< Job 40 >

1 God continued speaking to Job.
Waaqayyos Iyyoobiin akkana jedhe:
2 “Are you still going to fight with the Almighty and try to set him straight? Anyone who argues with God must give some answers.”
“Namni Waaqa Waan Hunda Dandaʼuun falmu tokko isa ni qajeelchaa? Namni Waaqa himatu deebii haa kennuuf!”
3 Job answered the Lord,
Iyyoobis akkana jedhee Waaqayyoof deebise:
4 “Me—I am nothing at all. I have no answers. I put my hand in front of my mouth.
“Ani nama faayidaa hin qabnee dha; akkamittin deebii siif kenna? Harka koo afaan koo irra nan kaaʼadha.
5 I have already said far too much and I won't say anything more.”
Ani yeroo tokko dubbadheera; garuu ani waanan deebisu hin qabu; siʼa lama dubbadheera; kana caalaa garuu homaa hin jedhu.”
6 Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind,
Kana irratti Waaqayyo bubbee jabaa keessaa Iyyoobitti dubbate:
7 “Prepare yourself, be strong, for I am going to question you, and you must answer me.
“Akka dhiiraatti mudhii kee hidhadhu; ani sin gaafadha; ati immoo deebii naa kennita.
8 Are you really going to say my decisions are wrong? Are you going to condemn me so you can be right?
“Ati murtii koo qajeelaa sana gatii dhabsiistaa? Ofii keetii qajeelaa taʼuuf na himattaa?
9 Are you as powerful as I am? Does your voice thunder like mine?
Irree akka irree Waaqaa qabdaa? Sagaleen kees akka sagalee isaa qaqawweessaʼuu dandaʼaa?
10 Why don't you dress yourself with majesty and dignity, and clothe yourself with glory and splendor!
Ulfinaa fi guddinaan of miidhagsi; kabajaa fi barreedina uffadhu.
11 Let loose your fierce anger. Humble the proud with a glance.
Dheekkamsa kee kan guutee irra yaaʼu sana dhangalaasi; nama of tuulu kam iyyuu ilaalii qaanessi.
12 Bring down the proud with your gaze; tread the wicked underfoot right where they are.
Nama of tuulu hunda ilaalii gad deebisi; hamoota illee iddoodhuma isaan dhaabatanitti caccabsi.
13 Bury them in the dust; lock them away in the grave.
Isaan hunda walitti qabii biyyoo keessatti awwaali; fuula isaaniis awwaala keessa dhoksi.
14 Then I will also agree that your own strength can save you.
Yoos ani mataan koo, akka harki kee mirgaa si oolchuu dandaʼu siifin mirkaneessa.
15 Consider Behemoth, a creature I made just like I made you. It eats grass like cattle.
“Bihemootin ani akkuman si uumettin uume, kan akkuma qotiyyoo marga dheedu sana mee ilaali.
16 Look at its powerful loins, the muscles of its belly.
Jabinni isaa dugda isaa keessa, humni isaa immoo ribuu garaa isaa keessa jira!
17 It bends its tail like a cedar; its thigh sinews are strong.
Eegeen isaa akkuma muka birbirsaa raafama; ribuun tafa isaa wal keessa xaxamaa dha.
18 Its bones are like bronze tubes; its limbs like iron rods.
Lafeen isaa akka ujummoo naasii ti; harkii fi miilli isaa immoo akka ulee sibiilaa ti.
19 It is the most important example of what God can do; only the one who made it can approach it with a sword.
Inni uumamawwan Waaqaa keessaa hangafa; garuu inni isa uume goraadee isaatiin isatti dhiʼaachuu dandaʼa.
20 The hills produce food for it, and all the wild animals play there.
Gaarran marga ni kennuuf; bineensonni hundi naannoo isaa ni burraaqu.
21 It lies under the lotus; it hides in the reeds of the marsh.
Inni huuxxii qoraattii qabu jala ciisa; shambaqqoo lafa dhaqdhaqii keessa dhokata.
22 The lotus covers it with shade; the willow trees of the valley surround it.
Gaaddisni huuxxii qoraattii qabuu isa haguuga; alaltuun lagaas isa marsa.
23 Even if the river is in flood, it is not concerned; it remains calm when the Jordan river surges against it.
Yommuu lagni cabsee yaaʼutti iyyuu kunoo, inni hin rifatu. Lagni Yordaanos afaan isaa irra garagalu iyyuu inni hin shishu.
24 No one can catch it while it is watching, or pierce its nose with a noose.
Namni utuma inni arguu isa qabuu yookaan kiyyoodhaan isa qabee funyaan isaa uruu dandaʼu tokko iyyuu jiraa?

< Job 40 >