< Ezekiel 4 >

1 Du Mennneskesøn tag dig en teglsten, læg den for dig og indrids i den et Billede af en By, Jerusalem;
And you O son of humankind take yourself a brick and you will set it before you and you will inscribe on it a city Jerusalem.
2 og kast en Vold op omkring den, byg Belejringstårne, opkast Stormvold, lad Hære lejre sig imod den og rejs Stormbukke mod den fra alle Sider;
And you will make on it a siege and you will build on it a siege-wall and you will pour out on it a mound and you will set up on it armies and set on it battering-rams all around.
3 tag dig så en Jernpande og sæt den som en Jernvæg op mellem dig og Byen og ret dit Ansigt imod den. Således skal den være omringet, og du skal trænge den. Det skal være Israels Hus et Tegn.
And you take yourself a baking tray of iron and you will make it a wall of iron between you and between the city and you will direct face your to it and it will be in state of siege and you will lay siege on it [will be] a sign it for [the] house of Israel.
4 Og læg du dig på din venstre Side og tag, Israels Huss Misgerning på dig; alle de Dage du ligger således, skal du bære deres Misgerning.
And you lie down on side your left and you will put [the] iniquity of [the] house of Israel on it [the] number of the days which you will lie on it you will bear iniquity their.
5 Deres Misgernings År gør jeg til lige så mange Dage for dig, 190 Dage; så længe skal du bære Israels Huss Misgerning.
And I I have assigned to you [the] years of iniquity their to [the] number of days three hundreds and ninety day[s] and you will bear [the] iniquity of [the] house of Israel.
6 Og når de er til Ende, læg dig så på din højre Side og bær Judas Huss Misgerning 40 Dage; for hvert År giver jeg dig en Dag.
And you will complete these and you will lie down on side your (right *Q(K)*) a second [time] and you will bear [the] iniquity of [the] house of Judah forty day[s] a day for the year a day for the year I have assigned it to you.
7 Og du skal rette dit Ansigt og din blottede Arm mod det omringede Jerusalem og profetere imod det.
And to [the] siege of Jerusalem you will direct face your and arm your [will be] bared and you will prophesy on it.
8 Og se, jeg lægger Bånd på dig, så du ikke kan vende dig fra den ene Side til den anden, før din Belejrings Dage er til Ende.
And there! I will put on you ropes and not you will turn yourself from side your to side your until completing you [the] days of siege your.
9 Og tag du dig Hvede, Byg, Bønner, Linser, Hirse og Spelt, kom det i et og samme Kar og lav dig Brød deraf; alle de Dage du ligger på Siden, 190 Dage, skal det være din Mad;
And you take yourself wheat and barley and bean[s] and lentils and millet and spelt and you will put them in a vessel one and you will make them for yourself into bread [the] number of the days which you - [will be] lying on side your three hundreds and ninety day[s] you will eat it.
10 og Maden, du får, skal være efter Vægt, tyve Sekel daglig; du skal spise den een Gang daglig.
And food your which you will eat it by weight [will be] twenty shekel[s] to the day from time to time you will eat it.
11 Og Vand skal du drikke efter Mål, en Sjettedel Hin; du skal drikke een Gang daglig.
And water by measure you will drink sixth of hin from time to time you will drink [it].
12 Og som Bygkager skal du spise det og bage det ved Menneskeskarn i deres Påsyn.
And a bread cake of barley you will eat it and it in [the] dung of [the] excrement of humankind you will bake it to eyes their.
13 Og du skal sige: "Så sige HERREN: Således skal Israeliterne have urent Brød til Føde blandt de Folk, jeg bortstøder dem til!"
And he said Yahweh thus they will eat [the] people of Israel bread their unclean among the nations where I will banish them there.
14 Men jeg sagde: "Ak, Herre, HERRE, jeg har endnu aldrig været uren; noget selvdødt eller sønderrevet har jeg fra Barnsben aldrig spist, og urent Kød kom aldrig i min Mund!"
And I said alas! O Lord Yahweh here! self my not [has been] made unclean and a carcass and a torn animal not I have eaten since youth my and until now and not it has gone in mouth my [the] flesh of unclean meat.
15 Da svarede han: "Vel, jeg tillader dig at tage Oksegødning i Stedet for Menneskeskarn og bage dit Brød derved."
And he said to me see I give to you ([the] dung of *Q(k)*) cattle in place of [the] dung of humankind and you will make bread your on them.
16 Videre sagde han til mig: Menneskesøn! Se, jeg bryder Brødets Støttestav i Jerusalem; Brød skal de spise efter Vægt og i Angst, og Vand skal de drikke efter Mål og i Rædsel,
And he said to me O son of humankind here I [am] about to break [the] staff of bread in Jerusalem and they will eat bread by weight and in anxiety and water by measure and in horror they will drink.
17 for at de må mangle Brød og Vand og alle som een være slagne af Rædsel og hensmægte i deres Misgerning.
So that they may lack bread and water and they will be appalled everyone and brother his and they will waste away in iniquity their.

< Ezekiel 4 >