< Salme 41 >

1 Til Sangmesteren. En Salme af David.
To the chief music-maker. A Psalm. Of David. Happy is the man who gives thought to the poor; the Lord will be his saviour in the time of trouble.
2 Salig den Mand, der tager sig af de svage, ham frelser HERREN paa Ulykkens Dag;
The Lord will keep him safe, and give him life; the Lord will let him be a blessing on the earth, and will not give him into the hand of his haters.
3 HERREN vogter ham, holder ham i Live, det gaar ham vel i Landet, han giver ham ikke i Fjendevold.
The Lord will be his support on his bed of pain: by you will all his grief be turned to strength.
4 Paa Sottesengen staar HERREN ham bi, hans Smertensleje gør du ham let.
I said, Lord, have mercy on me; make my soul well, because my faith is in you.
5 Saa siger jeg da: Vær mig naadig, HERRE, helbred min Sjæl, jeg har syndet mod dig!
My haters say evil against me, When will he be dead, and his name come to an end?
6 Mine Fjender ønsker mig ondt: »Hvornaar mon han dør og hans Navn udslettes?«
If one comes to see me, deceit is in his heart; he keeps a store of evil, which he makes public in every place.
7 Kommer en i Besøg, saa fører han hyklerisk Tale, hans Hjerte samler paa ondt, og saa gaar han bort og taler derom.
All my haters are talking secretly together against me; they are designing my downfall.
8 Mine Avindsmænd hvisker sammen imod mig, alle regner de med, at det gaar mig ilde:
They say, He has an evil disease, which will not let him go: and now that he is down he will not get up again.
9 »En dødelig Sot har grebet ham; han ligger der — kommer aldrig op!«
Even my dearest friend, in whom I had faith, who took bread with me, is turned against me.
10 Endog min Ven, som jeg stolede paa, som spiste mit Brød, har løftet Hælen imod mig.
But you, O Lord, have mercy on me, lifting me up, so that I may give them their punishment.
11 Men du, o HERRE, vær mig naadig og rejs mig, saa jeg kan øve Gengæld imod dem.
By this I see that you have pleasure in me, because my hater does not overcome me.
12 Deraf kan jeg kende, at du har mig kær, at min Fjende ikke skal juble over mig.
And as for me, you are my support in my righteousness, giving me a place before your face for ever.
13 Du holder mig oppe i Kraft af min Uskyld, lader mig staa for dit Aasyn til evig Tid. Lovet være HERREN, Israels Gud, fra Evighed og til Evighed, Amen, Amen!
May the Lord God of Israel be praised, through eternal days and for ever. So be it. So be it.

< Salme 41 >