< Ordsprogene 15 >

1 Mildt svar stiller vrede, sårende ord vækker nag.
A mild response shatters anger. But a harsh word stirs up fury.
2 Vises Tunge drypper af Kundskab, Dårskab strømmer fra Tåbers Mund.
The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge. But the mouth of the senseless gushes with foolishness.
3 Alle Vegne er HERRENs Øjne, de udspejder onde og gode.
In every place, the eyes of the Lord consider good and evil.
4 Et Livets Træ er Tungens Mildhed, dens Falskhed giver Hjertesår.
A peaceful tongue is a tree of life. But that which is immoderate will crush the spirit.
5 Dåre lader hånt om sin Faders Tugt, klog er den, som tager Vare på Revselse.
A fool laughs at the discipline of his father. But whoever preserves rebukes will become astute. In abundant justice, there is very great virtue. But the intentions of the impious will be eradicated.
6 Den retfærdiges Hus har megen Velstand, den gudløses Høst lægges øde.
The house of the just has very great strength. And in the fruits of the impious, there is disorder.
7 Vises Læber udstrør Kundskab, Tåbers Hjerte er ikke ret.
The lips of the wise shall disseminate knowledge. The heart of the foolish will be dissimilar.
8 Gudløses Offer er HERREN en Gru, retsindiges Bøn har han Velbehag i.
The sacrifices of the impious are abominable to the Lord. The vows of the just are appeasing.
9 Den gudløses Færd er HERREN en Gru, han elsker den, der stræber efter Retfærd.
The way of the impious is an abomination to the Lord. Whoever pursues justice is loved by him.
10 Streng Tugt er for den, der forlader Vejen; den, der hader Revselse, dør.
Doctrine is evil to those who abandon the way of life. Whoever hates correction shall die.
11 Dødsrige og Afgrund ligger åbne for HERREN, endsige da Menneskebørnenes Hjerter. (Sheol h7585)
Hell and perdition are in the sight of the Lord. How much more the hearts of the sons of men! (Sheol h7585)
12 Spotteren ynder ikke at revses, til Vismænd går han ikke.
He who corrupts himself does not love the one who afflicts him, nor will he step toward the wise.
13 Glad Hjerte giver venligt Ansigt, ved Hjertesorg bliver Modet brudt.
A rejoicing heart gladdens the face. But by the grief of the soul, the spirit is cast down.
14 Den forstandiges Hjerte søger Kundskab, Tåbers Mund lægger Vind på Dårskab.
The heart of the wise seeks doctrine. And the mouth of the foolish feeds on ignorance.
15 Alle den armes Dage er onde, glad Hjerte er stadigt Gæstebud.
All the days of the poor are evil. A secure mind is like a continual feast.
16 Bedre lidet med HERRENs Frygt end store Skatte med Uro.
Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasures and dissatisfaction.
17 Bedre en Ret Grønt med Kærlighed end fedet Okse og Had derhos.
It is better to be called to vegetables with charity, than to a fatted calf with hatred.
18 Vredladen Mand vækker Splid, sindig Mand stiller Trætte.
A short-tempered man provokes conflicts. Whoever is patient tempers those who are stirred up.
19 Den lades Vej er spærret af Tjørn, de flittiges Sti er banet.
The way of the slothful is like a hedge of thorns. The way of the just is without offense.
20 Viis Søn glæder sin Fader, Tåbe til Menneske foragter sin Moder.
A wise son gladdens the father. But the foolish man despises his mother.
21 Dårskab er Glæde for Mand uden Vid, Mand med Indsigt går lige frem.
Folly is gladness to the foolish. And the prudent man sets his own steps in order.
22 Er der ikke holdt Råd, så mislykkes Planer, de lykkes, når mange rådslår.
Intentions dissipate where there is no counsel. Yet truly, they are confirmed where there are many counselors.
23 Mand er glad, når hans Mund kan svare, hvor godt er et Ord i rette Tid.
A man rejoices in the verdict of his own mouth. And a word at the right time is best.
24 Den kloge går opad på Livets Vej for at undgå Dødsriget nedentil. (Sheol h7585)
The path of life is for the wise above, so that he may turn away from the end of Hell. (Sheol h7585)
25 Hovmodiges Hus river HERREN bort, han fastsætter Enkens Skel.
The Lord will demolish the house of the arrogant. And He will make firm the borders of the widow.
26 Onde Tanker er HERREN en Gru, men hulde Ord er rene.
Evil intentions are an abomination to the Lord. And pure conversation, most beautiful, shall be confirmed by him.
27 Den øder sit Hus, hvem Vinding er alt; men leve skal den, der hader Gave.
Whoever pursues avarice disturbs his own house. But whoever hates bribes shall live. Through mercy and faith, sins are purged. But through the fear of the Lord, each one turns aside from evil.
28 Den retfærdiges Hjerte tænker, før det svarer, gudløses Mund lader ondt strømme ud.
The mind of the just meditates on obedience. The mouth of the impious overflows with evils.
29 HERREN er gudløse fjern, men hører retfærdiges Bøn.
The Lord is distant from the impious. And he will heed the prayers of the just.
30 Milde Øjne fryder Hjertet, godt Bud giver Marv i Benene.
The light of the eyes rejoices the soul. A good reputation fattens the bones.
31 Øret, der lytter til Livsens Revselse, vil gerne dvæle iblandt de vise.
The ear that listens to the reproofs of life shall abide in the midst of the wise.
32 Hvo Tugt forsmår, lader hånt om sin Sjæl, men Vid fanger den, der lytter til Revselse.
Whoever rejects discipline despises his own soul. But whoever agrees to correction is a possessor of the heart.
33 HERRENs Frygt er Tugt til Visdom, Ydmyghed først og siden Ære.
The fear of the Lord is the discipline of wisdom. And humility precedes glory.

< Ordsprogene 15 >