< Deuteronomy 18 >

1 “The priests and the Levites, and all who are from the same tribe, shall have no portion or inheritance with the rest of Israel. For they shall eat the sacrifices of the Lord and his oblations.
Duhovniki Lévijevci in ves Lévijev rod ne bodo imeli niti deleža niti dediščine z Izraelom. Jedli bodo Gospodove daritve, narejene z ognjem in [od] njegove dediščine.
2 And they shall receive nothing else from the possession of their brothers. For the Lord himself is their inheritance, just as he said to them.
Zato ne bodo imeli dediščine med svojim brati. Gospod je njihova dediščina, kakor jim je rekel.
3 This shall be the recompense for the priests from the people, and from those who offer victims, whether they will immolate an ox or a sheep. They shall give to the priest the shoulder and the breast,
In to bo pripadlo duhovniku od ljudstva, od tistih, ki darujejo klavno daritev, bodisi je to vol ali ovca; in duhovniku bodo dali pleče, dve ličnici in vamp.
4 the first-fruits of grain, wine, and oil, and a portion of the wool from the shearing of the sheep.
Tudi prve sadove svojega žita, svojega vina, svojega olja in prvo runo svojih ovc mu boš dal.
5 For the Lord your God himself has chosen him out of all your tribes, so that he may stand and minister to the name of the Lord, him and his sons, forever.
Kajti Gospod, tvoj Bog, ga je izbral izmed vseh tvojih rodov, da stoji, da služi v Gospodovem imenu, njemu in njegovim sinovom na veke.
6 If a Levite departs from one of the cities, throughout all of Israel, in which he lives, and if he wills and desires to go to the place which the Lord will choose,
Če pride Lévijevec od katerihkoli izmed tvojih velikih vrat, ven iz vsega Izraela, kjer je začasno bival in pride z vso željo svojega uma na kraj, ki ga bo Gospod izbral,
7 he shall minister in the name of the Lord his God, as do all his brothers, the Levites, who will be standing at that time in the sight of the Lord.
potem bo služil v imenu Gospoda, svojega Boga, kakor počno vsi njegovi bratje Lévijevci, ki stojijo tam pred Gospodom.
8 He shall receive the same portion of food as the rest also receive, besides that which is due to him in his own city, by succession from his fathers.
Za jesti bodo imeli podobne obroke, poleg tega, kar pride od prodaje imetja njegovega očeta.
9 When you will have entered into the land which the Lord your God will give to you, be careful that you are not willing to imitate the abominations of those nations.
Ko prideš v deželo, ki ti jo daje Gospod, tvoj Bog, se ne boš naučil ravnati po gnusobah teh narodov.
10 Do not let there be found among you one who would purify his son or daughter by leading them through fire, nor one who consults seers, nor one who observes dreams or omens. Do not let there be found among you one who practices the occult,
Naj ne bo najti med vami nikogar, ki primora svojega sina ali svojo hčer, da gre skozi ogenj ali da uporablja vedeževanje ali astrologa ali uročevalca ali čarovnico
11 nor one who uses spells, nor one who consults demonic spirits, nor a diviner, nor one who seeks the truth from the dead.
ali zaklinjevalca ali posvetovalca z osebnimi duhovi ali čarovnika ali rotilca duhov umrlih.
12 For the Lord abominates all these things. And, because of these wicked ways, he will destroy them at your arrival.
Kajti vsi ti, ki počno te stvari, so gnusoba Gospodu in zaradi teh gnusob jih bo Gospod, tvoj Bog, pognal izpred tebe.
13 You shall be perfect and without blemish with the Lord your God.
Popoln boš z Gospodom, svojim Bogom.
14 These nations, whose land you shall possess, they listen to soothsayers and diviners. But you have been otherwise instructed by the Lord your God.
Kajti ti narodi, ki se jih boš polastil, so poslušali astrologe in vedeževalce, toda kar se tebe tiče, ti Gospod, tvoj Bog, ni dopustil, da tako počneš.
15 The Lord your God will raise up for you a PROPHET from your nation and from your brothers, similar to me. You shall listen to him,
Gospod, tvoj Bog, ti bo iz tvoje srede, izmed tvojih bratov, obudil Preroka, podobnega meni. Njemu boste prisluhnili,
16 just as you petitioned of the Lord your God at Horeb, when the assembly was gathered together, and you said: ‘Let me no longer hear the voice of the Lord my God, and let me no longer see this very great fire, lest I die.’
glede na vse, kar si na Horebu želel od Gospoda, svojega Boga, na dan zbora, rekoč: ›Naj ne poslušam ponovno glasu Gospoda, svojega Boga niti naj ne vidim več tega velikega ognja, da ne umrem.‹
17 And the Lord said to me: ‘They have spoken all these things well.
Gospod mi je rekel: ›Dobro so govorili to, kar so govorili.
18 I will raise up a prophet for them, from the midst of their brothers, similar to you. And I will place my words in his mouth, and he will speak to them all the things that I will instruct him.
Vzdignil jim bom preroka izmed njihovih bratov, podobnega tebi in svoje besede bom položil v njegova usta in govoril jim bo vse, kar mu bom zapovedal.
19 But against anyone who is not willing to listen to his words, which he will speak in my name, I will stand forth as the avenger.
In zgodilo se bo, da kdorkoli ne bo prisluhnil mojim besedam, ki jih bo govoril v mojem imenu, bom to zahteval od njega.
20 But if a prophet, having been corrupted by arrogance, chooses to speak, in my name, things which I did not instruct him to say, or to speak in the name of foreign gods, he shall be put to death.
Toda prerok, ki si bo predrznil govoriti besedo v mojem imenu, ki mu je nisem zapovedal govoriti ali ki bo govoril v imenu drugih bogov, celo ta prerok bo umrl.‹
21 But if, in silent thought, you respond: “How will I be able to recognize a word which the Lord has not spoken?”
In če v svojem srcu rečeš: ›Kako bomo spoznali besedo, ki je Gospod ni govoril?‹
22 you shall have this sign. If whatever that prophet predicts in the name of the Lord does not happen, then the Lord has not spoken it. Instead, the prophet has formed it through the swelling of his own mind. And for this reason, you shall not fear him.’”
Kadar prerok spregovori v Gospodovem imenu, če stvar ne sledi niti se ne zgodi, to je stvar, ki je Gospod ni rekel, temveč je prerok to prepotentno govoril. Ne boš se ga bal.

< Deuteronomy 18 >