< Genesis 44 >

1 Joseph ordered his household supervisor, “Fill the men's sacks with as much grain as they can hold and put each man's money at the top of his sack.
И заповеда Иосиф домостроителю своему, глаголя: наполните вретища мужем пищи, елико могут понести: и вложите комуждо сребро верху устия вретища:
2 Then put my special silver cup at the top of the sack of the youngest, along with the money for his grain.” He did as Joseph told him.
и чашу мою сребряную вложите во вретище меншаго, и цену пшеницы его. Бысть же по словеси Иосифову, якоже рече.
3 At sunrise they were sent on their way with their donkeys.
Утро возсия, и мужие отпустишася сами, и ослята их.
4 They had hardly left the city when Joseph told his household supervisor, “Go after those men, and when you catch up with them, ask them, ‘Why have you paid back good with evil by stealing my master's silver cup?
Изшедше же они из града, не отидоша далече: и рече Иосиф домостроителю своему: востав гони вслед мужей и постигни их, и рцы им: что яко воздасте (ми) злая за благая?
5 This is the cup he personally drinks from, and which he uses for divination. What you've done is really evil!’”
Вскую украдосте чашу мою сребряну? Не сия ли есть, из неяже пиет господин мой? Он же и волхвованием волхвует в ней: злая совершисте, яже сотвористе.
6 When he caught up with them, he told them what Joseph had said.
Обрет же их, рече им по словесем сим.
7 “My lord, what are you saying?” they replied. “We your servants wouldn't do anything like that!
Они же реша ему: вскую глаголет господин словеса сия? Не буди рабом твоим сотворити по словеси сему:
8 Remember that we brought back the money we found at the top of our sacks when we returned from Canaan. Why would we steal silver or gold from your master's house?
аще сребро, еже обретохом во вретищах наших, возвратихом к тебе от земли Ханаани, како быхом украли из дому господина твоего сребро или злато?
9 If any one of us is found with it, he shall die, and all of us will become your slaves.”
У негоже аще обрящеши чашу от раб твоих, да умрет: и мы будем раби господину нашему.
10 “Whatever you say,” the man replied, “but only the one found with it will become my slave since the rest of you will be free of any blame.”
Он же рече: и ныне, якоже глаголете, тако будет: у негоже аще обрящется чаша, будет мой раб, вы же будете чисти.
11 They all unloaded their sacks and put them on the ground. They each opened their own sacks.
И потщашася, и сверже кийждо вретище свое на землю, и отверзоша кийждо вретище свое.
12 The household supervisor searched the sacks, beginning with the oldest and working his way down to the youngest. The cup was found in Benjamin's sack.
Изыска же от старейшаго зачен, дондеже прииде до меншаго, и обрете чашу во вретищи Вениамини.
13 The brothers tore their clothes in grief. Then they loaded their sacks back on their donkeys and headed back to the city.
И растерзаша ризы своя, и возложиша кийждо вретище свое на осля свое, и возвратишася во град.
14 Joseph was still at home when Judah and his brothers arrived, and they fell to the ground before him.
Вниде же Иуда и братия его ко Иосифу, еще ему сущу ту, и падоша пред ним на землю.
15 “Why did you do this?” Joseph asked. “Don't you know a man like me can find out things through divination?”
Рече же им Иосиф: что дело сие сотвористе? Не ведасте ли, яко несть волхвователь человек, якоже аз?
16 “My lord, what can we say?” Judah replied. “How can we explain this to you? In what way can we prove our innocence? God has exposed the guilt of your servants. My lord, we are your slaves—all of us, including the one who was found with the cup.”
Рече же Иуда: что отвещаем господину, или что возглаголем, или чим оправдимся? Бог же обрете неправду рабов твоих: се, мы есмы раби господину нашему, и мы, и у негоже обретеся чаша.
17 “I wouldn't do anything like that!” Joseph replied. “Only the man who was found with the cup will become my slave. The rest of you are free to return to your father.”
Рече же Иосиф: не буди ми сотворити глагол сей: муж, у негоже обретеся чаша, той будет ми раб: вы же поидите в целости ко отцу своему.
18 Judah came closer and said to him, “If you please, my lord, let your servant just say a word. Please don't become angry with your servant, even though you are as powerful as Pharaoh himself.
Приступив же к нему Иуда, рече: молю тя, господине, да речет раб твой слово пред тобою, и не прогневайся на раба твоего, яко ты еси по фараоне:
19 My lord, previously you asked us, ‘Do you have a father or a brother?’
господине, ты вопрошал еси рабов твоих, глаголя: аще имате отца, или брата?
20 We told you, my lord, ‘We have an elderly father, and a younger brother, born when our father was already old. The boy's brother is dead. He is the only one of his mother's children left, and his father loves him dearly.’
И рехом господину: есть нам отец стар, и отрочищь на старость менший ему, а брат его умре, он же един остася у матере своея, отец же возлюби его.
21 Then you ordered us, ‘Bring him here to me so I can see him.’
Ты же рекл еси рабом твоим: приведите его ко мне, да вижду его.
22 We told you, ‘The boy can't leave his father; if he did, his father would die.’
И рехом господину: не возможет отрочищь оставити отца своего: аще же оставит отца, умрет.
23 But you told us, ‘If your youngest brother doesn't come with you, you won't see me again.’
Ты же рекл еси рабом твоим: аще не приидет брат ваш менший с вами, не приложите ктому видети лица моего.
24 So when we went back to your servant, our father, we explained to him everything you had told us.
Бысть же егда приидохом к рабу твоему отцу нашему, поведахом ему словеса господина нашего,
25 However, later on, our father told us, ‘Go back and buy some more food.’
рече же нам отец наш: идите паки и купите нам мало пищи.
26 But we said, ‘There's no way we can go back unless Benjamin our youngest brother goes with us, because we won't be able to see the man if Benjamin isn't with us.’
Мы же рекохом: не возможем ити: но аще брат наш менший идет с нами, пойдем: ибо не возможем видети лице мужа, брату нашему меншему не сущу с нами.
27 Then my father said to us, ‘You realize that my wife had two sons for me.
Рече же раб твой, отец наш к нам: вы весте, яко двоих роди мне жена:
28 One is no more, ripped to pieces no doubt, for I've never seen him since.
и отиде един от мене, и рекосте, яко зверем снеден бысть, и не видех его даже до ныне:
29 If you take this one away from me too, and something bad happens to him, you'll send this old man to his grave in grief.’ (Sheol h7585)
аще убо поймете и сего от лица моего, и случится ему зло на пути, и сведете старость мою с печалию во ад. (Sheol h7585)
30 So if the boy isn't with us when I go back to my father, whose life depends on the life of the boy,
Ныне убо аще пойду к рабу твоему, отцу же нашему, и отрочища не будет с нами: (душа же его связана есть с душею сего, )
31 as soon as he sees the boy isn't there he'll die, and we will really send this old man, our father, to his grave in grief. (Sheol h7585)
и будет егда увидит он не суща отрочища с нами, умрет: и сведут раби твои старость раба твоего, отца же нашего, с печалию во ад: (Sheol h7585)
32 In fact I gave myself as the guarantee for the boy to my father. I told him, ‘If I don't bring him back to you, then I will always carry the blame!’
раб бо твой от отца взя отрочища, глаголя: аще не приведу его к тебе и поставлю его пред тобою, грешен буду ко отцу вся дни.
33 So please let me stay here as my lord's slave instead of the boy. Let him go back home with his brothers.
Ныне убо пребуду тебе раб вместо отрочища, раб господину: отрочищь же да идет с братиею своею:
34 For how could I ever go back to my father if the boy wasn't with me? I couldn't stand seeing the anguish that would cause my father.”
како бо пойду ко отцу, отрочищу не сущу с нами? Да не вижду злых, яже обрящут отца моего.

< Genesis 44 >