< Deuteronomy 30 >

1 Now when all these things have come on you, the blessing and the curse which I have put before you, if the thought of them comes back to your minds, when you are living among the nations where the Lord your God has sent you,
Kad nu viss tas nāks pār tevi, vai šī svētība, vai šie lāsti, ko es tev esmu licis priekšā, un kad tu to ņemsi pie sirds starp tām tautām, uz kurieni Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tevi izdzinis,
2 And your hearts are turned again to the Lord your God, and you give ear to his word which I give you today, you and your children, with all your heart and with all your soul:
Un tu atgriezīsies pie Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, un klausīsi Viņa balsij, kā es tev šodien pavēlu, tu un tavi bērni, no visas savas sirds un no visas savas dvēseles:
3 Then the Lord will have pity on you, changing your fate, and taking you back again from among all the nations where you have been forced to go.
Tad Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, nogriezīs tavu cietumu un apžēlosies par tevi, un tevi atkal salasīs no visām tautām, uz kurieni Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tevi izkaisījis.
4 Even if those who have been forced out are living in the farthest part of heaven, the Lord your God will go in search of you, and take you back;
Jebšu tavi izdzītie arī būtu pašā pasaules galā, tad tomēr Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, no turienes tevi sapulcēs un tevi ņems no turienes.
5 Placing you again in the land of your fathers as your heritage; and he will do you good, increasing you till you are more in number than your fathers were.
Un Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tevi vedīs uz to zemi, ko tavi tēvi turējuši, un tu to iemantosi, un Viņš tev darīs labu, un tevi vairos vairāk nekā tavus tēvus.
6 And the Lord your God will give to you and to your seed a circumcision of the heart, so that, loving him with all your heart and all your soul, you may have life.
Un Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, apgraizīs tavu sirdi un tava dzimuma sirdi, ka tu To Kungu, savu Dievu, mīlēsi no visas savas sirds un no visas savas dvēseles, lai tu dzīvo.
7 And the Lord your God will put all these curses on those who are against you, and on your haters who put a cruel yoke on you.
Un Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, liks visus šos lāstus uz taviem ienaidniekiem un uz taviem skauģiem, kas tevi vajā.
8 And you will again give ear to the voice of the Lord, and do all his orders which I have given you today.
Bet tu atkal klausīsi Tā Kunga balsij un darīsi visus Viņa baušļus, ko es tev šodien pavēlu.
9 And the Lord your God will make you fertile in all good things, blessing the work of your hands, and the fruit of your body, and the fruit of your cattle, and the fruit of your land: for the Lord will have joy in you, as he had in your fathers:
Un Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tevi bagāti svētīs visā tavā roku darbā, pie tavas miesas augļiem un pie tavu lopu augļiem un pie tavas zemes augļiem, ka tev labi klājās; jo Tas Kungs atkal par tevi priecāsies, tev par labu, itin kā Viņš priecājies par taviem tēviem;
10 If you give ear to the voice of the Lord your God, keeping his orders and his laws which are recorded in this book of the law, and turning to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
Kad tu klausīsi Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, balsij, un turēsi Viņa baušļus un Viņa likumus, kas rakstīti šai bauslības grāmatā, kad tu atgriezīsies pie Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, ar visu savu sirdi un ar visu savu dvēseli.
11 For these orders which I have given you today are not strange and secret, and are not far away.
Jo šis bauslis, ko es tev šodien pavēlu, tev nav ne par augstu nedz par tālu.
12 They are not in heaven, for you to say, Who will go up to heaven for us and give us knowledge of them so that we may do them?
Tas nav debesīs, ka būtu jāsaka: kas mums kāps debesīs, to mums dabūt un to dot mums dzirdēt, ka to darām?
13 And they are not across the sea, for you to say, Who will go over the sea for us and give us news of them so that we may do them?
Tas arī nav viņpus jūras, ka būtu jāsaka: kas mums pārcelsies viņpus jūras, to mums dabūt un to mums dot dzirdēt, ka to darām?
14 But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, so that you may do it.
Jo tas vārds ir ļoti tuvu pie tevis, tavā mutē un tavā sirdī, ka tu to dari.
15 See, I have put before you today, life and good, and death and evil;
Redzi, šodien es tev esmu licis priekšā dzīvību un labumu, nāvi un ļaunumu;
16 In giving you orders today to have love for the Lord your God, to go in his ways and keep his laws and his orders and his decisions, so that you may have life and be increased, and that the blessing of the Lord your God may be with you in the land where you are going, the land of your heritage.
Es tev šodien pavēlu To Kungu, savu Dievu, mīļot, Viņa ceļos staigāt un turēt Viņa baušļus, likumus un tiesas, ka tu dzīvo un vairojies, un Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tevi svētī tai zemē, ko tu ej iemantot.
17 But if your heart is turned away and your ear is shut, and you go after those who would make you servants and worshippers of other gods:
Bet ja tava sirds griezīsies un neklausīs un tu liksies pavesties, pielūgt citus dievus un tiem kalpot,
18 I give witness against you this day that destruction will certainly be your fate, and your days will be cut short in the land where you are going, the land of your heritage on the other side of Jordan.
Tad es jums šodien pasludināju, ka jūs pavisam iesiet bojā; jūs ilgi nedzīvosiet tai zemē, ko iemantot tu tagad ej pār Jardāni.
19 Let heaven and earth be my witnesses against you this day that I have put before you life and death, a blessing and a curse: so take life for yourselves and for your seed:
Es šodien piesaucu debesis un zemi par lieciniekiem pār jums; es jums esmu licis priekšā dzīvību un nāvi, svētību un lāstu; tad nu izvēlies dzīvību, ka tu dzīvo, tu un tavs dzimums,
20 In loving the Lord your God, hearing his voice and being true to him: for he is your life and by him will your days be long: so that you may go on living in the land which the Lord gave by an oath to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Mīļodams To Kungu, savu Dievu, klausīdams Viņa balsij un Viņam pieķerdamies, jo Viņš ir tava dzīvība un tavu dienu pagarinātājs, ka tu palieci tai zemē, ko Tas Kungs zvērējis taviem tēviem Ābrahāmam, Īzakam un Jēkabam, viņiem dot.

< Deuteronomy 30 >