< Joshua 6 >

1 Koro Jeriko nolor motegno nikech jo-Israel kendo onge ngʼama ne nyalo wuok oko kata donjo iye.
Forsothe Jerico was closid and wardid, for the drede of the sones of Israel, and no man durste entre, ethir go out.
2 Bangʼe Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ni Joshua niya, “Ne, asechiwo Jeriko gi ruodhe e lweti, kaachiel gi jolweny mage.
And the Lord seide to Josue, Lo! Y yaf in to thin hondis Jerico, and the king therof, and alle strong men.
3 Lworuru dala maduongʼno dichiel ka un gi giu mag lweny kendo timuru ma kuom ndalo auchiel.
Alle ye fiyteris, cumpasse the citee onys bi the day; so ye schulen do in sixe daies.
4 Beduru gi jodolo abiriyo motingʼo turumbete molos gi tunge imbe e nyim Sandug Muma. E odiechiengʼ mar abiriyo, lworuru dala maduongʼno nyadibiriyo, ka jodolo goyo turumbetego.
Forsothe in the seuenthe dai the preestis schulen take seuene clariouns, of whiche `the vss is in iubile; and thei schulen go bifor the arke of boond of pees; and seuen sithes ye schulen cumpasse the citee, and the preestis schulen trumpe with clariouns.
5 Ka uwinjogi ka gigoyo turumbetegi matek, to ket ji duto ogo koko matek; bangʼe ohinga mar Jeriko nopodh piny kendo ji duto nodonj e iye.”
And whanne the vois of the trumpe schal sowne lengere, and more bi whiles, and schal sowne in youre eeris, al the puple schal crie togidere with gretteste cry; and the wallis of the citee schulen falle alle doun, and alle men schulen entre bi the place, ayens which thei stonden.
6 Omiyo Joshua wuod Nun noluongo jodolo mowachonegi niya, “Tingʼuru Sandug Muma mar singruok mar Jehova Nyasaye kendo beduru gi jodolo abiriyo kotingʼo turumbete e nyime.”
Therfor Josue, the sone of Nun, clepide preestis, and seide to hem, Take ye the ark of boond of pees, and seuene othere preestis take seuene clariouns of iubile yeeris, and go thei bifor the arke of the Lord.
7 Eka nochiwo chik ne ji niya, “Dhiuru nyime! Lworuru dala maduongʼ, ka jolweny momanore gi gige lweny otelo e nyim Sandug Muma mar singruok mar Jehova Nyasaye.”
Also Josue seide to the puple, Go ye, and cumpasse ye the citee, and go ye armed bifor the arke of the Lord.
8 Kane Joshua osewuoyo gi ji, jodolo abiriyo mane otingʼo turumbete abiriyo e nyim Jehova Nyasaye nowuotho ka gigoyo turumbete, kendo Sandug Muma mar Singruok mar Jehova Nyasaye ne luwo bangʼ-gi.
And whanne Josue hadde endid the wordis, and seuene preestis trumpiden with seuen clariouns bifor the arke of boond of pees of the Lord,
9 Jolwenygo notelo e nyim jodolo mane goyo turumbete, to moko ne luwo bangʼ Sandug Muma, kendo e kindeno duto turumbete ne ywak.
and al the puple armed yede bifore, the tothir comyn puple of fiyteris suede the arke, and alle thingis sowneden with clariouns.
10 Makmana Joshua nosiemo ji niya, “Kik uywag ywak mar lweny, kik utingʼ dwondu malo, bende kik uwach wach moro amora nyaka odiechiengʼ ma anakonue mondo ugo koko. Bangʼe eka unukogi!”
Sotheli Josue comaundide to the puple, and seide, Ye schulen not crye, nethir youre vois schal be herd, nethir ony word schal go out of youre mouth, til the dai come, in which Y schal seie to you, Crye ye, and make ye noyse.
11 Omiyo negikawo Sandug Muma mar Jehova Nyasaye ka gilworogo dala maduongʼno dichiel. Bangʼe ji noduogo e kambi margi mi otienono ginindo kanyo.
Therfor the arke of the Lord cumpasside the citee onys bi day, and turnede ayen in to the castels, and dwellide there.
12 Joshua nochiewo gokinyi mangʼich kinyne kendo jodolo nokawo Sandug Muma mar Jehova Nyasaye.
Therfor while Josue roos bi nyyt, preestis tooken the arke of the Lord;
13 Jodolo abiriyo mane otingʼo turumbete abiriyo nodhi nyime, ka gipangore e nyim Sandug Muma mar Jehova Nyasaye kendo ka gigoyo turumbete. Ji momanore gi gige lweny notelo e nyimgi, to moko ne luwo bangʼ Sandug Muma mar Jehova Nyasaye ka turumbete dhi nyime gi ywak.
and seuene of the preestis token seuen clariouns, of whiche `the vss is in iubilee, and yeden bifor the arke of the Lord, `and yeden, and trumpiden; and the puple yede armed bifor hem. Sotheli the tother comyn puple suede the arke, and sownede with clariouns.
14 E odiechiengʼ mar ariyo negilworo dala maduongʼno dichiel bangʼe gidok e kambi kendo negitimo kamano kuom ndalo auchiel.
And thei cumpassiden the citee in the secunde dai onys, and turneden ayen in to the castels; so thei dyden in sixe daies.
15 To chiengʼ mar abiriyo, ne gichiewo kogwen mi gilworo dala maduongʼno nyadibiriyo e yo machalre gi mamoko ka. Chiengʼno kende ema negilworo dala maduongʼno nyadibiriyo.
Sotheli in the seuenthe dai thei risiden eerli, and cumpassiden the citee, as it was disposid, seuen sithis.
16 E sa mane gilwore mar abiriyo ka jodolo ne pod goyo turumbete matek, Joshua nochiko ji kawacho niya, “Koguru matek, nimar Jehova Nyasaye osemiyou dala maduongʼni!
And whanne in the seuenthe cumpas preestis sowneden with clariouns, Josue seide to al Israel, Crie ye, for the Lord hath bitake the citee to vs;
17 Dala maduongʼni duto, to gi gik moko duto manie iye nyaka wene Jehova Nyasaye. Makmana Rahab, mochot, to gi jogo duto manie ode ema nongʼwon-ne, nikech nopando joma ne waoro mane obiro nono piny.
and this citee be cursid, ethir distried, and alle thingis that ben therynne be halewid to the Lord. Raab the hoor aloone lyue, with alle men that ben with hir in the hows; for sche hidde the messangeris whiche we senten.
18 To beduru mabor gi gigo mowene Jehova Nyasaye, mondo kik ukel kethruok ne un uwuon kuom gimoro amora kuomgi. Ka ok kamano to unumi kambi mar jo-Israel bed mar kethruok kendo ukel chandruok kuome.
Forsothe be ye war, lest ye touchen ony thing of these that ben comaundid to you, and ye ben gilti of trespassyng; and alle the castels of Israel be vndur synne, and be troblid.
19 Fedha gi dhahabu duto, kod gigo molos gi mula kod molos gi nyinyo owal ni Jehova Nyasaye kendo nyaka tergi kar keno mare.”
Sotheli what euer thing is of gold, and of siluer, and of brasun vessels, and of yrun, be halewid to the Lord, and be kept in hise tresoris.
20 Kane ogo turumbete, to ji ne goyo koko matek, kendo ka turumbete noywak, mi ji nogoyo koko matek, to ohinga mar Jeriko nopodho, omiyo ngʼato ka ngʼato nodonjo e dala maduongʼno mi gikawe.
Therfor while al the puple criede, and the trumpis sowneden, aftir that the sowne sownede in the eeris of the multitude, the walles felden doun anoon; and ech man stiede bi the place that was ayens hym. And thei token the citee,
21 Negiwalo dala maduongʼno ni Jehova Nyasaye ma giketho gimoro amora kendo ginego gi ligangla ngʼato angʼata madichwo kata madhako, jomatindo kata joma oti, dhok gi rombe kod punde.
and killiden alle thingis that weren therynne, fro man `til to womman, fro yong child `til to eld man; also thei smytiden bi the scharpnesse of swerd, oxun, and scheep, and assis.
22 Joshua nowachone jonon piny ariyogo niya, “Dhiuru e od Rahab kendo ukele kaachiel gi joodgi duto, kaluwore gi singruok mane uketo kode.”
Forsothe Josue seide to twei men, that weren sent aspieris, Entre ye in to the hows of the womman hoore, and brynge ye forth hir, and alle thingis that ben herne, as ye maden stedfast to hir bi an ooth.
23 Omiyo rawere mane odhi nono pinyno nodhi Jeriko e od Rahab mi ogole kaachiel gi wuon-gi, min-gi, owetene kod joodgi duto. Negigolo anywolane duto oko mi giketogi oko mar kambi jo-Israel.
And the yonge men entriden, and ledden out Raab, and her fadir, and modir, and britheren, and al the purtenaunce of houshold, and the kynrede `of hir; and maden to dwelle without the castels of Israel.
24 Bangʼe ne giwangʼo dala maduongʼno duto, to gi gimoro amora manie iye, makmana fedha gi dhahabu, gi gik molos gi mula kod molos gi nyinyo noketi e kar keno mar od Jehova Nyasaye.
Sotheli thei brenten the citee, and alle thingis that weren foundun therynne, without gold, and siluer, and brasun vesselis, and yrun, which thei halewiden in to the `treserie of the Lord.
25 Kamano Joshua noreso Rahab, dhako ma ochot, kaachiel gi anywolane nikech en ema nopando jonon piny mane Joshua ooro Jeriko kendo Rahab nodak e dier jo-Israel nyaka chil kawuono.
Sotheli Josue made Raab the hoore to lyue, and `the hows of hir fadir, and alle thingis that sche hadde; and thei dwelliden in the myddis of Israel, `til in to present dai; for sche hidde the messangeris, whiche he sente to asspie Jerico. In that tyme Josue preiede hertli,
26 E sechego Joshua nolando kwongʼ makende niya, “Kwongʼ mar Jehova Nyasaye nobed kuom ngʼat manitem gero dala maduongʼ mar Jeriko kendo kama: “Koketo mise mare, to wuode makayo notho, to kochungo dhorangeyege; to wuode mogik notho.”
and seide, Cursid bifor the Lord be the man, that reisith and bildith the citee of Jerico! Leie he the foundementis therof in his firste gendrid sone, and putte he the yatis therof in the laste of fre children.
27 Omiyo Jehova Nyasaye ne nigi Joshua kendo humbe nolandore e pinyno duto.
Therfor the Lord was with Josue, and his name was pupplischid in ech lond.

< Joshua 6 >