< Ezekiel 24 >

1 And the word of the Lord came to me in the ninth year, in the tenth month, on the tenth day of the month, saying,
Un Tā Kunga vārds notika uz mani devītā gadā, desmitā mēnesī, desmitā mēneša dienā, sacīdams:
2 Son of man, put down in writing this very day: The king of Babylon let loose the weight of his attack against Jerusalem on this very day.
Cilvēka bērns, uzraksti sev šīs dienas, šīs pašas dienas vārdu: Bābeles ķēniņš šai dienā ir apmeties pret Jeruzālemi.
3 And make a comparison for this uncontrolled people, and say to them, This is what the Lord has said: Put on the cooking-pot, put it on the fire and put water in it:
Saki līdzību pret to atkāpēju sugu un saki uz tiem: tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: cel podu pie uguns, cel to klāt, ielej arīdzan ūdeni iekšā.
4 And get the bits together, the fat tail, every good part, the leg and the top part of it: make it full of the best bones.
Saliec tos gabalus tur iekšā, visus labos gabalus, cisku un pleci, pildi to ar tiem visulabākiem kauliem.
5 Take the best of the flock, put much wood under it: see that its bits are boiling well; let the bones be cooked inside it.
Ņem no visulabākām avīm un iekuri arī uguni apakš tiem kauliem, lai labi vārās, un kauli, kas iekšā, lai labi izvārās.
6 For this is what the Lord has said: A curse is on the town of blood, the cooking-pot which is unclean inside, which has never been made clean! take out its bits; its fate is still to come on it.
Tādēļ tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: Ak vai tai asins pilsētai, tam podam, kas sarūsējis un kam rūsa negrib noiet. Gabalu pēc gabala ņem ārā, meslus par to nemet.
7 For her blood is in her; she has put it on the open rock not draining it on to the earth so that it might be covered with dust;
Jo viņas asinis ir viņas vidū, viņa tās ir izlējusi uz kailas klints un tās nav izgāzusi zemē, ka pīšļi tās apklātu.
8 In order that it might make wrath come up to give punishment, she has put her blood on the open rock, so that it may not be covered.
Sūtīt bardzību un parādīt atriebšanu, Es viņas asinis esmu licis izliet uz kailas klints, ka netop apklātas.
9 For this cause the Lord has said: A curse is on the town of blood! and I will make great the burning mass.
Tādēļ tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: Ak vai, tai asins pilsētai! Arī es kurināšu uguni lielu.
10 Put on much wood, heating up the fire, boiling the flesh well, and making the soup thick, and let the bones be burned.
Pienesi daudz malkas, iededzini uguni, savāri gaļu, un zāļo to ar zālēm, un lai tie kauli savārās.
11 And I will put her on the coals so that she may be heated and her brass burned, so that what is unclean in her may become soft and her waste be completely taken away.
Pēc tam cel viņu tukšu uz oglēm, lai tas top karsts un lai viņa varš nodeg sarkans un viņa netīrums, kas tur iekšā, izkūst, un viņa rūsa top izdeldēta.
12 I have made myself tired to no purpose: still all the waste which is in her has not come out, it has an evil smell.
Viņš dara lielu pūliņu, un viņa rūsa negrib noiet, viņa rūsa pastāv ugunī
13 As for your unclean purpose: because I have been attempting to make you clean, but you have not been made clean from it, you will not be made clean till I have let loose my passion on you in full measure.
Tavas negantās nešķīstības dēļ; tādēļ ka Es tevi esmu šķīstījis, un tu neesi palikusi šķīsta, tad tu no savas nešķīstības vairs netapsi šķīsta, kamēr Es Savu bardzību pie tevis bušu izdarījis.
14 I the Lord have said the word and I will do it; I will not go back or have mercy, and my purpose will not be changed; in the measure of your ways and of your evil doings you will be judged, says the Lord.
Es Tas Kungs to esmu runājis, tā būs, un to Es darīšu, Es no tā neatstāšos un nesaudzēšu un neapželošos; pēc taviem ceļiem un pēc taviem darbiem tevi sodīs, saka Tas Kungs Dievs.
15 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Un Tā Kunga vārds notika uz mani sacīdams:
16 Son of man, see, I am taking away the desire of your eyes by disease: but let there be no sorrow or weeping or drops running from your eyes.
Cilvēka bērns, redzi, Es atņemšu tavu acu jaukumu caur vienu sitienu; tomēr tev nebūs žēloties nedz raudāt nedz asaras izliet.
17 Let there be no sound of sorrow; make no weeping for your dead, put on your head-dress and your shoes on your feet, let not your lips be covered, and do not take the food of those in grief.
Nopūties klusiņām, necel raudas par mirušiem. Bet uzsien savu cepuri un apvelc savas kurpes kājās, neaptin savu muti, tev arī nebūs ēst raudu maizi.
18 So in the morning I was teaching the people and in the evening death took my wife; and in the morning I did what I had been ordered to do.
Tā es runāju uz tiem ļaudīm no rīta, un vakarā mana sieva nomira. Un es darīju no rīta, kā man bija pavēlēts.
19 And the people said to me, Will you not make clear to us the sense of these things; is it for us you do them?
Tad tie ļaudis uz mani sacīja: vai tu negribi mums stāstīt, kādēļ mums šīs lietas rāda, ka tu tā dari?
20 Then I said to them, The word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Un es uz tiem sacīju: Tā Kunga vārds uz mani noticis sacīdams:
21 Say to the people of Israel, The Lord has said, See, I will make my holy place unclean, the pride of your strength, the pleasure of your eyes, and the desire of your soul; and your sons and daughters, who did not come with you here, will be put to the sword.
Saki Israēla namam: tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: redzi, Es sagānīšu Savu svēto vietu, jūsu lepno stiprumu, jūsu acu jaukumu un jūsu dvēseļu mīlību, un jūsu dēli un jūsu meitas, ko jūs esat atstājuši, kritīs caur zobenu.
22 And you will do as I have done, not covering your lips or taking the food of those in grief.
Tad jūs darīsiet, kā Es esmu darījis, muti jūs neaptīsiet un raudu maizi neēdīsiet.
23 And your head-dresses will be on your heads and your shoes on your feet: there will be no sorrow or weeping; but you will be wasting away in the punishment of your evil-doing, and you will be looking at one another in wonder.
Un jūsu cepures būs uz jūsu galvām un jūsu kurpes jūsu kājās. Jūs nežēlosities nedz raudāsiet, bet iznīksiet savos noziegumos, un vaidēsiet cits pret citu.
24 And Ezekiel will be a sign to you; everything he has done you will do: when this takes place, you will be certain that I am the Lord.
Tā Ecehiēls jums būs par zīmi; itin kā viņš darījis, tā jūs darīsiet; kad tas notiks, tad jūs samanīsiet, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs Dievs.
25 And as for you, son of man, your mouth will be shut in the day when I take from them their strength, the joy of their glory, the desire of their eyes, and that on which their hearts are fixed, and their sons and daughters.
Un tu, cilvēka bērns, vai tas nebūs tai dienā, kad Es no tiem atņemšu viņu drošumu, viņu slavu un prieku, viņu acu jaukumu un viņu dvēseles mīlību, viņu dēlus un viņu meitas,
26 In that day, one who has got away safe will come to you to give you news of it.
Tai dienā nāks pie tevis viens, kas izglābies un to tavām ausīm stāstīs.
27 In that day your mouth will be open to him who has got away safe, and you will say words to him and your lips will no longer be shut: so you will be a sign to them and they will be certain that I am the Lord.
Tai dienā tava mute atvērsies kā arī tam izglābtam, un tu runāsi un nebūsi vairs mēms. Tā tu būsi par brīnuma zīmi un tie samanīs, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs.

< Ezekiel 24 >