bog, jih boš zrušil v jamo uničenja. Krvoločni in varljivi ljudje ne bodo preživeli polovice svojih dni, jaz pa bom zaupal vate.

< Psalms 55 >