< Jeremias 13 >

1 Thus says the Lord, Go and procure for yourself a linen girdle, and put it about your loins, and let it not be put in water.
2 So I procured the girdle according to the word of the Lord, and put it about my loins.
3 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
4 Take the girdle that is upon your loins, and arise, and go to the Euphrates, and hide it there in a hole of the rock.
5 So I went, and hid it by the Euphrates, as the Lord commanded me.
6 And it came to pass after many days, that the Lord said to me, Arise, go to the Euphrates, and take thence the girdle, which I commanded you to hide there.
7 So I went to the river Euphrates, and dug, and took the girdle out of the place where I [had] buried it: and, behold, it was rotten, utterly good for nothing.
8 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Thus says the Lord,
9 Thus will I mar the pride of Juda, and the pride of Jerusalem;
10 [even] this great pride [of the men] that will not listen to my words, and have gone after strange gods, to serve them, and to worship them: and they shall be as this girdle, which can be used for nothing.
11 For as a girdle cleaves about the loins of a man, so have I caused to cleave to myself the house of Israel, and the whole house of Juda; that they might be to me a famous people, and a praise, and a glory: but they did not listen to me.
12 And you shall say to this people, Every bottle shall be filled with wine: and it shall come to pass, if they shall say to you, Shall we not certainly know that every bottle shall be filled with wine? that you shall say to them,
“所以你要对他们说:‘耶和华—以色列的 神如此说:各坛都要盛满了酒。’他们必对你说:‘我们岂不确知各坛都要盛满了酒呢?’
13 Thus says the Lord, Behold, I [will] fill the inhabitants of this land, and their kings the sons of David that sit upon their throne, and the priests, and the prophets, and Juda and all the dwellers in Jerusalem, with strong drink.
14 And I will scatter them a man and his brother, and their fathers and their sons together: I will not have compassion, says the Lord, and I will not spare, neither will I pity [to save them] from destruction.
15 Hear you, and give ear, and be not proud: for the Lord has spoken.
你们当听,当侧耳而听。 不要骄傲,因为耶和华已经说了。
16 Give glory to the Lord your God, before he cause darkness, and before your feet stumble on the dark mountains, and you shall wait for light, and behold the shadow of death, and they shall be brought into darkness.
耶和华—你们的 神未使黑暗来到, 你们的脚未在昏暗山上绊跌之先, 当将荣耀归给他; 免得你们盼望光明, 他使光明变为死荫, 成为幽暗。
17 But if you will not listen, your soul shall weep in secret because of pride, and your eyes shall pour down tears, because the Lord's flock is sorely bruised.
你们若不听这话, 我必因你们的骄傲在暗地哭泣; 我眼必痛哭流泪, 因为耶和华的群众被掳去了。
18 Say you to the king and the princes, Humble yourselves, and sit down; for your crown of glory is removed from your head.
你要对君王和太后说: 你们当自卑,坐在下边; 因你们的头巾, 就是你们的华冠,已经脱落了。
19 The cities toward the south were shut, and there was none to open [them]: Juda is removed [into captivity, ]they have suffered a complete removal.
南方的城尽都关闭, 无人开放; 犹大全被掳掠, 且掳掠净尽。
20 Lift up your eyes, O Jerusalem, and behold them that come from the north; where is the flock that was given you, the sheep of your glory?
你们要举目观看从北方来的人。 先前赐给你的群众, 就是你佳美的群众, 如今在哪里呢?
21 What will you say when they shall visit you, for you did teach them lessons for rule against yourself; shall not pangs seize you as a woman in travail?
耶和华立你自己所交的朋友为首,辖制你, 那时你还有什么话说呢? 痛苦岂不将你抓住像产难的妇人吗?
22 And if you should say in your heart, Therefore have these things happened to me? Because of the abundance of your iniquity have your skirts been discovered, that your heels might be exposed.
你若心里说:这一切事为何临到我呢? 你的衣襟揭起, 你的脚跟受伤, 是因你的罪孽甚多。
23 If the Ethiopian shall change his skin, or the leopardess her spots, then shall you be able to do good, having learned evil.
古实人岂能改变皮肤呢? 豹岂能改变斑点呢? 若能,你们这习惯行恶的便能行善了。
24 So I scattered them as sticks carried by the wind into the wilderness.
所以我必用旷野的风吹散他们, 像吹过的碎秸一样。
25 Thus is your lot, and the reward of your disobedience to me, says the Lord; as you did forget me, and trust in lies,
耶和华说:这是你所当得的, 是我量给你的分; 因为你忘记我, 倚靠虚假。
26 I also will expose your skirts upon your face, and your shame shall be seen;
所以我要揭起你的衣襟, 蒙在你脸上, 显出你的丑陋。
27 your adultery also, and your neighing, and the looseness of your fornication: on the hills and in the fields I have seen your abominations. Woe to you, O Jerusalem, for you have not been purified so as to follow me; how long yet [shall it be]?
你那些可憎恶之事— 就是在田野的山上行奸淫, 发嘶声,做淫乱的事— 我都看见了。 耶路撒冷啊,你有祸了! 你不肯洁净,还要到几时呢?

< Jeremias 13 >