< Esias 55 >

1 You that thirst, go to the water, and all that have no money, go [and] buy; and eat [and drink] wine and fat without money or price.
Hej, vsi, ki ste žejni, pridite k vodam in tisti, ki nimate denarja; pridite, kupite in jejte; da, pridite, kupite vino in mleko, brez denarja in brez cene.
2 Therefore do you value at the price of money, and [give] your labour for that which will not satisfy? listen to me, and you shall eat that which is good, and your soul shall feast itself on good things.
Zakaj trošite denar za to, kar ni kruh? In svoj trud za to, kar ne nasičuje? Marljivo mi prisluhnite in jejte to, kar je dobro in naj se vaša duša razveseljuje v obilju.
3 Give heed with your ears, and follow my ways: listen to me, and your soul shall live in prosperity; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, the sure mercies of David.
Nagnite svoje uho in pridite k meni. Prisluhnite in vaša duša bo živela in z vami bom sklenil večno zavezo, celó zanesljive Davidove milosti.
4 Behold I have made him a testimony amongst the Gentiles, a prince and commander to the Gentiles.
Glej, izročil sem ga za pričo ljudstvu, voditelja in poveljnika ljudstvu.
5 Nations which know you not, shall call upon you, and peoples which are not acquainted with you, shall flee to you for refuge, for the sake of the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel; for he has glorified you.
Glej, poklical boš narod, ki ga nisi poznal in narodi, ki te niso poznali, bodo tekli k tebi zaradi Gospoda, tvojega Boga in zaradi Svetega Izraelovega, ker te je proslavil.
6 Seek you the Lord, and when you find him, call upon him; and when he shall draw near to you,
Iščite Gospoda, dokler se daje najti, kličite k njemu, dokler je blizu.
7 let the ungodly leave his ways, and the transgressor his counsels: and let him return to the Lord, and he shall find mercy; for he shall abundantly pardon your sins.
Naj zlobni zapusti svojo pot in nepravičen človek svoje misli in naj se vrne h Gospodu in se ga bo usmilil; in k našemu Bogu, kajti obilno bo odpustil.
8 For my counsels are not as your counsels, nor are my ways as your ways, says the Lord.
Kajti moje misli niso vaše misli niti vaše poti niso moje poti, « govori Gospod.
9 But as the heaven is distant from the earth, so is my way distant from your ways, and your thoughts from my mind.
»Kajti kakor je nebo višje od zemlje, tako so moje poti višje od vaših poti in moje misli višje od vaših misli.
10 For as rain shall come down, or snow, from heaven, and shall not return until it have saturated the earth, and it bring forth, and bud, and give seed to the sower, and bread for food:
Kajti kakor dež prihaja dol in sneg z neba in se ne vrača tja, temveč zaliva zemljo in jo pripravlja, da poganja in brsti, da lahko da seme sejalcu in kruh jedcu,
11 so shall my word be, whatever shall proceed out of my mouth, it shall by no means turn back, until all the things which I willed shall have been accomplished; and I will make your ways prosperous, and [will effect] my commands.
tako bo moja beseda, ki gre ven iz mojih ust. Le-ta se k meni ne bo vrnila prazna, temveč bo le-ta dovršila to, kar mi ugaja in uspela v stvari, h kateri sem jo poslal.
12 For you shall go forth with joy, and shall be taught with gladness: for the mountains and the hills shall exult to welcome you with joy, and all the trees of the field shall applaud with their branches.
Kajti ven boste odšli z radostjo in vodeni boste z mirom. Gore in hribi bodo izbruhnili pred vami s petjem in vsa poljska drevesa bodo ploskala s svojimi rokami.«
13 And instead of the bramble shall come up the cypress, and instead of the nettle shall come up the myrtle: and the Lord shall be for a name, and for an everlasting sign, and shall not fail.
Namesto trnja bo zrasla cipresa in namesto osata bo pognalo mirtino drevo in to bo Gospodu v ime in za večno znamenje, ki ne bo iztrebljeno.

< Esias 55 >