< Proverbs 24 >

1 Have no envy for evil men, or any desire to be with them:
你不要嫉妒恶人, 也不要起意与他们相处;
2 For the purposes of their hearts are destruction, and their lips are talking of trouble.
因为,他们的心图谋强暴, 他们的口谈论奸恶。
3 The building of a house is by wisdom, and by reason it is made strong:
房屋因智慧建造, 又因聪明立稳;
4 And by knowledge its rooms are full of all dear and pleasing things.
5 A wise man is strong; and a man of knowledge makes strength greater.
智慧人大有能力; 有知识的人力上加力。
6 For by wise guiding you will overcome in war: and in a number of wise guides there is salvation.
你去打仗,要凭智谋; 谋士众多,人便得胜。
7 Wisdom is outside the power of the foolish: he keeps his mouth shut in the public place.
智慧极高,非愚昧人所能及, 所以在城门内不敢开口。
8 He whose purposes are bad will be named a man of evil designs.
设计作恶的, 必称为奸人。
9 The purpose of the foolish is sin: and the hater of authority is disgusting to others.
愚妄人的思念乃是罪恶; 亵慢者为人所憎恶。
10 If you give way in the day of trouble, your strength is small.
你在患难之日若胆怯, 你的力量就微小。
11 Be the saviour of those who are given up to death, and do not keep back help from those who are slipping to destruction.
人被拉到死地,你要解救; 人将被杀,你须拦阻。
12 If you say, See, we had no knowledge of this: does not the tester of hearts give thought to it? and he who keeps your soul, has he no knowledge of it? and will he not give to every man the reward of his work?
你若说:这事我未曾知道, 那衡量人心的岂不明白吗? 保守你命的岂不知道吗? 他岂不按各人所行的报应各人吗?
13 My son, take honey, for it is good; and the flowing honey, which is sweet to your taste:
我儿,你要吃蜜,因为是好的; 吃蜂房下滴的蜜便觉甘甜。
14 So let your desire be for wisdom: if you have it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off.
你心得了智慧,也必觉得如此。 你若找着,至终必有善报; 你的指望也不致断绝。
15 Do not keep a secret watch, O evil-doer, against the fields of the upright man, or send destruction on his resting-place:
你这恶人,不要埋伏攻击义人的家; 不要毁坏他安居之所。
16 For an upright man, after falling seven times, will get up again: but trouble is the downfall of the evil.
因为,义人虽七次跌倒,仍必兴起; 恶人却被祸患倾倒。
17 Do not be glad at the fall of your hater, and let not your heart have joy at his downfall:
你仇敌跌倒,你不要欢喜; 他倾倒,你心不要快乐;
18 For fear that the Lord may see it, and it may be evil in his eyes, and his wrath may be turned away from him.
恐怕耶和华看见就不喜悦, 将怒气从仇敌身上转过来。
19 Do not be troubled because of evil-doers, or have envy of sinners:
不要为作恶的心怀不平, 也不要嫉妒恶人;
20 For there will be no future for the evil man; the light of sinners will be put out.
因为,恶人终不得善报; 恶人的灯也必熄灭。
21 My son, go in fear of the Lord and the king: have nothing to do with those who are in high positions:
我儿,你要敬畏耶和华与君王, 不要与反复无常的人结交,
22 For their downfall will come suddenly; and who has knowledge of the destruction of those in high positions?
因为他们的灾难必忽然而起。 耶和华与君王所施行的毁灭, 谁能知道呢?
23 These are more sayings of the wise: To have respect for a person's position when judging is not good.
以下也是智慧人的箴言: 审判时看人情面是不好的。
24 He who says to the evil-doer, You are upright, will be cursed by peoples and hated by nations.
对恶人说“你是义人”的, 这人万民必咒诅,列邦必憎恶。
25 But those who say sharp words to him will have delight, and a blessing of good will come on them.
责备恶人的,必得喜悦; 美好的福也必临到他。
26 He gives a kiss with his lips who gives a right answer.
27 Put your work in order outside, and make it ready in the field; and after that, see to the building of your house.
你要在外头预备工料, 在田间办理整齐, 然后建造房屋。
28 Do not be a violent witness against your neighbour, or let your lips say what is false.
不可无故作见证陷害邻舍, 也不可用嘴欺骗人。
29 Say not, I will do to him as he has done to me; I will give the man the reward of his work.
不可说:人怎样待我,我也怎样待他; 我必照他所行的报复他。
30 I went by the field of the hater of work, and by the vine-garden of the man without sense;
我经过懒惰人的田地、 无知人的葡萄园,
31 And it was all full of thorns, and covered with waste plants, and its stone wall was broken down.
荆棘长满了地皮, 刺草遮盖了田面, 石墙也坍塌了。
32 Then looking at it, I gave thought: I saw, and I got teaching from it.
我看见就留心思想; 我看着就领了训诲。
33 A little sleep, a little rest, a little folding of the hands in sleep:
再睡片时,打盹片时, 抱着手躺卧片时,
34 So loss will come on you like an outlaw, and your need like an armed man.
你的贫穷就必如强盗速来, 你的缺乏仿佛拿兵器的人来到。

< Proverbs 24 >