< Jeremias 30 >

1 CONCERNING THE SONS OF AMMON thus saith the Lord, Are there no sons in Israel? or have they no one to succeed [them]? wherefore has Melchol inherited Galaad, and why shall their people dwell in their cities?
Beseda, ki je prišla Jeremiju od Gospoda, rekoč:
2 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will cause to be heard in Rabbath a tumult of wars; and they shall become a waste and ruined place, and her altars shall be burned with fire; then shall Israel succeed to his dominion.
»Tako govori Gospod, Izraelov Bog, rekoč: ›V knjigo si zapiši vse besede, ki sem ti jih govoril.
3 Howl, O Esebon, for Gai has perished; cry, ye daughters of Rabbath, gird yourselves with sack-clothes, and lament; for Melchol shall go into banishment, his priests and his princes together.
Kajti glej, prihajajo dnevi, ‹ govori Gospod, ›da bom ponovno privedel ujetništvo svojega ljudstva Izraela in Juda, ‹ govori Gospod ›in povzročil jim bom, da se vrnejo v deželo, ki sem jo dal njihovim očetom in oni jo bodo vzeli v last.‹«
4 Why do ye exult in the plains of the Enakim, thou haughty daughter, that trustest in [thy] treasures, that sayest, Who shall come in to me?
To so besede, ki jih je Gospod govoril glede Izraela in glede Juda.
5 Behold, I [will] bring terror upon thee, saith the Lord, from all the country round about thee; and ye shall be scattered every one right before him, and there is none to gather you.
Kajti tako govori Gospod: »Slišali smo glas trepetanja, strahu in ne miru.
Vprašajte torej in poglejte, ali je mož v porodnih mukah z otrokom? Zakaj vidim vsakega moža s svojimi rokami na svojih ledjih, kakor žensko v porodnih mukah in so vsi obrazi postali bledi?
Ojoj! Kajti ta dan je velik, tako da mu ni nobeden podoben. To je celo čas Jakobove stiske, toda rešen bo iz nje.
Kajti to se bo zgodilo na ta dan, « govori Gospod nad bojevniki, » da bom zlomil njegov jarem s tvojega vratu in raztrgal tvoje vezi in tujcem ne bo več sužnjeval,
temveč bodo služili Gospodu, svojemu Bogu in Davidu, svojemu kralju, ki jim ga bom vzdignil.
Zato se ne boj, oh moj služabnik Jakob, ‹ govori Gospod; ›niti ne bodi zaprepaden, oh Izrael, kajti, glej, rešil te bom od daleč in tvoje seme iz dežele njihovega ujetništva. Jakob se bo vrnil in bo v miru in bo tiho in nihče ga ne bo prestrašil.
Kajti jaz sem s teboj, ‹ govori Gospod, ›da te rešim. Čeprav naredim poln konec vsem narodom, kamor sem te razkropil, vendar iz tebe ne bom naredil polnega konca, temveč te bom grajal po meri in te ne bom pustil povsem nekaznovanega.‹
Kajti tako govori Gospod: ›Tvoja poškodba je nezaceljiva in tvoja rana je boleča.
Nobenega ni, da zagovarja tvoj primer, da bi bil lahko obvezan. Nobenih zdravilnih zdravil nimaš.
Vsi tvoji ljubimci so te pozabili. Ne iščejo te; kajti ranil sem te z rano sovražnika, s kaznovanjem krutega, zaradi množice tvojih krivičnosti, ker so tvoji grehi narasli.
Zakaj vpiješ zaradi svoje stiske? Tvoja bridkost je neozdravljiva zaradi množice tvoje krivičnosti. Ker so tvoji grehi narasli, sem ti jaz storil te stvari.
Zatorej bodo vsi, ki te požirajo, požrti, in vsi tvoji nasprotniki, vsak izmed njih, bodo šli v ujetništvo, in tisti, ki te plenijo, bodo plen in vse to ukradeno blago na tebi bom dal za plen.
Kajti jaz ti bom obnovil zdravje in jaz te bom ozdravil tvojih ran, ‹ govori Gospod, ›ker so te imenovali Izobčenec, rekoč: ›To je Sion, ki ga noben človek ne išče.‹
Tako govori Gospod: ›Glej, ponovno bom privedel ujetništvo Jakobovih šotorov in se usmilil njegovih bivališč, in mesto bo zgrajeno na svojem lastnem kupu in palača bo ostala po svoji lastni navadi.
Iz njih bo izšlo zahvaljevanje in glas tistih, ki se veselijo. Pomnožil jih bom in ne bo jih malo; prav tako jih bom proslavil in ne bodo majhni.
Tudi njihovi otroci bodo kakor poprej in njihova skupnost bo utrjena pred menoj, kaznoval pa bom vse, ki jih zatirajo.
Njihovi plemiči bodo izmed njih in njihov voditelj bo izšel iz njihove srede. Povzročil mu bom, da se približa in pristopil bo k meni, kajti kdo je ta, ki daje svojemu srcu jamstvo, da se mi približa?‹ govori Gospod.
›Vi boste moje ljudstvo in jaz bom vaš Bog.‹«
23 CONCERNING DAMASCUS. Emath is brought to shame, and Arphath: for they have heard an evil report: they are amazed, they are angry, they shall be utterly unable to rest.
Glej, vrtinčast veter od Gospoda gre naprej z razjarjenostjo, nenehen vrtinčast veter; boleče bo padel na glavo zlobnih.
24 Damascus is utterly weakened, she is put to flight; trembling has seized upon her.
Gospodova kruta jeza se ne bo vrnila, dokler ne bo tega storil in dokler ne izpolni namene svojega srca. V zadnjih dneh boste to preudarili.
25 How has she not left my city, they have loved the village?
26 Therefore shall the young men fall in thy streets, and all thy warriors shall fall, saith the Lord.
27 And I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus, and it shall devour the streets of the son of Ader.
28 CONCERNING KEDAR THE QUEEN OF THE PALACE, WHOM NABUCHODONOSOR KING OF BABYLON SMOTE, thus saith the Lord; Arise ye, and go up to Kedar, and fill the sons of Kedem.
29 They shall take their tents and their sheep, they shall take for themselves their garments, and all their baggage and their camels; and summon ye destruction against them from every side.
30 Flee ye, dig very deep for a dwelling-place, ye that dwell in the palace; for the king of Babylon has framed a counsel, and devised a device against you.
31 Rise up, and go up against a nation settled [and] dwelling at ease, who have no doors, nor bolts, nor bars, [who] dwell alone.
32 And their camels shall be a spoil, and the multitude of their cattle shall be destroyed: and I will scatter them as chaff with every wind, having their hair cut about their foreheads, I will bring on their overthrow from all sides, saith the Lord.
33 And the palace shall be a resting-place for ostriches, and desolate for ever: no man shall abide there, and no son of man shall dwell there.

< Jeremias 30 >