< Ezra 2 >

1 And these [are] the people of the land that went up, of the number of prisoners who were removed, whom Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon carried away to Babylon, and they returned to Juda and Jerusalem, every man to his city;
Och dessa voro de män från hövdingdömet, som drogo upp ur den landsflykt och fångenskap i Babel, till vilken de hade blivit bortförda av Nebukadnessar, konungen i Babel, och som vände tillbaka till Jerusalem och Juda, var och en till sin stad,
2 who came with Zorobabel: Jesus, Neemias, Saraias, Reelias, Mardochaeus, Balasan, Masphar, Baguai, Reum, Baana. The number of the people of Israel:
i det att de följde med Serubbabel, Jesua, Nehemja, Seraja, Reelaja, Mordokai, Bilsan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum och Baana. Detta var antalet män av Israels meniga folk:
3 the children of Phares, two thousand one hundred and seventy-two.
Pareos' barn: två tusen ett hundra sjuttiotvå;
4 The children of Saphatia, three hundred and seventy-two.
Sefatjas barn: tre hundra sjuttiotvå;
5 The children of Ares, seven hundred and seventy-five.
Aras barn: sju hundra sjuttiofem;
6 The children of Phaath Moab, belonging to the sons of Jesue [and] Joab, two thousand eight hundred and twelve.
Pahat-Moabs barn, av Jesuas och Joabs barn: två tusen åtta hundra tolv;
7 The children of Aelam, a thousand two hundred and fifty-four.
Elams barn: ett tusen två hundra femtiofyra;
8 The children of Zatthua, nine hundred and forty-five.
Sattus barn: nio hundra fyrtiofem;
9 The children of Zacchu, seven hundred and sixty.
Sackais barn: sju hundra sextio;
10 The children of Banui, six hundred and forty-two.
Banis barn: sex hundra fyrtiotvå;
11 The children of Babai, six hundred and twenty-three.
Bebais barn: sex hundra tjugutre;
12 The children of Asgad, a thousand two hundred and twenty-two.
Asgads barn: ett tusen två hundra tjugutvå;
13 The children of Adonicam, six hundred and sixty-six.
Adonikams barn: sex hundra sextiosex;
14 The children of Bague, two thousand and fifty-six.
Bigvais barn: två tusen femtiosex;
15 The children of Addin, four hundred and fifty-four.
Adins barn: fyra hundra femtiofyra;
16 The children of Ater [the son] of Ezekias, ninety eight.
Aters barn av Hiskia: nittioåtta;
17 The children of Bassu, three hundred and twenty-three.
Besais barn: tre hundra tjugutre;
18 The children of Jora, a hundred and twelve.
Joras barn: ett hundra tolv;
19 The children of Asum, two hundred and twenty-three.
Hasums barn: två hundra tjugutre;
20 The children of Gaber, ninety-five.
Gibbars barn: nittiofem;
21 The children of Bethlaem, a hundred and twenty-three.
Bet-Lehems barn: ett hundra tjugutre;
22 The children of Netopha, fifty-six.
männen från Netofa: femtiosex;
23 The children of Anathoth, a hundred and twenty-eight.
männen från Anatot: ett hundra tjuguåtta;
24 The children of Azmoth, forty-three.
Asmavets barn: fyrtiotvå;
25 The children of Cariathiarim, Chaphira, and Beroth, seven hundred and forty-three.
Kirjat-Arims, Kefiras och Beerots barn: sju hundra fyrtiotre;
26 The children of Rama and Gabaa, six hundred and twenty-one.
Ramas och Gebas barn: sex hundra tjuguen;
27 The men of Machmas, a hundred and twenty-two.
männen från Mikmas: ett hundra tjugutvå;
28 The men of Baethel and Aia, four hundred and twenty-three.
männen från Betel och Ai: två hundra tjugutre;
29 The children of Nabu, fifty-two.
Nebos barn: femtiotvå;
30 The children of Magebis, a hundred and fifty-six.
Magbis' barn: ett hundra femtiosex;
31 The children of Elamar, a thousand two hundred and fifty-four.
den andre Elams barn: ett tusen två hundra femtiofyra;
32 The children of Elam, three hundred and twenty.
Harims barn: tre hundra tjugu;
33 The children of Lodadi and Ono, seven hundred and twenty-five.
Lods, Hadids och Onos barn: sju hundra tjugufem;
34 The children of Jericho, three hundred and forty-five.
Jerikos barn: tre hundra fyrtiofem;
35 The children of Senaa, three thousand six hundred and thirty.
Senaas barn: tre tusen sex hundra trettio.
36 And the priests, the sons of Jedua, [belonging to] the house of Jesus, [were] nine hundred and seventy-three.
Av prästerna: Jedajas barn av Jesuas hus: nio hundra sjuttiotre;
37 The children of Emmer, a thousand [and] fifty-two.
Immers barn: ett tusen femtiotvå;
38 The children of Phassur, a thousand two hundred [and] forty-seven.
Pashurs barn: ett tusen två hundra fyrtiosju;
39 The children of Erem, a thousand [and] seven.
Harims barn: ett tusen sjutton.
40 And the Levites, the sons of Jesus and Cadmiel, belonging to the sons of Oduia, seventy-four.
Av leviterna: Jesuas och Kadmiels barn, av Hodaujas barn: sjuttiofyra;
41 The sons of Asaph, singers, a hundred [and] twenty-eight.
av sångarna: Asafs barn: ett hundra tjuguåtta;
42 The children of the porters, the children of Sellum, the children of Ater, the children of Telmon, the children of Acub, the children of Atita, the children of Sobai, [in] all a hundred [and] thirty-nine.
av dörrvaktarnas barn: Sallums barn, Aters barn, Talmons barn, Ackubs barn, Hatitas barn, Sobais barn: alla tillsammans ett hundra trettionio.
43 The Nathinim: the children of Suthia, the children of Asupha, the children of Tabaoth,
Av tempelträlarna: Sihas barn, Hasufas barn, Tabbaots barn,
44 the sons of Cades, the children of Siaa, the children of Phadon,
Keros' barn, Siahas barn, Padons barn,
45 the children of Labano, the children of Agaba, the sons of Acub,
Lebanas barn, Hagabas barn, Ackubs barn,
46 the children of Agab, the children of Selami, the children of Anan,
Hagabs barn, Samlais barn, Hanans barn,
47 the children of Geddel, the children of Gaar, the children of Raia,
Giddels barn, Gahars barn, Reajas barn,
48 the children of Rason, the children of Necoda, the children of Gazem,
Resins barn, Nekodas barn, Gassams barn,
49 the children of Azo, the children of Phase, the children of Basi,
Ussas barn, Paseas barn, Besais barn,
50 the children of Asena, the children of Mounim, the children of Nephusim,
Asnas barn, Meunims barn, Nefisims barn,
51 the children of Bacbuc, the children of Acupha, the children of Arur,
Bakbuks barn, Hakufas barn, Harhurs barn,
52 the children of Basaloth, the children of Mauda, the children of Arsa,
Basluts barn, Mehidas barn, Harsas barn,
53 the children of Barcos, the children of Sisara, the children of Thema,
Barkos' barn, Siseras barn, Temas barn,
54 the children of Nasthie, the children of Atupha.
Nesias barn, Hatifas barn.
55 The children of the servants of Solomon: the children of Sotai, the children of Sephera, the children of Phadura,
Av Salomos tjänares barn: Sotais barn, Hassoferets barn, Perudas barn,
56 the children of Jeela, the children of Darcon, the children of Gedel,
Jaalas barn, Darkons barn, Giddels barn,
57 the children of Saphatia, the children of Atil, the children of Phacherath, the children of Aseboim, the children of Emei.
Sefatjas barn, Hattils barn, Pokeret-Hassebaims barn, Amis barn.
58 All the Nathanim, and the sons of Abdeselma [were] three hundred and ninety-two.
Tempelträlarna och Salomos tjänares barn utgjorde tillsammans tre hundra nittiotvå.
59 And these [are] they that went up from Thelmelech, Thelaresa, Cherub, Hedan, Emmer: and they were not able to tell the house of their fathers, and their seed, whether they were of Israel:
Och dessa voro de som drogo åstad från Tel-Mela, Tel-Harsa, Kerub, Addan och Immer, men som icke kunde uppgiva sina familjer och sin släkt och huruvida de voro av Israel:
60 the children of Dalaea, the children of Bua, the children of Tobias, the children of Necoda, six hundred [and] fifty-two.
Delajas barn, Tobias barn, Nekodas barn, sex hundra femtiotvå.
61 And of the children of the priests, the children of Labeia, the children of Akkus, the children of Berzellai, who took a wife of the daughter of Berzellai the Galaadite, and was called by their name.
Och av prästernas barn: Habajas barn, Hackos' barn, Barsillais barn, hans som tog en av gileaditen Barsillais döttrar till hustru och blev uppkallad efter deras namn.
62 These sought their genealogy [as though] they had been reckoned, but they were not found; and they were removed, [as polluted], from the priesthood.
Dessa sökte efter sina släktregister, men kunde icke finna dem; därför blevo de såsom ovärdiga uteslutna från prästadömet.
63 And the Athersastha told them that they should not eat of the most holy things, until a priest should arise with Lights and Perfections.
Och ståthållaren tillsade dem att de icke skulle få äta av det högheliga, förrän en präst uppstode med urim och tummim.
64 And all the congregation together [were] about forty-two thousand three hundred and sixty;
Hela församlingen utgjorde sammanräknad fyrtiotvå tusen tre hundra sextio,
65 besides their men-servants and maid-servants, [and] these were seven thousand three hundred [and] thirty-seven: and [among] these were two hundred singing men and singing women.
förutom deras tjänare och tjänarinnor, som voro sju tusen tre hundra trettiosju. Och till dem hörde två hundra sångare och sångerskor.
66 Their horses [were] seven hundred [and] thirty-six, their mules, two hundred [and] forty-five.
De hade sju hundra trettiosex hästar, två hundra fyrtiofem mulåsnor,
67 Their camels, four hundred [and] thirty-five; their asses, six thousand seven hundred [and] twenty.
fyra hundra trettiofem kameler och sex tusen sju hundra tjugu åsnor.
68 And [some] of the chiefs of families, when they went into the house of the Lord that was in Jerusalem, offered willingly for the house of God, to establish it on its prepared place.
Och somliga av huvudmännen för familjerna gåvo, när de kommo till HERRENS hus i Jerusalem, frivilliga gåvor till Guds hus, för att det åter skulle byggas upp på samma plats.
69 According to their power they gave into the treasury of the work pure gold sixty-one thousand pieces, and five thousand pounds of silver, and one hundred priests' garments.
De gåvo, efter som var och en förmådde, till arbetskassan i guld sextioett tusen dariker och i silver fem tusen minor, så ock ett hundra prästerliga livklädnader.
70 So the priests, and the Levites, and some of the people, and the singers, and the porters, and the Nathinim, dwelt in their cities, and all Israel in their cities.
Och prästerna, leviterna, en del av meniga folket, sångarna, dörrvaktarna och tempelträlarna bosatte sig i sina städer: hela Israel i sina städer.

< Ezra 2 >