< Mark 6 >

1 Jesus left and went home to Nazareth with his disciples.
Jisuna mapham adu thadoklaga mahakki tung-inbasingga loinana masagi khunda amuk hallakle.
2 On Sabbath he began teaching in the synagogue, and many of those who were listening were surprised. “Where does he get these ideas?” they asked. “What's this wisdom he's been given? Where does he get the power to do miracles?
Aduga Ibungona potthaba numitta synagogue-ta tambiba houre. Amasung mi mayam amana Ibungogi tambiba adu tabada ngakladuna hairak-i, “Mahakna pumnamaksing asi kamdouna touba ngamlibano? Asigumba angakpa thabaksing asi tounanaba lousing amadi panggal asi mahakna kadaidagi phanglibano?
3 Isn't this the carpenter, Mary's son—the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Don't his sisters live here among us?” They were offended and rejected him.
Mahak asi u-suba midu nattra? Mahak Mary-gi machanupa, aduga Jacob, Joseph, Judas amadi Simon-gi mayambadu nattra? Aduga mahakki machansing adu eikhoiga leiminnaba nattra?” Asumna makhoina Ibungobu yadre.
4 “A prophet is treated with respect except in his home town, among his relatives, and within his own family,” Jesus told them.
Adudagi Jisuna makhoida hairak-i, “Mapu Ibungogi wa phongdokpa maichousingbu makhoigi maramdam, imung manung amadi mari-matasingna ikai khumnabidaba khak nattana mapham khudingmakta ikai khumnei.”
5 The result was that Jesus could not do any miracles there, except to heal a few sick people.
Aduga makhoina thajadaba adugi maramna Ibungona anaba mi kharagi mathakta khut thambiraga phahanbibakhak nattana atei angakpa thabak amata touba ngamdre.
6 He was amazed at their lack of trust. Jesus traveled around the villages, teaching as he went.
Amasung makhoigi thajaba leitaba aduda Ibungona yamna ngaklammi. Adudagi Jisuna thangnaba khun khunsingda chattuna misingbu tambirammi.
7 He called together the twelve disciples, and began sending them out two by two, giving them authority over evil spirits.
Aduga Ibungona mahakki tung-inba taranithoibu manakta koure. Amasung Ibungona makhoida phattaba thawaisingbu ngamnaba matik pibire aduga makhoi ani ani semduna thare.
8 He told them not to take anything with them except a walking stick—no bread, no bag, and no money in their belts.
Amasung makhoina chatpa matamda cheisu nattana chananaba pot, punanaba khao, senggaoda sel amadi atei kari amata pudanaba yathang pirammi.
9 They could wear sandals, but they were not to take an extra shirt.
Makhoina sandal tongbadi yarammi adubu ahenba phurit pubadi yaramde.
10 “When you're invited into a home, stay there until you leave,” he told them.
Aduga Ibungona makhoida asisu hairammi, “Nakhoibu taramna okliba yum aduda, maphamdu thadoktriba phaoba nakhoina lengdana leiyu.
11 “If you're not welcomed and not listened to, then shake the dust from your feet as you leave as a sign you have given up on them.”
Karigumba mapham amagi misingna nakhoibu taramna oktraba nattraga nakhoina haiba tadraba nakhoigi khongyagi uphuldu kanthoklamlaga mapham adu thadok-tuna chatlu. Maduna makhoida cheksin wa oinabani.”
12 So they went around telling people to repent.
Adudagi Ibungogi tung-inbasing aduna chatkhiduna, misingna paptagi pukning hongduna Mapu Ibungoda hallaknaba pao sandoklammi.
13 They drove out many demons, and healed many who were sick by anointing them with oil.
Makhoina phattaba thawai kaya tanthoklammi aduga anabasingbu thao teibiduna anaba phahanbirammi.
14 King Herod got to hear about Jesus since he had become well-known. Some said, “This is John the Baptist risen from the dead. That's why he has such miraculous powers.”
Adudagi Herod ningthouna Jisugi maramda tare, maramdi Jisugi ming mapham khudingda sandokkhre. Mi kharana hairammi, “Baptize toubiba John amuk hinggatle! Maram aduna mangonda angakpasing toubagi panggal asi leiribani.”
15 Others said, “It's Elijah.” Still others said, “He's a prophet, like one of the prophets of the past.”
Adubu mi kharana amuk hai, “Mahaksi Elijah-ni.” Aduga atoppa kharanasu amuk hai, “Mahak mamangngeigi Mapu Ibungogi wa phongdokpa matik leiba maichousinggumba maichou amani.”
16 But when Herod heard about it, he said, “It's John, the one I beheaded! He's come back from the dead!”
Madu tabada Herod-na hairak-i, “Mahaksi Baptize toubiba John-ni! Eina mahakpu mangak kaktuna hatkhrabani, adubu mahak amuk hinggatle!”
17 For Herod had given orders to arrest and imprison John because of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, whom Herod had married.
Maramdi Herod masamakna yathang piduna John-bu pharaga keisumsangda punduna thamkhi. Mahakna madu Herodias masunglanggidamak toukhibani. Herodias asi Herod masamakki manao nupa Philip-ki nupi oijarabasu mahakna luhongduna lourammi.
18 John had been saying to Herod, “It's against the law to marry your brother's wife.”
Maduda Baptize toubiba John-na Herod-ta hanjin hanjin haikhi, “Nahakki nanao nupagi nupibu nahakna louba haibasi wayel yathang kai!”
19 So Herodias had a grudge against John and wanted him killed. But she wasn't able to arrange it
Maram aduna Herodias-na John-bu malom thamduna singkhi aduga mahakpu hatpa pamkhi. Adum oinamak Herod-na maram oiduna mahakna hatpa ngamlamde.
20 because Herod knew John was a holy man who did what was right. Herod protected John and though what John said was very disturbing to him, he was still happy to hear what he had to say.
Maramdi Herod-na John asi achumba chatpa amadi asengba mi amani khangduna ikai khumnarammi amasung mahakpu ngakthoklammi. Amasung John-na ngangba taba khudingda mahakna kari tougadage haipham khangdabagi awaba leirabasu, John-na ngangbadi mahak adumak taba pamlammi.
21 Herodias had her opportunity on Herod's birthday. He gave a banquet for the nobles, military officers, and important leaders of Galilee.
Mameithangda Herodias-ki khudong chaba adu phangle. Herod-na mahakki mapok numitta mahakki phamnaibasing, lanmigi makoksing amadi Galilee-gi masak naiba misinggidamak chaklen ama langle.
22 Herodias' daughter came in and danced for them. Herod and those eating with him were delighted at her performance, so he told the girl,
Amasung Herodias-ki machanupina changlaktuna Herod amadi tilliba miyamgidamak jagoi sarammi. Aduga mahakna makhoi pumnamakpu yamna pelhallammi. Maram aduna ningthouna leisabi macha aduda hairak-i, “Nahakna apamba ama nijou madu eina nangonda pigani.”
23 “Ask me for whatever you like, and I'll give it to you.” He confirmed his promise with an oath, “I'll give you up to half my kingdom.”
Mahakna mangonda wasaktuna hairak-i, “Eina wasakli, nahakna niningba ama nijabada eina madu pibigani, eigi leibak tangkhai ama oirabasu eina pigani.”
24 She went out and asked her mother, “What should I ask for?” “The head of John the Baptist,” she replied.
Adudagi leisabi macha aduna mamada changsinduna hangle, “Eina kari nijouge?” Maduda mamana khumlak-i, “Baptize toubiba John-gi makok niyu.”
25 The girl hurried back in and said to the king, “I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptist on a plate.”
Aduga leisabi macha aduna thuna ningthougi manakta changlaga hairak-i, “Baptize toubiba John-gi makok adu houjikmak sempak amada haptuna eingonda pibiyu.”
26 The king was very upset, but because of the oaths he'd made in front of his guests, he didn't want to refuse her.
Madu tabada Herod ningthou thawai yamna warammi, adum oinamak mahakna mayam mamangda sakkhiba wasak aduna mahakna yaroi haiba ngamlamde.
27 So he immediately sent an executioner to bring him John's head. After beheading him in the prison,
Maram aduna mahakna lanmigi sanglingba amada John-gi makok kaktuna puraknaba yathang pire. Adudagi lanmigi sanglingba aduna keisumsangda chatkhraga John-gi makok kakle;
28 the executioner brought John's head on a plate and gave it to the girl, and the young girl handed it to her mother.
Amasung mahakna John-gi makok adu sempak amada haplaga leisabi macha aduda pire, aduga leisabi macha aduna madu mamada amuk pirammi.
29 When John's disciples heard what had happened they came and took his body and placed it in a tomb.
Adudagi John-gi tung-inbasingna pao adu tarabada makhoina laktuna John-gi hakchang adu louraga mongphamda leirol challe.
30 The apostles returned and gathered around Jesus. They told him all they had done and what they had taught.
Pakhonchatpasing aduna Jisugi manakta laklaga makhoina touruba amadi makhoina tambirubasing adu Ibungoda tamlammi.
31 “Come with me, just yourselves. We'll go to a quiet place, and rest for a while,” Jesus told them, because there was so much coming and going that they didn't even have time to eat.
Mapham aduda yamkhraba miyamna lakthok laksin touba maramna, Jisu amadi mahakki tung-inbasingna chak chanaba matam phaoba phanglamde. Maram aduna Jisuna makhoida hairak-i, “Eikhoina ngaihak pottharunaba mi tadaba achikpa mapham amada eikhoi chatsi.”
32 So they went by boat to a quiet place to be alone.
Maram aduna makhoina hi amada tongduna achikpa mapham amada chatlammi.
33 But people saw them leaving and recognized them. So people from all the surrounding towns ran ahead and got there before them.
Adumakpu miyam amana makhoina chatpa adu urammi amasung khudakta makhoibu sak khanglammi. Maram aduna khun pumnamaktagi misingna kangphalda khongna mang thana chenkhiduna Jisu amadi mahakki tung-inbasingdagi makhoina hanna mapham aduda thungle.
34 When Jesus got off the boat he saw a huge crowd, and he felt pity for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began to teach them about many things.
Aduga Jisuna hidagi hek kumtharakpaga yamlaba miyam adu ure, aduga Ibungogi thammoida makhoibu nungsiba pokle maramdi makhoisingdu yaosenba leitraba yaosinggum oirammi. Maram aduna Ibungona makhoida hiram kaya tambiba houre.
35 It was getting late in the day and Jesus' disciples came to him. They told him, “We're miles from anywhere, and it's really late.
Amasung numidangwairam oiraklabada Ibungogi tung-inbasingna Ibungoda laklaga hairak-i, “Matam asi thengjinkhre, aduga mapham asisu mi tadaba lamni.
36 You should tell the people to go and buy themselves something to eat in the villages and countryside nearby.”
Miyam asina akoiba maphamsing amadi manak nakpa khunsingda chattuna makhoi makhoigi chananaba karigumba khara leijarunaba thabikhro.”
37 But Jesus replied, “You give them something to eat.” “What? We'd need more than six month's pay to buy bread to feed all these people,” the disciples replied.
Jisuna khumlak-i, “Nakhoina makhoida chanaba piyu.” Maduda makhoina Ibungoda hairak-i, “Eikhoina chattuna makhoina chananabagidamak dinari chanigi tal leirugadra?”
38 “Well, how much bread do you have?” Jesus asked. “Go and see.” They went and checked, and told him, “Five loaves, and a couple of fish.”
Maduda Jisuna makhoida hanglak-i, “Nakhoida tal kaya yaoribage haibadu chattuna yenglu!” Makhoina madu khangdoklaga Ibungoda hairak-i, “Tal manga-ga nga aniga yaori.”
39 Jesus told everyone to sit down in groups on the green grass.
Maduda Jisuna misingdu kangbu kangbu semlaga asangba napi mathakta phamhannaba mahakki tung-inbasingda hairammi.
40 They sat in groups of hundreds and fifties.
Maram aduna mising adu chamagi kangbu amadi yangkheigi kangbu semduna pareng naina phamthare.
41 Then he took the five loaves and the two fish. Looking up to heaven he blessed the food and broke the bread into pieces. Then he handed the bread to the disciples to give to the people, and he divided the fish up between all of them.
Adudagi Jisuna tal manga amadi nga anidu louraga swargaromda yengkhattuna Mapu Ibungobu thagatchare. Adudagi Ibungona talsingdu segaire aduga miyamsingduda yenthoknaba mahakki tung-inbasingda pire. Aduga Ibungona nga anidusu makhoi pumnamak aduda yenthokle.
42 Everyone ate until they were full.
Amasung makhoi pumnamakna mabuk thanna chare.
43 Then they collected up the leftovers of the bread and fish—twelve basketfuls.
Adudagi Ibungogi tung-inbasingna lemhouba tal amasung nga machetsing adu thumok taranithoi thanna khomgatle.
44 A total of five thousand men plus their families ate the food.
Maduda chaba yaokhiba nupasinggi masingdu lising manga oirammi.
45 Immediately after this Jesus instructed his disciples to get back into the boat. They were to go on ahead to Bethsaida on the other side of the lake while he sent the people on their way.
Jisuna miyamdu thadoklingeida, mahakki tung-inbasingbu khudak aduda hida tong-hallaga mahakki mang thana pat adugi wangmada leiba Bethsaida-da thare.
46 Once he'd said goodbye to them he went up into the hills to pray.
Adudagi miyamdu thadokkhraba matungda Ibungona haijanabagidamak ching amada chatlammi.
47 Late that evening the boat was in the middle of the lake while Jesus was alone, still on land.
Aduga numidang oiraklabada mahakki tung-inbasingna tongliba hi adu patyaida leirammi aduga Ibungona mathanta kangphalda leirammi.
48 He could see them being buffeted about as they rowed hard because the wind was blowing against them. In the early morning hours Jesus came to them, walking on the water. He would have passed them,
Amasung hi adu nungsitka maiyoknaba maramna Ibungogi tung-inbasingna yamna wana hi honbadu Ibungona ure. Maram aduna nongngallamdai pung ahumdagi ayukki pung taruk phaobagi manunggi pungpham amada, Ibungona makhoi tamna ising mathakta khongna lakle. Amasung Ibungona makhoibu hendoktuna chatnaba tourammi.
49 but when they saw him walking on the water they thought he was a ghost. They screamed out
Adubu Ibungona ising mathakta khongna chatpa adu ubada makhoina lai phattabani khanduna yamna kiraduna kanna laorammi. Adubu khudak aduda Jisuna makhoida hairak-i, “Nathouna leiyu! Eini, kiganu!”
50 because they could all see him and were absolutely terrified. Jesus told them right away: “Don't worry, it's me. Don't be afraid!”
51 He went over to them and climbed into the boat, and the wind died down. They were totally shocked,
Adudagi Ibungona makhoigi marakta hida kakhatle, aduga nungsit adu lepkhre. Maduda Ibungogi tung-inbasingdu yamna ngaklammi.
52 for they hadn't understood the meaning of the feeding miracle due to their stubborn, hard-hearted attitude.
Maramdi makhoina thammoi kanmanbagi maramna mi lising mangada tal pijakhiba adugi nunggi oiba wapham adu makhoina khangba ngamlamde.
53 After crossing the Sea they arrived at Gennesaret and moored the boat.
Adudagi makhoina pat adu lanthoklaga Gennesaret lamdamda laklammi aduga mapham aduda makhoina hi adu thangle.
54 As they climbed out, the people immediately recognized Jesus.
Aduga makhoina hi adudagi hek kumthabaga misingna Ibungobu khudakta masak khanglammi.
55 They ran everywhere around the whole area to bring in all the sick on their mats to where they'd heard Jesus was.
Maram aduna makhoina mapham adu sinba thungna chelladuna makhoina anaba misingbu masa masagi hipphamsingda hipphallaga Ibungo lei haina taba maphamsingda purakle.
56 Wherever he went, in the villages, in the towns, or in the countryside, they put the sick in the marketplaces and begged Jesus to let the sick touch just the edge of his clothes. Everyone who touched him was healed.
Amasung Jisuna khunggangsing, saharsing amadi apikpa khunsingda chatpa mapham khudingmakta miyamna makhoigi anaba misingbu keithelsingda puthoraklammi, aduga anabasingbu Ibungogi phiji aduta sok-hanbiyu haina makhoina Ibungoda haijarammi. Aduga Ibungogi phiji sokchaba makheina anaba phajarammi.

< Mark 6 >