< Filipperne 2 >

1 Er der da nogen Formaning i Kristus, er der nogen Kærlighedens Opmuntring, er der noget Aandens Samfund, er der nogen inderlig Kærlighed og Barmhjertighed:
If, therefore, there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort arising from love, if any participation of the Spirit, if any affections and mercies,
2 Da fuldkommer min Glæde, at I maa være enige indbyrdes, saa I have den samme Kærlighed, samme Sjæl, een Higen,
fulfill my joy, that you be of the same mind, having the same love, of one soul, of one mind;
3 intet gøre af Egennytte eller Lyst til tom Ære, men i Ydmyghed agte hverandre højere end eder selv
doing nothing in strife and vain glory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.
4 og ikke se hver paa sit, men enhver ogsaa paa andres.
Consider not each one his own gifts, but each one also the gifts of others.
5 Det samme Sindelag være i eder, som ogsaa var i Kristus Jesus,
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,
6 han, som, da han var i Guds Skikkelse, ikke holdt det for et Rov at være Gud lig,
who, being in the form of God, did not think it an act of robbery to be equal with God;
7 men forringede sig selv, idet han tog en Tjeners Skikkelse paa og blev Mennesker lig;
but he divested himself by taking the form of a servant, and being made in the likeness of men:
8 og da han i Fremtræden fandtes som et Menneske, fornedrede han sig selv, saa han blev lydig indtil Døden, ja, Korsdøden.
and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient even to death, the death, indeed, of the cross.
9 Derfor har ogsaa Gud højt ophøjet ham og skænket ham det Navn, som er over alle Navne,
For which reason God has highly exalted him, and, also, bestowed on him a name that is above every name;
10 for at i Jesu Navn hvert Knæ skal bøje sig, deres i Himmelen og paa Jorden og under Jorden,
that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow of those who are in heaven, and those who are on earth, and those who are under the earth;
11 og hver Tunge skal bekende, at Jesus Kristus er Herre, til Gud Faders Ære.
and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
12 Derfor, mine elskede! ligesom I altid have været lydige, saa arbejder ikke alene som i min Nærværelse, men nu meget mere i min Fraværelse paa eders egen Frelse med Frygt og Bæven;
So, then, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;
13 thi Gud er den, som virker i eder baade at ville og at virke, efter sit Velbehag.
for it is God, who, of his good pleasure, works in you both the will and the power to perform.
14 Gører alle Ting uden Knurren og Betænkeligheder,
Do all things without murmurings and disputings,
15 for at I maa blive udadlelige og rene, Guds ulastelige Børn, midt i en vanartet og forvendt Slægt, iblandt hvilke I vise eder som Himmellys i Verden,
that you may be without reproach and Harmless, the children of God, without blame, in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as luminaries in the world,
16 idet I fremholde Livets Ord, mig til Ros paa Kristi Dag, at jeg ikke har løbet forgæves, ej heller arbejdet forgæves.
holding forth the word of life, that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I did not run in vain, nor labor in vain.
17 Ja, selv om jeg bliver ofret under Ofringen og Betjeningen af eders Tro, saa glæder jeg mig og glæder mig med eder alle.
But if I am poured out on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice, and rejoice with you all.
18 Men ligeledes skulle ogsaa I glæde eder, og glæde eder med mig!
In like manner do you also rejoice, and rejoice with me.
19 Men jeg haaber i den Herre Jesus snart at kunne sende Timotheus til eder, for at ogsaa jeg kan blive ved godt Mod ved at erfare, hvorledes det gaar eder.
But I trust in the Lord Jesus, to send Timothy shortly to you, that I also may be refreshed by knowing your condition;
20 Thi jeg har ingen ligesindet, der saa oprigtig vil have Omsorg for, hvorledes det gaar eder;
for I have no one of a kindred spirit who will sincerely care for your condition:
21 thi de søge alle deres eget, ikke hvad der hører Kristus Jesus til.
for all seek their own, not the things of Jesus Christ.
22 Men hans prøvede Troskab kende I, at, ligesom et Barn tjener sin Fader, saaledes har han tjent med mig for Evangeliet.
But you know his approved character, that as a son with a father he has served with me in the gospel.
23 Ham haaber jeg altsaa at sende straks, naar jeg ser Udgangen paa min Sag.
Him, therefore, I hope to send immediately, as soon as I know how it may go with me.
24 Men jeg har den Tillid til Herren, at jeg ogsaa selv snart skal komme.
But I trust in the Lord that I myself also will come shortly.
25 Men jeg har agtet det nødvendigt at sende Epafroditus til eder, min Broder og Medarbejder og Medstrider, og eders Udsending og Tjener for min Trang,
Yet I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus my brother and companion in labor and fellow-soldier, but your apostle, who also ministered to my want,
26 efterdi han længtes efter eder alle og var saare ængstelig, fordi I havde hørt, at han var bleven syg.
because he longed after you all, and was much distressed, because you had heard that he was sick.
27 Ja, han var ogsaa syg og Døden nær; men Gud forbarmede sig over ham, ja, ikke alene over ham, men ogsaa over mig, for at jeg ikke skulde have Sorg paa Sorg.
And, indeed, he was sick near to death; but God had mercy on him, and not on him only, but on me also, that I might not have sorrow upon sorrow.
28 Derfor skynder jeg mig desto mere med at sende ham, for at I atter kunne glædes, naar I se ham, og jeg være mere sorgfri.
I sent him, therefore, the sooner, that, by seeing him again, you might rejoice, and that I might be the less sorrowful.
29 Modtager ham altsaa i Herren med al Glæde og holder saadanne i Ære;
Receive him, therefore, in the Lord with all joy, and regard such as worthy of honor;
30 thi for Kristi Gernings Skyld kom han Døden nær, idet han satte sit Liv i Vove for at udfylde Savnet af eder i eders Tjeneste imod mig.
because for the work of the Christ he was near to death, not regarding his life, that he might supply that which was lacking in your service to me.

< Filipperne 2 >