< Numbers 24 >

1 And when Balaam saw that it pleased Jehovah to bless Israel, he did not go, as at the other times, to meet with omens, but he set his face toward the wilderness.
Balaam Perwerdigarning Israillargha bext-beriket ata qilishni muwapiq körgenlikini körüp yétip, aldinqi [ikki] qétimqidikidek séhir ishlitishke barmidi, belki yüzini chöl-bayawan terepke qaratti.
2 And Balaam lifted up his eyes, and he saw Israel dwelling according to their tribes, and the Spirit of God came upon him.
Balaam béshini kötürüp Israillarning qebile boyiche chédirlarda olturaqlashqanliqini kördi, Xudaning Rohi uning üstige chüshti.
3 And he took up his oracle, and said, Balaam the son of Beor says, and the man whose eye was closed says,
Shuning bilen u aghzigha kalam sözini élip mundaq dédi: — «Béorning oghli Balaam yetküzidighan kalam sözi, Közi échilmighan ademning éytidighan kalam sözi,
4 he says who hears the words of God, who sees the vision of the Almighty, falling down, and having his eyes open,
Yeni Tengrining sözlirini anglighuchi, Hemmige Qadirning alamet körünüshini körgüchi, Mana emdi közi échilip düm yiqilghan kishi yetküzgen kalam sözi: —
5 How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, thy tabernacles, O Israel!
Ah Yaqup, chédirliring neqeder güzel, Turalghuliring neqeder güzel, ah Israil!
6 As valleys they are spread forth, as gardens by the river-side, as aloes which Jehovah has planted, as cedar trees beside the waters.
Goya kéngeygen derya wadiliridek, Xuddi derya boyidiki baghlardek, Goya Perwerdigar tikip östürgen ud derexliridek, Derya boyidiki kédir derexliridek;
7 Water shall flow from his buckets, and his seed shall be in many waters, and his king shall be higher than Agag, and his kingdom shall be exalted.
Sular uning soghiliridin éqip chiqidu, Ewladliri süyi mol jaylarda bolidu; Padishahi Agagdin éship kétidu, Uning padishahliqi üstün qilinip güllinidu.
8 God brings him forth out of Egypt. He has as it were the strength of the wild-ox. He shall eat up the nations his adversaries, and shall break their bones in pieces, and smite them through with his arrows.
Tengri uni Misirdin élip chiqqan, Uningda yawa buqining küchi bardur; Düshmen ellerni u yep kétidu, Ustixanlirini ézip tashlaydu, Oqya étip ularni téship tashlaydu.
9 He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a lioness. Who shall rouse him up? He who blesses thee is blessed, And he who curses thee is cursed.
U baghirlap yatsa, erkek shirdek, Yatsa hem chishi shirdek, Kim uni qozghitishqa pétinar? Kim sanga bext-beriket tilise, bext-beriket tapidu. Kim séni qarghisa, qarghishqa kétidu».
10 And Balak's anger was kindled against Balaam, and he struck his hands together. And Balak said to Balaam, I called thee to curse my enemies, and, behold, thou have altogether blessed them these three times.
Balaq Balaamgha achchiqlinip, qolini qoligha urup ketti; Balaq Balaamgha: — Men silini düshminimni qarghap bérishke qichqirtqanidim we mana, sili üch qétim pütünley ulargha amet tilidile!
11 Therefore now flee thou to thy place. I thought to promote thee to great honor, but, lo, Jehovah has kept thee back from honor.
Emdi tézdin yurtlirigha qéchip ketsile; men eslide silining izzet-hörmetlirini katta qilay dégenidim, mana Perwerdigar silini bu katta izzet-hörmetke nail bolushtin tosup qoydi, — dédi.
12 And Balaam said to Balak, Did I not also speak to thy messengers that thou sent to me, saying,
Balaam Balaqqa: — Men eslide özlirining elchilirige:
13 If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the word of Jehovah, to do either good or bad of my own mind. What Jehovah speaks, that I will speak?
«Balaq manga özining altun-kümüshke liq tolghan öz öyini bersimu, Perwerdigarning buyrughinidin halqip, öz meylimche yaxshi-yaman ish qilalmaymen; Perwerdigar manga néme dése, men shuni deymen» dégen emesmidim?
14 And now, behold, I go to my people. Come, I will advise thee what this people shall do to thy people in the latter days.
Emdi men öz xelqimge qaytimen; kelsile, men özlirige bu xelqning künlerning axirida silining xelqlirige qandaq muamile qilidighanliqini éytip bérey, — dédi.
15 And he took up his oracle, and said, Balaam the son of Beor says, and the man whose eye was closed says,
U kalam sözini aghzigha élip mundaq dédi: — Béorning oghli Balaam yetküzidighan kalam sözi, Közliri échilmighan kishi éytqan kalam sözi,
16 he says who hears the words of God, and knows the knowledge of the Most High, who sees the vision of the Almighty, falling down, and having his eyes open:
Tengrining sözlirini anglighuchi, Hemmidin Aliyning wehiylirini bilgüchi, Hemmige Qadirning alamet körünüshini körgüchi, Mana emdi közi échilghan düm yiqilighan kishi yetküzidighan kalam sözi: —
17 I see him, but not now. I behold him, but not near. There shall come forth a star out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite through the corners of Moab, and break down all the sons of tumult.
Men Uni körimen, lékin hazir emes; Men Uninggha qaraymen, lékin yéqin yerdin emes; Yaquptin chiqar bir yultuz, Kötürüler Israildin bir shahane hasa; Chéqiwéter u Moabning chékisini, Barliq Shétlerning béshini yanjiydu.
18 And Edom shall be a possession, Seir also shall be a possession, who were his enemies, while Israel does valiantly.
Édom uninggha tewe bolidu, Yene téxi düshmini Séirlar uninggha tewe bolidu; Israil bolsa baturluq qilidu.
19 And out of Jacob shall come he who shall have dominion, and shall destroy the remnant from the city.
Yaquptin chiqqan biri seltenet süridu, Sheherde qalghan hemmeylenni yoqitidu».
20 And he looked on Amalek, and took up his oracle, and said, Amalek was the first of the nations, but his latter end shall come to destruction.
Andin Balaam Amalekni körüp, mundaq kalam sözini éytti: — «Amalek idi esli eller arisida bash, Emdi halakettur teqdir-qismiti».
21 And he looked on the Kenite, and took up his oracle, and said, Strong is thy dwelling-place, and thy nest is set in the rock.
Andin Balaam Kéniylerni körüp mundaq kalam sözini éytti: — «Séning makaning mustehkem bolup, Changgang qoram tash ichide bolsimu,
22 Nevertheless Kain shall be wasted, until Asshur shall carry thee away captive.
Lékin siler Kéniyler halak qilinip turisiler; Taki Ashur silerni tutqun qilip ketküche».
23 And he took up his oracle, and said, Alas, who shall live when God does this?
Balaam yene kalam sözini dawam qilip mundaq dédi: — «Ah, Tengri bu ishlarni qilghan chéghida, Kim tirik qélishqa qadir bolar?
24 But ships shall come from the coast of Kittim, and they shall afflict Asshur, and shall afflict Eber, and he also shall come to destruction.
Kittim terepliridin kémiler kélip, Zulum-zexmet salidu Ashurgha, Zulum-zexmet salidu Éberge; Lékin [Kittimdin kelgüchi] özimu halaketke yüzliner.
25 And Balaam rose up, and went and returned to his place, and Balak also went his way.
Shuning bilen Balaam ornidin qopup öz yurtigha qaytti; Balaqmu öz yoligha mangdi.

< Numbers 24 >