< Ordsprogene 4 >

1 Hør, I sønner, på en Faders lyt til for at vinde Forstand;
Listen, sons, to a father's instruction, and pay attention so you will know what understanding is.
2 thi gavnlig Viden giver jeg jer, slip ej hvad jeg har lært jer.
I am giving you good instructions; do not forsake my teaching.
3 Da jeg var min Faders Dreng, min Moders Kælebarn og eneste,
When I was a son of my father, the tender and only child of my mother,
4 lærte han mig og sagde: Lad dit Hjerte gribe om mine Ord, vogt mine Bud, så skal du leve;
he taught me and said to me, “Let your heart hold fast to my words; keep my commands and live.
5 køb Visdom, køb Forstand, du glemme det ikke, vend dig ej bort fra min Munds Ord;
Acquire wisdom and understanding; do not forget and do not reject the words of my mouth;
6 slip den ikke, så vil den vogte dig, elsk den, så vil den værne dig!
do not abandon wisdom and she will watch over you; love her and she will keep you safe.
7 Køb Visdom for det bedste, du ejer, køb Forstand for alt, hvad du har;
Wisdom is the most important thing, so acquire wisdom and spend all you own so you can get understanding.
8 hold den højt, så bringer den dig højt til Vejrs, den bringer dig Ære, når du favner den;
Cherish wisdom and she will exalt you; she will honor you when you embrace her.
9 den sætter en yndig Krans på dit Hoved; den rækker dig en dejlig Krone.
She will put a wreath of honor on your head; she will give you a beautiful crown.”
10 Hør, min Søn, tag imod mine Ord, så bliver dine Leveår mange.
Listen, my son, and pay attention to my words, and you will have many years in your life.
11 Jeg viser dig Visdommens Vej, leder dig ad Rettens Spor;
I direct you in the way of wisdom; I lead you down straight paths.
12 når du går, skal din Gang ej hæmmes, og løber du, snubler du ikke;
When you walk, no one will stand in your way and if you run, you will not stumble.
13 hold fast ved Tugt, lad den ikke fare, tag Vare på den, thi den er dit Liv.
Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it, for it is your life.
14 Kom ikke på gudløses Sti, skrid ej frem ad de ondes Vej.
Do not follow the path of the wicked and do not go along the way of those who do evil.
15 sky den og følg den ikke, vig fra den, gå udenom;
Avoid it, do not go on it; turn away from it and go another way.
16 thi de sover ikke, når de ikke har syndet, og Søvnen flyr dem, når de ej har bragt Fald.
For they cannot sleep until they do evil and they are robbed of sleep until they cause someone to stumble.
17 Thi de æder Gudløsheds Brød og drikker Urettens Vin.
For they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence.
18 men retfærdiges Sti er som strålende Lys, der vokser i Glans til højlys Dag:
But the path of righteous people is like the first light that grows brighter; it shines more and more until the fullness of the day comes.
19 Gudløses Vej er som Mørket, de skønner ej, hvad de snubler over,
The way of the wicked is like darkness— they do not know what it is they stumble over.
20 Mærk dig, min Søn, mine Ord, bøj Øret til, hvad jeg siger;
My son, pay attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings.
21 det slippe dig ikke af Syne, du vogte det dybt i dit Hjerte;
Do not let them turn away from your eyes; keep them in your heart.
22 thi det er Liv for dem, der finder det, Helse for alt deres Kød.
For my words are life to those who find them and health to their whole body.
23 Vogt dit Hjerte mer end alt andet, thi derfra udspringer Livet.
Keep your heart safe and guard it with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.
24 Hold dig fra Svig med din Mund, lad Læbernes Falskhed være dig fjern.
Put crooked speech away from you and put corrupt talk far from you.
25 Lad dine Øjne se lige ud, dit Blik skue lige frem;
Let your eyes look straight ahead and fix your gaze straight before you.
26 gå ad det lige Spor, lad alle dine Veje sigte mod Målet;
Make a level path for your foot; then all your ways will be secure.
27 bøj hverken til højre eller venstre, lad Foden vige fra ondt!
Do not turn aside to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.

< Ordsprogene 4 >