< Job 6 >

1 But Job, responding, said:
Markaasaa Ayuub jawaabay oo wuxuu yidhi,
2 I wish that my sins, for which I deserve wrath, and the calamity that I endure, were weighed out on a balance.
Hahe haddii dhibkayga la miisaami lahaa, Oo masiibadayda kafado la wada saari lahaa!
3 Compared to the sand of the sea, they would appear heavier, and so my words are full of sorrow.
Wuu ka sii cuslaan lahaa cammuudda badaha, Sidaas daraaddeed hadalkaygii degdeg buu noqday.
4 For the arrows of the Lord are in me, my spirit drinks of their indignation, and the terrors of the Lord are soldiers against me.
Waayo, Ilaaha Qaadirka ah fallaadhihiisii ayaa igu dhex jira, Oo naftayduna waabaydoodii way cabbaysaa, Oo Ilaah cabsiintiisiina anigay igu soo kacdaa.
5 Will the wild ass bray when he has grass? Or will the ox bellow when he stands before a full manger?
Dameerdibadeedku miyuu ciyaa markuu caws haysto? Dibiguse miyuu ciyaa markii cunto la siiyo?
6 Or can one eat bland food, which is not seasoned with salt? Or can anyone taste that which, if tasted, causes death?
Wixii aan dhadhan lahayn miyaa cusbola'aan la cuni karaa? Ukunta xabkeeduse miyuu dhadhan leeyahay?
7 The things that my soul was unwilling to touch before, now, because of anguish, are my foods.
Naftaydu way diidaa inay taabato, Waxay ii yihiin sida cunto la naco oo kale.
8 Who will grant that my petition may arrive and that God may bestow on me what I expect,
Hahe bal maan helo waxa aan u baryootamo, Oo Ilaah bal muu i siiyo waxa aan u xiisoodo!
9 and that he who, at first, had crushed me, will let loose his hand and cut me down?
Oo xataa Ilaah bal muu iska jeclaado inuu i burburiyo, Oo bal muu gacantiisa iga sii daayo oo i baabbi'iyo!
10 And may this be my consolation, that in afflicting me with sorrow, although he might not be lenient with me, I still do not contradict the words of the Holy One.
Markaas waan istareexi lahaaye, Oo waxaan u adkaysan lahaa xanuun aan ii tudhayn, Waayo, ma aanan diidin Kan Quduuska ah erayadiisii.
11 For what is my strength, that I may continue? Or what is my goal, so that I may act patiently?
Bal xooggaygu waa maxay inaan sugo aawadeed? Aakhirkayguse waa maxay inaan dulqaato aawadeed?
12 My strength is not the strength of stones, nor is my flesh made of bronze.
War xooggaygu ma xoogga dhagaxyada baa? Mise jidhkaygu ma naxaas baa?
13 Behold, there is no help for me in myself, and my loved ones also have withdrawn from me.
War sow ma aha inaanan iscaawiyi karayn? Sowse xigmaddu igama fogaan?
14 He who takes away mercy from his friend, abandons the fear of the Lord.
Kii diyaar u ah inuu qalbi jabo waa in saaxiibkiis u naxariisto Waaba intaasoo uu ka tago cabsida Ilaaha Qaadirka ahe.
15 My brethren have disregarded me, like a torrent that passes swiftly through the steep valleys.
Walaalahay waa u khiyaano badnaayeen sida durdur oo kale, Sida biyaha durdurrada ee iska baabba'a,
16 Those who fear frost, snow will rush over them.
Kuwaasoo barafka la madoobaaday, Oo uu barafka cad isku qariyo.
17 At that time, when they are scattered, they will perish, and when it becomes hot, they will be freed from their place.
Markay qorraxoodaan way libdhaan, Oo markay kululaadaanna meeshooday ka baabba'aan.
18 The paths of their steps are entangled; they will walk in vain and will perish.
Kuwa safraa gees bay uga leexdaan, Waxay u baxaan xagga cidlada oo halkaasay ku dhintaan.
19 Consider the paths of Thema, the ways of Saba, and wait a little while.
Waxaa fiiriyey kuwa Teemaa ka safray, Oo socotooyinkii Shebaa ayaa fishay.
20 They have been thrown into confusion, just as I had hoped; they have even come to me and are overwhelmed with shame.
Way ceeboobeen, waayo, way rajeeyeen, Halkaasay yimaadeen, oo way hungoobeen.
21 Now you have arrived, and merely by seeing my affliction, you are afraid.
Waayo, hadda idinku sidaasaad ii noqoteen, Waxaad aragteen belaayo, waanad baqdeen.
22 Did I say: “Bring to me and give to me from your necessities?”
Bal anigu miyaan idhi, Wax i sii? Amase, Maalkaaga hadiyad iiga keen?
23 or, “Free me from the hand of the enemy and rescue me from the hand of the strong?”
Amase, Cadowga gacantiisa iga samatabbixi? Amase, Iga furo gacanta kan i dulma?
24 Teach me, and I will be silent, and if by chance I have been ignorant of anything, instruct me.
Bal wax i bar, oo anna waan iska aamusayaa; Oo i garansii wixii aan ku qaldamay.
25 Why have you diminished the words of truth, when there is none of you who is able to offer proof against me?
Erayo runu xoog badanaa! Laakiinse bal canaantiinna muranka ahu maxay caddaysaa?
26 You prepare speeches as so much noise, and you offer words into the wind.
Ma waxaad u malaynaysaan inaad erayo canaanataan? Maxaa yeelay, kii quustay hadalkiisu waa sida dabayl oo kale.
27 You encroach upon the orphan, and you strive to undermine your friend.
Waxaad saami u ridan lahaydeen maalka agoonta, Oo saaxiibkiinna waad ka faa'iidaysan lahaydeen.
28 Such is true, so finish what you have begun. Listen closely, and see if I lie.
Haddaba raalli ahaada oo bal i fiiriya, Waayo, sida runta ah been idiin sheegi maayo.
29 Respond, I beg you, without contention, and, speaking what is just, pass judgment.
Haddaba waan idin baryayaaye iska noqda, yaan caddaaladla'aanu dhicin, Ee mar kale iska noqda, waayo, xaalkaygu waa xaq.
30 And you will not find iniquity on my tongue, nor will foolishness resound in my throat.
War ma caddaaladla'aan baa carrabkayga saaran? Mase carrabkaygaan waxyaalo xunxun dhadhamin karin?

< Job 6 >