< Hosea 9 >

1 Have no joy, O Israel, and do not be glad like the nations; for you have been untrue to your God; your desire has been for the loose woman's reward on every grain-floor.
Nepriecājies, Israēl, ar gavilēšanu kā tās tautas, jo tu dzen maucību, atkāpdamies no sava Dieva, tu mīļo mauku algu uz visiem labības kloniem.
2 The grain-floor and the place where the grapes are crushed will not give them food; there will be no new wine for them.
Klons un eļļas spaids viņus nemielos un jaunais vīns tos pievils.
3 They will have no resting-place in the Lord's land, but Ephraim will go back to Egypt, and they will take unclean food in Assyria.
Tie nepaliks Tā Kunga zemē, bet Efraīms griezīsies atpakaļ uz Ēģipti, un Asīrijā tie ēdīs nešķīstu.
4 They will give no wine offering to the Lord, they will not make offerings ready for him; their bread will be like the bread of those in sorrow; all who take it will be unclean, because their bread will be only for their desire, it will not come into the house of the Lord.
Tie Tam Kungam nenesīs dzeramus upurus no vīna, un viņu kaujamie upuri viņam nepatiks; tie viņiem būs kā bēru maize. Visi, kas to ēd, apgānās, jo viņu maize ir priekš viņiem pašiem, un nenāk Tā Kunga namā.
5 What will you do on the day of worship, and on the day of the feast of the Lord?
Ko tad jūs darīsiet svētkos un Tā Kunga svētā dienā?
6 For see, they are going away into Assyria; Egypt will get them together, Memphis will be their last resting-place; their fair silver vessels will be covered over with field plants, and thorns will come up in their tents.
Jo redzi, tiem jāaiziet tā posta dēļ, Ēģipte tos sapulcinās, Memfisa viņus apraks. Nātres mantos viņu sudraba dārgumus, ērkšķi būs viņu dzīvokļos.
7 The days of punishment, the days of reward are come; Israel will be put to shame; the prophet is foolish, the man who has the spirit is off his head, because of your great sin.
Piemeklēšanas dienas nākušas, atmaksāšanas dienas ir klāt, Israēls to samanīs! Tie pravieši ir ģeķi, tie gara vīri ir traki, - visa tava lielā nozieguma un lielā naida dēļ.
8 There is great hate against the watchman of Ephraim, the people of my God; as for the prophet, there is a net in all his ways, and hate in the house of his God.
Efraīms lūko manam Dievam garām, un pravieši ir palikuši par slazda valgiem uz visiem viņa ceļiem, naids ir viņu dieva namā.
9 They have gone deep in evil as in the days of Gibeah; he will keep in mind their wrongdoing, he will give them punishment for their sins.
Tie ir dziļi maitājušies tā kā Ģibejas dienās; viņš pieminēs viņu noziegumu, viņš piemeklēs viņu grēkus.
10 I made discovery of Israel as of grapes in the waste land; I saw your fathers as the first-fruits of the fig-tree in her early fruit time; but they came to Baal-peor, and made themselves holy to the thing of shame, and became disgusting like that to which they gave their love.
Es atradu Israēli kā vīna ogu ķekarus tuksnesī, Es ieraudzīju jūsu tēvus kā pirmajus augļus pie vīģes koka; bet tie nogāja pie BaālPeora un padevās tam bezkaunīgam un tapa tik neganti kā viņu drauģeļi.
11 As for Ephraim, their glory will go in flight like a bird: there will be no birth and no one with child and no giving of life.
Efraīma godība aizskries kā putns, ka tur ne dzemdēs, nedz taps grūtas, nedz ieņems.
12 Even though their children have come to growth I will take them away, so that not a man will be there; for their evil-doing will be complete and they will be put to shame because of it.
Un jebšu tie savus bērnus uzaudzinātu, tomēr Es tiem tos gribu laupīt, ka cilvēku neatliek. Ak vai, tiem, kad Es no tiem būšu atstājies!
13 As I have seen a beast whose young have been taken from her, so Ephraim will give birth to children only for them to be put to death.
Efraīms, ko Es biju izredzējis, būt par Tiru, bija stādīts skaistā vietā, bet Efraīmam savi bērni jaiznes slepkavam.
14 O Lord, what will you give them? Give them bodies which may not give birth and breasts without milk.
Dod tiem, ak Kungs! Ko lai Tu dodi? Dod tiem neauglīgas miesas un izsīkušas krūtis.
15 All their evil-doing is in Gilgal; there I had hate for them; because of their evil-doing I will send them out of my house; they will no longer be dear to me; all their rulers are uncontrolled.
Visa viņu negantība ir Gilgalā, tur Es tos ienīdēju. Viņu ļauno darbu dēļ Es tos izdzīšu no Sava nama, Es joprojām tos vairs nemīļošu; - visi viņu lielkungi ir atkāpēji.
16 The rod has come on Ephraim, their root is dry, let them have no fruit; even though they give birth, I will put to death the dearest fruit of their bodies.
Efraīms ir sasists, viņu sakne ir izkaltusi; tie nenesīs nekādus augļus; un jebšu tie dzemdinātu, tomēr Es viņu miesas mīlulīšus gribu nokaut.
17 My God will give them up because they did not give ear to him; they will be wandering among the nations.
Mans Dievs tos atmetīs, tāpēc ka tie Viņam neklausīja, un tie būs bēguļi starp tautām.

< Hosea 9 >