< Psalms 35 >

1 A psalm of David. Oppose my opponents, Lord; fight those who are fighting against me.
大卫的诗。 耶和华啊,与我相争的,求你与他们相争! 与我相战的,求你与他们相战!
2 Put your armor on, and pick up your shield. Get ready, come and help me.
拿着大小的盾牌, 起来帮助我。
3 Draw your spear and your javelin, confront those who are chasing me. Tell me, “I am your salvation!”
抽出枪来,挡住那追赶我的; 求你对我的灵魂说:我是拯救你的。
4 Shame them! Humiliate those who are trying to kill me! Turn them back! Disgrace those who are planning to hurt me!
愿那寻索我命的,蒙羞受辱! 愿那谋害我的,退后羞愧!
5 Let them be like chaff blown by the wind; let the angel of the Lord drive them away.
愿他们像风前的糠, 有耶和华的使者赶逐他们。
6 May their path be dark and slippery, with the angel of the Lord chasing them down.
愿他们的道路又暗又滑, 有耶和华的使者追赶他们。
7 For no reason they set a net to catch me; for no reason they dug a pit to trap me.
因他们无故地为我暗设网罗, 无故地挖坑,要害我的性命。
8 Let disaster come on them suddenly; let the net they set catch them instead; let the pit they dug trap them instead.
愿灾祸忽然临到他身上! 愿他暗设的网缠住自己! 愿他落在其中遭灾祸!
9 Then I will be glad in the Lord; I will be happy in his salvation.
我的心必靠耶和华快乐, 靠他的救恩高兴。
10 Every part of me will say, Who can compare to you, Lord? You rescue the weak from the strong; the poor and needy from robbers.
我的骨头都要说: 耶和华啊,谁能像你 救护困苦人脱离那比他强壮的, 救护困苦穷乏人脱离那抢夺他的?
11 Hostile witnesses stand up to testify against me, accusing me of crimes I don't know anything about.
凶恶的见证人起来, 盘问我所不知道的事。
12 They pay me back with evil instead of good. I feel like giving up.
他们向我以恶报善, 使我的灵魂孤苦。
13 But when they were sick, I put on clothes of sackcloth in sympathy. I denied myself through fasting. May my prayer for them return to bless me too.
至于我,当他们有病的时候, 我便穿麻衣,禁食,刻苦己心; 我所求的都归到自己的怀中。
14 I was upset for them, as if they were my own friends or family; I bowed down in grief as if I was mourning my own mother.
我这样行,好像他是我的朋友,我的弟兄; 我屈身悲哀,如同人为母亲哀痛。
15 But when I was in trouble, they gathered around and laughed at me. Even strangers I don't know attacked me, constantly tearing me apart.
我在患难中,他们却欢喜,大家聚集。 我所不认识的那些下流人聚集攻击我; 他们不住地把我撕裂。
16 Like irreligious people mocking a cripple they mock me and call me names, gnashing their teeth at me.
17 How long, Lord, will you sit by and just watch? Save me from their vicious attacks; defend the only life I have from these lions.
主啊,你看着不理要到几时呢? 求你救我的灵魂脱离他们的残害! 救我的生命脱离少壮狮子!
18 Then I will thank you in front of the whole congregation and praise you in front of all the people.
我在大会中要称谢你, 在众民中要赞美你。
19 Don't let my enemies take pleasure in my troubles, those people who hate me and tell lies about me, gloating over me for no reason.
求你不容那无理与我为仇的向我夸耀! 不容那无故恨我的向我挤眼!
20 They are not looking for peace; they invent malicious and deceptive schemes against innocent peace-loving people.
因为他们不说和平话, 倒想出诡诈的言语害地上的安静人。
21 They open their mouths wide to make accusations against me, saying, “Look! Look! We saw it with our own eyes!”
他们大大张口攻击我,说: 阿哈,阿哈,我们的眼已经看见了!
22 But Lord, you've seen all this! Say something! Don't give up on me, Lord!
耶和华啊,你已经看见了,求你不要闭口! 主啊,求你不要远离我!
23 Wake up! Get up and defend me, my Lord and my God! Take up my case and make sure justice is done!
我的 神我的主啊,求你奋兴醒起, 判清我的事,伸明我的冤!
24 Vindicate me, my Lord and my God, because you are just and right. Don't let them gloat over me.
耶和华—我的 神啊,求你按你的公义判断我, 不容他们向我夸耀!
25 Don't let them say to themselves, “Look! We got what we wanted!” Don't let them say, “We completely destroyed him!”
不容他们心里说:阿哈,遂我们的心愿了! 不容他们说:我们已经把他吞了!
26 Make them totally ashamed, all those who are happy for the trouble I'm in. Let those who are celebrating over me be covered with shame and dishonor.
愿那喜欢我遭难的一同抱愧蒙羞! 愿那向我妄自尊大的披惭愧,蒙羞辱!
27 Instead let those who are pleased I've been vindicated celebrate and shout for joy. Let them always say, “How great is the Lord! He is happy when his servants live in peace and have what they need.”
愿那喜悦我冤屈得伸的欢呼快乐; 愿他们常说:当尊耶和华为大! 耶和华喜悦他的仆人平安。
28 I will tell others about your character of truth and right, praising you all day long!
我的舌头要终日论说你的公义, 时常赞美你。

< Psalms 35 >