< Rapar Mar Chik 25 >

1 Ka ji ariyo larore e wach moro, to nyaka giter wachno e od ngʼado bura kendo jongʼad bura nongʼadnegi bura kare, ka giweyo ngʼat makare thuolo to ngʼat man giketho ikumo.
If cause is bitwixe ony men, and thei axen iugis, thei schulen yyue the victorie of riytfulnesse to him, whom thei perseyuen to be iust, thei schulen condempne hym of wickidnesse, whom thei perseyuen to be wickid.
2 Ka ngʼat moyud giketho onego chwadi, to jangʼad bura nowachne mondo onind piny ochwade maromre gi kethoneno,
Sotheli if thei seen hym that synnede, worthi of betyngis, thei schulen caste him doun, and make to be betun bifor hem; also the maner of betyngis schal be for the mesure of synne,
3 to ok onego chwade del moloyo piero angʼwen. Ka ochwade moloyo mano, to wadu diyud wichkuot e wangʼe.
so oneli that tho passe not the noumbre of fourti, lest thi brother be to-rent viliche bifore thin iyen, and go awei.
4 Kik utwe dho dhiangʼ kaywayo lodi ma idinogo cham.
Thou schalt not bynde the `mouth of the oxe tredynge thi fruytis in the corn floor.
5 Ka owete odak kanyakla kae to moro otho kaonge wuowi, to ngʼat moro nono ma ok ja-dalano ok onego kend chiegeno. Owadgi chwore hie ema mondo okawe okende mondo otimne gik moko duto ma yuoro onego otimne chi owadgi.
Whanne britheren dwellen to gidere, and oon of hem is deed with out fre children, the wijf of the deed brother schal not be weddid to anothir man, but his brothir schal take hir, and schal reise seed of his brother.
6 Nyathi ma wuowi mokwong nywolo ema notingʼ kar nying wuon mare mane otho mondo kik nyinge lal nono e dier oganda jo-Israel.
And he schal clepe the firste gendrid sone `of hir bi the name `of hym, `that is, of the deed brothir, that his name be not don awei fro Israel.
7 To ka ngʼato ok dwar kendo chi owadgi ma chwore othono, to dhakono mondo odhi ir jodongo e dhoranga dala kendo owach niya, “Owadgi chwora odagi ok onyal tingʼo kar owadgi ei Israel, odagi timona gima yuoro onego timne chi owadgi.”
Forsothe if he nyle take the wijf of his brother, which is due to hym bi lawe, the womman schal go to the yate of the citee; and sche schal axe the grettere men in birthe, and sche schal seie, `The brother of myn hosebonde nyle reise seed of his brother in Israel, nethir wole take me in to mariage.
8 Eka jodong dala noluong ngʼatno mondo owuo kode. To kapod odagi kowacho niya, “Ok adwar kende,”
And anoon thei schulen make hym to be clepid, and thei schulen axe. If he answerith, Y nyle take hir to wijf;
9 chi owadgino nodhi ire e nyim jodongo mi olony wuochene achiel e tiende kendo ongʼudh olawo e wangʼe kowachone niya, “Ma e gima itimo ne ngʼat modagi rito dala owadgi mondo ochungi.”
the womman schal go to hym bifor the eldre men of Israel, and sche schal take awei the schoo, and sche schal spete in to his face, and schal seie, So it schal be doon to the man, that bildith not `the hows of his brother;
10 Ngʼatno kothgi nongʼere e Israel kaka koth joma ne olony wuochegi.
and `the name of hym schal be clepid in Israel, The hows of the man vnschood.
11 Ka ji ariyo dhawo kae to chi ngʼat achiel kuomgi obiro konyo chwore, mi omake gi duongʼne,
If twei men han strijf bitwixe hem silf, and oon bigynneth to stryue ayens another, and the wijf of `the tother man wole delyuere hir hosebonde fro the hond of the strongere man, and puttith hond, and `takith the schamefast membris `of hym,
12 to dhakono nyaka ngʼad lwete, kendo kik timne ngʼwono.
thou schalt kitte awei `the hond of hir, nether thou schalt be bowid on hir bi ony mercy.
13 Kik ubed gi rapim ariyo e okapu magu mamoro pek to moro yot.
Thou schalt not haue in the bagge dyuerse weiytis,
14 Bende kik ubed gi rapim ariyo e uteu mag pimo, ma moro duongʼ to moro tin.
a grettere and a lesse, nether a buyschel more and lesse schal be in thin hows.
15 Nyaka ubed gi gige pimo mowinjore kendo makare mondo udagi amingʼa e piny ma Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu miyou.
Thou schalt haue a iust weiyte and trewe, and an euene buyschel `and trewe schal be to thee, that thou lyue in myche tyme on the lond which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee.
16 Nimar Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu mon gi joma timo gik ma kamago; ngʼat matimo gi mibadhi.
For the Lord schal haue hym abhomynable that doith these thingis, and he wlatith, `ethir cursith, al vnriytfulnesse.
17 Paruru gima ne jo-Amalek otimonu kane uwuok Misri.
Haue thou mynde what thingis Amalech dide to thee in the weie, whanne thou yedist out of Egipt;
18 Kane uol kendo tekou norumo, negimonjou e yo ma ginego joma ne wuoth oolo; kendo ne ok giluoro Nyasaye.
hou he cam to thee, and killide the laste men of thin oost, that saten wery, whanne thou were disesid with hungur and trauel, and he dredde not God.
19 Emomiyo ka Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu osemiyou kwe e piny mobiro miyou mondo ukaw kaka girkeni, to kik wiu wil ma ok utieko jo-Amalek duto.
Therfor whanne thi Lord God hath youe reste to thee, and hath maad suget alle naciouns `bi cumpas, in the lond which he bihiyte to thee, thou schalt do awei `the name of hym vndur heuene; be thou war lest thou foryete.

< Rapar Mar Chik 25 >