< Ecclesiastes 10 >

1 Pestilent flies will corrupt a preparation of sweet ointment: [and] a little wisdom is more precious than great glory of folly.
Muscæ morientes perdunt suavitatem unguenti. Pretiosior est sapientia et gloria, parva et ad tempus stultitia.
2 A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.
Cor sapientis in dextera ejus, et cor stulti in sinistra illius.
3 Yes, and whenever a fool walks by the way, his heart will fail him, and all that he thinks of is folly.
Sed et in via stultus ambulans, cum ipse insipiens sit, omnes stultos æstimat.
4 If the spirit of the ruler rise up against you, leave not your place; for soothing will put an end to great offenses.
Si spiritus potestatem habentis ascenderit super te, locum tuum ne demiseris, quia curatio faciet cessare peccata maxima.
5 There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, wherein an error has proceeded from the ruler.
Est malum quod vidi sub sole, quasi per errorem egrediens a facie principis:
6 The fool has been set in very high places, while rich men would sit in a low one.
positum stultum in dignitate sublimi, et divites sedere deorsum.
7 I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants on the earth.
Vidi servos in equis, et principes ambulantes super terram quasi servos.
8 He that digs a pit shall fall into it; and him that breaks down a hedge a serpent shall bite.
Qui fodit foveam incidet in eam, et qui dissipat sepem mordebit eum coluber.
9 He that removes stones shall be troubled thereby; he that cleaves wood shall be endangered thereby.
Qui transfert lapides affligetur in eis, et qui scindit ligna vulnerabitur ab eis.
10 If the axe-head should fall off, then the man troubles his countenance, and he must put forth more strength: and [in that case] skill is of no advantage to a man.
Si retusum fuerit ferrum, et hoc non ut prius, sed hebetatum fuerit, multo labore exacuetur, et post industriam sequetur sapientia.
11 If a serpent bite when there is no [charmer's] whisper, then there is no advantage to the charmer.
Si mordeat serpens in silentio, nihil eo minus habet qui occulte detrahit.
12 The words of a wise mouth are gracious: but the lips of a fool will swallow him up.
Verba oris sapientis gratia, et labia insipientis præcipitabunt eum;
13 The beginning of the words of his mouth is folly: and the end of his talk mischievous madness.
initium verborum ejus stultitia, et novissimum oris illius error pessimus.
14 A fool moreover multiplies words: man knows not what has been, nor what will be: who shall tell him what will come after him?
Stultus verba multiplicat. Ignorat homo quid ante se fuerit; et quid post se futurum sit, quis ei poterit indicare?
15 The labor of fools will afflict them, [as that of one] who knows not to go to the city.
Labor stultorum affliget eos, qui nesciunt in urbem pergere.
16 Woe to you, O city, whose king is young, and your princes eat in the morning!
Væ tibi, terra, cujus rex puer est, et cujus principes mane comedunt.
17 Blessed are you, O land, whose king is a son of nobles, and whose princes shall eat seasonably, for strength, and shall not be ashamed.
Beata terra cujus rex nobilis est, et cujus principes vescuntur in tempore suo, ad reficiendum, et non ad luxuriam.
18 By slothful neglect a building will be brought low: and by idleness of the hands the house will fall to pieces.
In pigritiis humiliabitur contignatio, et in infirmitate manuum perstillabit domus.
19 Men prepare bread for laughter, and wine and oil that the living should rejoice: but to money all things will humbly yield obedience.
In risum faciunt panem et vinum ut epulentur viventes; et pecuniæ obediunt omnia.
20 Even in your conscience, curse not the king; and curse not the rich in your bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry your voice, and that which has wings shall report your speech.
In cogitatione tua regi ne detrahas, et in secreto cubiculi tui ne maledixeris diviti: quia et aves cæli portabunt vocem tuam, et qui habet pennas annuntiabit sententiam.

< Ecclesiastes 10 >