< Jonah 1 >

1 And the word of the Lord came to Jonah, the son of Amittai, saying,
E veio a palavra do Senhor a Jonas, filho de Amittai, dizendo:
2 Up! go to Nineveh, that great town, and let your voice come to it; for their evil-doing has come up before me.
Levanta-te, vai à grande cidade de Nínive, e apregoa contra ela, porque a sua malícia subiu até mim.
3 And Jonah got up to go in flight to Tarshish, away from the Lord; and he went down to Joppa, and saw there a ship going to Tarshish: so he gave them the price of the journey and went down into it to go with them to Tarshish, away from the Lord.
E Jonas se levantou para fugir de diante da face do Senhor para Tarsis, e desceu a Joppe, e achou que um navio ia para Tarsis, e deu a sua passagem, e desceu para dentro dele, para ir com eles para Tarsis, de diante da face do Senhor.
4 And the Lord sent out a great wind on to the sea and there was a violent storm in the sea, so that the ship seemed in danger of being broken.
Mas o Senhor lançou ao mar um grande vento, e fez-se no mar uma grande tempestade, e o navio estava para quebrar-se.
5 Then the sailors were full of fear, every man crying to his god; and the goods in the ship were dropped out into the sea to make the weight less. But Jonah had gone down into the inmost part of the ship where he was stretched out in a deep sleep.
Então temeram os marinheiros, e clamavam cada um ao seu deus, e lançavam no mar as fazendas, que estavam no navio, para o aliviarem do seu peso; porém Jonas desceu aos lados do porão, e se deitou, e dormia um profundo sono.
6 And the ship's captain came to him and said to him, What are you doing sleeping? Up! say a prayer to your God, if by chance God will give a thought to us, so that we may not come to destruction.
E o mestre do navio chegou-se a ele, e disse-lhe: Que tens, adormentado? levanta-te, clama ao teu Deus; porventura Deus se lembrará de nós para que não pereçamos.
7 And they said to one another, Come, let us put this to the decision of chance and see on whose account this evil has come on us. So they did so, and Jonah was seen to be the man.
E diziam cada um ao seu companheiro: Vinde, e lancemos sortes, para que saibamos por que causa nos tem vindo este mal. E lançaram sortes, e a sorte caiu sobre Jonas.
8 Then they said to him, Now make clear to us what is your work, and where you come from? what is your country, and who are your people?
Então lhe disseram: Declara-nos tu agora, por cuja causa nos tem vindo este mal. Que ocupação é a tua? e de onde vens? qual é a tua terra? e de que povo és tu?
9 And he said to them, I am a Hebrew, a worshipper of the Lord, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land.
E ele lhes disse: Eu sou hebreu, e temo ao Senhor, o Deus do céu, que fez o mar e a terra seca.
10 And the men were in great fear, and they said to him, What is this you have done? For the men had knowledge of his flight from the Lord because he had not kept it from them.
Então estes homens tremeram com grande temor, e lhe disseram: Porque fizeste tu isto? Pois sabiam os homens que fugia de diante do Senhor, porque ele lho tinha declarado.
11 And they said to him, What are we to do to you so that the sea may become calm for us? For the sea was getting rougher and rougher.
E disseram-lhe: Que te faremos nós, para que o mar se nos aquiete? Porque o mar se elevava e engrossava cada vez mais.
12 And he said to them, Take me up and put me into the sea, and the sea will become calm for you: for I am certain that because of me this great storm has come on you.
E ele lhes disse: levantai-me, e lançai-me no mar, e o mar se vos aquietará; porque eu sei que por minha causa é que vos sobreveio esta grande tempestade.
13 And the men were working hard to get back to the land, but they were not able to do so: for the sea got rougher and rougher against them.
Mas os homens remavam, para tornar a trazer o navio para terra, mas não podiam; porquanto o mar se ia embravecendo cada vez mais contra eles.
14 So, crying to the Lord, they said, Give ear to our prayer, O Lord, give ear, and do not let destruction overtake us because of this man's life; do not put on us the sin of taking life without cause: for you, O Lord, have done what seemed good to you.
Então clamaram ao Senhor, e disseram: Ah Senhor! não pereçamos por causa da alma deste homem, e não ponhas sobre nós o sangue inocente; porque tu, Senhor, fizeste como quizeste.
15 So they took Jonah up and put him into the sea: and the sea was no longer angry.
E levantaram a Jonas, e o lançaram no mar, e cessou o mar da sua fúria.
16 Then great was the men's fear of the Lord; and they made an offering to the Lord and took oaths to him.
Temeram pois estes homens ao Senhor com grande temor; e sacrificaram sacrifícios ao Senhor, e votaram votos.
17 And the Lord made ready a great fish to take Jonah into its mouth; and Jonah was inside the fish for three days and three nights.
Preparou pois o Senhor um grande peixe, que tragasse a Jonas; e esteve Jonas três dias e três noites nas entranhas do peixe.

< Jonah 1 >