< Proverbs 25 >

1 These are the miscellaneous instructions of Solomon, which the friends of Ezekias king of Judea copied out.
此等もまたソロモンの箴言なり ユダの王ヒゼキヤに属せる人々これを輯めたり
2 The glory of God conceals a matter: but the glory of a king honors business.
事を隠すは神の榮誉なり 事を窮むるは王の榮誉なり
3 Heaven is high, and earth is deep, and a king's heart is unsearchable.
天の高さと地の深さと 王たる者の心とは測るべからず
4 Beat the drossy silver, and it shall be made entirely pure.
銀より渣滓を除け さらば銀工の用ふべき器いでん
5 Slay the ungodly from before the king, and his throne shall prosper in righteousness.
王の前より惡者をのぞけ 然ばその位義によりて堅く立ん
6 Be not boastful in the presence of the king, and remain not in the places of princes;
王の前に自ら高ぶることなかれ 貴人の場に立つことなかれ
7 for [it is] better for you that it should be said, Come up to me, than that [one] should humble you in the presence of the prince; speak of that which your eyes have seen.
なんぢが目に見る王の前にて下にさげらるるよりは ここに上れといはるること愈れり
8 Get not suddenly into a quarrel, lest you repent at last.
汝かろがろしく出でて争ふことなかれ 恐くは終にいたりて汝の鄰に辱しめられん その時なんぢ如何になさんとするか
9 Whenever your friend shall reproach you, retreat backward, despise [him] not;
なんぢ鄰と争ふことあらば只これと争へ 人の密事を洩すなかれ
10 lest your friend continue to reproach you, so your quarrel and enmity shall not depart, but shall be to you like death. Favour and friendship set [a man] free, which do you keep for yourself, lest you be made liable to reproach; but take heed to your ways peaceably.
恐くは聞者なんぢを卑しめん 汝そしられて止ざらん
11 [As] a golden apple in a necklace of sardius, so [is it] to speak a [wise] word.
12 In an ear-ring of gold a precious sardius is also set; [so is] a wise word to an obedient ear.
智慧をもて譴むる者の之をきく者の耳におけることは 金の耳環と精金の飾のごとし
13 As a fall of snow in the time of harvest is good against heat, so a faithful messenger [refreshes] those that send him; for he helps the souls of his employers.
忠信なる使者は之を遣す者におけること穡收の日に冷かなる雪あるがごとし 能その主の心を喜ばしむ
14 As winds and clouds and rains are most evident [objects], so is he that boasts of a false gift.
15 In longsuffering is prosperity to kings, and a soft tongue breaks the bones.
怒を緩くすれば君も言を容る 柔かなる舌は骨を折く
16 Having found honey, eat [only] what is enough, lest haply you be filled, and vomit it up.
なんぢ蜜を得るか 惟これを足る程に食へ 恐くは食ひ過して之を吐出さん
17 Enter sparingly into your friend's house, lest he be satiated with your company, and hate you.
なんぢの足を鄰の家にしげくするなかれ 恐くは彼なんぢを厭ひ惡まん
18 [As] a club, and a dagger, and a pointed arrow, so also is a man who bears false witness against his friend.
19 The way of the wicked and the foot of the transgressor shall perish in an evil day.
20 As vinegar is bad for a sore, so trouble befalling the body afflicts the heart. As a moth in a garment, and a worm in wood, so the grief of a man hurts the heart.
心の傷める人の前に歌をうたふは寒き日に衣をぬぐが如く 曹達のうへに酢を注ぐが如し
21 If your enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink;
なんぢの仇もし飢ゑなば之に糧をくらはせ もし渇かば之に水を飮ませよ
22 for so doing you shall heap coals of fire upon his head, and the Lord shall reward you [with] good.
なんぢ斯するは火をこれが首に積むなり ヱホバなんぢに報いたまふべし
23 The north wind raises clouds; so an impudent face provokes the tongue.
北風は雨をおこし かげごとをいふ舌は人の顔をいからす
24 [It is] better to dwell on a corner of the roof, than with a railing woman in an open house.
25 As cold water is agreeable to a thirsting soul, so is a good message from a land far off.
26 As if one should stop a well, and corrupt a spring of water, so [is it] unseemly for a righteous man to fall before an ungodly man.
27 [It is] not good to eat much honey; but it is right to honor venerable sayings.
蜜をおほく食ふは善らず 人おのれの榮誉をもとむるは榮誉にあらず
28 As a city whose walls are broken down, and which is unfortified, so is a man who does anything without counsel.

< Proverbs 25 >