< Esther 9 >

1 Now on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, when the time came for the king's order to be put into effect, on the very day when the haters of the Jews had been hoping to have rule over them; though the opposite had come about, and the Jews had rule over their haters;
E no mês duodécimo, que é o mês de Adar, no dia treze do mesmo mês em que chegou a palavra do rei e a sua ordem para a executar, no dia em que os inimigos dos judeus esperavam assenhorear-se deles, sucedeu o contrário, porque os judeus foram os que se assenhorearam dos seus aborrecedores.
2 On that day, the Jews came together in their towns through all the divisions of the kingdom of Ahasuerus, for the purpose of attacking all those who were attempting evil against them: and everyone had to give way before them, for the fear of them had come on all the peoples.
Porque os judeus nas suas cidades, em todas as províncias do rei Assuero, se ajuntaram para pôr as mãos naqueles que procuravam o seu mal: e nenhum parou diante deles; porque o seu terror caiu sobre todos aqueles povos.
3 And all the chiefs and the captains and the rulers and those who did the king's business gave support to the Jews; because the fear of Mordecai had come on them.
E todos os maiorais das províncias, e os sátrapas, e os governadores, e os que faziam a obra do rei, exaltavam os judeus porque tinha caído sobre eles o temor de mardoqueu.
4 For Mordecai was great in the king's house, and word of him went out through every part of the kingdom: for the man Mordecai became greater and greater.
Porque mardoqueu era grande na casa do rei, e a sua fama saía por todas as províncias; porque o homem mardoqueu se ia engrandecendo.
5 So the Jews overcame all their attackers with the sword and with death and destruction, and did to their haters whatever they had a desire to do.
Feriram pois os judeus a todos os seus inimigos, às cutiladas da espada, e da matança e da destruição: e fizeram dos seus aborrecedores o que quizeram.
6 And in Shushan the Jews put to death five hundred men.
E na fortaleza de Susan mataram e destruiram os judeus quinhentos homens;
7 They put to death Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha,
Como também a Parsandatha, e a Dalphon, e a Aspatha,
8 Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha,
E a Poratha, e a Adalia, e a Aridatha,
9 Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai, and Vaizatha,
E a Pharmasta, e a Arisai, e a Aridai, e a Vaizatha:
10 The ten sons of Haman the son of Hammedatha, the hater of the Jews; but they put not a hand on any of their goods.
Os dez filhos de Haman, filho de Hammedatha, o inimigo dos judeus, mataram, porém ao despojo não estenderam a sua mão.
11 On that day the number of those who had been put to death in the town of Shushan was given to the king.
No mesmo dia veio perante o rei o número dos mortos na fortaleza de Susan.
12 And the king said to Esther the queen, The Jews have put five hundred men to death in Shushan, as well as the ten sons of Haman: what then have they done in the rest of the kingdom! Now what is your prayer? for it will be given to you; what other request have you? and it will be done.
E disse o rei à rainha Esther: Na fortaleza de Susan mataram e destruiram os judeus quinhentos homens, e os dez filhos de Haman; nas mais províncias do rei que fariam? qual é pois a tua petição, e dar-se-te-á; ou qual é ainda o teu requerimento? e far-se-á.
13 Then Esther said, If it is the king's pleasure, let authority be given to the Jews in Shushan to do tomorrow as has been done today, and let orders be given for the hanging of Haman's ten sons.
Então disse Esther: Se bem parecer ao rei, conceda-se também amanhã aos judeus que se acham em Susan que façam conforme ao mandado de hoje: e enforquem os dez filhos de Haman numa forca.
14 And the king said that this was to be done, and the order was given out in Shushan, and the hanging of Haman's ten sons was effected.
Então disse o rei que assim se fizesse; e deu-se um edito em Susan, e enforcaram os dez filhos de Haman.
15 For the Jews who were in Shushan came together again on the fourteenth day of the month Adar and put to death three hundred men in Shushan; but they put not a hand on their goods.
E ajuntaram-se os judeus que se achavam em Susan também no dia quatorze do mês de Adar, e mataram em Susan a trezentos homens: porém ao despojo não estenderam a sua mão.
16 And the other Jews in every division of the kingdom came together, fighting for their lives, and got salvation from their haters and put seventy-five thousand of them to death; but they did not put a hand on their goods.
Também os demais judeus que se achavam nas províncias do rei se ajuntaram para se porém em defesa da sua vida, e tiveram repouso dos seus inimigos; e mataram dos seus aborrecedores setenta e cinco mil; porém ao despojo não estenderam a sua mão.
17 This they did on the thirteenth day of the month Adar; and on the fourteenth day of the same month they took their rest, and made it a day of feasting and joy.
Sucedeu isto no dia treze do mês de Adar: e repousaram no dia quatorze do mesmo, e fizeram daquele dia dia de banquetes e de alegria.
18 But the Jews in Shushan came together on the thirteenth and on the fourteenth day of the month; and on the fifteenth day they took their rest, and made it a day of feasting and joy.
Também os judeus, que se achavam em Susan se ajuntaram nos dias treze e quatorze do mesmo: e repousaram no dia quinze do mesmo, e fizeram daquele dia dia de banquetes e de alegria.
19 So the Jews of the country places living in unwalled towns make the fourteenth day of the month Adar a day of feasting and joy and a good day, a day for sending offerings one to another.
Os judeus porém das aldeias, que habitavam nas vilas, fizeram do dia quatorze do mês de Adar dia de alegria e de banquetes, e dia de folguedo, e de mandarem presentes uns aos outros.
20 And Mordecai sent letters to all the Jews in every division of the kingdom of Ahasuerus, near and far,
E mardoqueu escreveu estas coisas, e enviou cartas a todos os judeus que se achavam em todas as províncias do rei Assuero, aos de perto, e aos de longe,
21 Ordering them to keep the fourteenth day of the month Adar and the fifteenth day of the same month, every year,
Ordenando-lhes que guardassem o dia quatorze do mês de Adar, e o dia quinze do mesmo, todos os anos,
22 As days on which the Jews had rest from their haters, and the month which for them was turned from sorrow to joy, and from weeping to a good day: and that they were to keep them as days of feasting and joy, of sending offerings to one another and good things to the poor.
Conforme aos dias em que os judeus tiveram repouso dos seus inimigos; e ao mês que se lhes mudou de tristeza em alegria, e de luto em dia de folguedo; para que os fizessem dias de banquetes e de alegria, e de mandarem presentes uns aos outros, e aos pobres dádivas.
23 And the Jews gave their word to go on as they had been doing and as Mordecai had given them orders in writing;
E se encarregaram os judeus de fazerem o que já tinham começado, como também o que mardoqueu lhes tinha escrito.
24 Because Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, the hater of all the Jews, had made designs for their destruction, attempting to get a decision by Pur (that is, chance) with a view to putting an end to them and cutting them off;
Porque Haman, filho de Hammedatha, o agagita, inimigo de todos os judeus, tinha intentado destruir os judeus; e tinha lançado pur, isto é, a sorte, para os assolar e destruir.
25 But when the business was put before the king, he gave orders by letters that the evil design which he had made against the Jews was to be turned against himself; and that he and his sons were to be put to death by hanging.
Mas, vindo isto perante o rei, mandou ele por cartas que o seu mau intento, que intentara contra os judeus, se tornasse sobre a sua cabeça; pelo que o enforcaram a ele e a seus filhos numa forca.
26 So these days were named Purim, after the name of Pur. And so, because of the words of this letter, and of what they had seen in connection with this business, and what had come to them,
Por isso àqueles dias chamam purim, do nome pur; pelo que também por causa de todas as palavras daquela carta, e do que viram sobre isso, e do que lhes tinha sucedido,
27 The Jews made a rule and gave an undertaking, causing their seed and all those who were joined to them to do the same, so that it might be in force for ever, that they would keep those two days, as ordered in the letter, at the fixed time every year;
Confirmaram os judeus, e tomaram sobre si, e sobre a sua semente, e sobre todos os que se achegassem a eles, que não se deixaria de guardar estes dois dias conforme ao que se escrevera deles, e segundo o seu tempo determinado, todos os anos.
28 And that those days were to be kept in memory through every generation and every family, in every division of the kingdom and every town, that there might never be a time when these days of Purim would not be kept among the Jews, or when the memory of them would go from the minds of their seed.
E que estes dias seriam lembrados e guardados por cada geração, família, província, e cidade, e que estes dias de purim não traspassariam dentre os judeus, e que a memória deles nunca teria fim entre os de sua semente.
29 Then Esther the queen, daughter of Abihail, and Mordecai the Jew, sent a second letter giving the force of their authority to the order about the Purim.
Depois disto escreveu a rainha Esther, filha de Abigail, e mardoqueu o judeu, com toda a força, para confirmarem segunda vez esta carta de purim.
30 And he sent letters to all the Jews in the hundred and twenty-seven divisions of the kingdom of Ahasuerus, with true words of peace,
E mandaram cartas a todos os judeus, às cento e vinte e sete províncias do reino de Assuero, com palavras de paz e fidelidade,
31 Giving the force of law to these days of Purim at their fixed times, as they had been ordered by Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen, and in keeping with the rules they had made for themselves and their seed, in connection with their time of going without food and their cry for help.
Para confirmarem estes dias de purim nos seus tempos determinados, como mardoqueu, o judeu, e a rainha Esther lhes tinham estabelecido, e como eles mesmos já o tinham estabelecido sobre si e sobre a sua semente, acerca do jejum e do seu clamor.
32 The order given by Esther gave the force of law to the rules about the Purim; and it was recorded in the book.
E o mandado de Esther estabeleceu os sucessos daquele purim: e escreveu-se num livro.

< Esther 9 >