< 5 Mosebog 25 >

1 Naar der er Trætte imellem Mænd, og de komme frem for Retten, at man skal dømme dem, da skal man dømme den retfærdige at være retfærdig og dømme den skyldige at være skyldig.
If there is a dispute between men and they go to court, and the judges judge them, then they will acquit the righteous and condemn the wicked.
2 Og det skal ske, om den skyldige har fortjent at slaas, da skal Dommeren lade ham lægge sig ned og lade ham slaa for sit Ansigt efter hans Skyld med et vist Antal Slag.
If the guilty man deserves to be beaten, then the judge will make him lie down and be beaten in his presence with the ordered number of blows, as was his crime.
3 Man skal slaa ham fyrretyve Slag, man skal ikke lægge flere til, og man skal ikke blive ved at slaa ham mange Slag ud over disse, saa at din Broder ringeagtes for dine Øjne.
The judge may give him forty blows, but he may not exceed that number; for if he should exceed that number and beat him with many more blows, then your fellow Israelite would be humiliated before your eyes.
4 Du skal ikke binde Munden til paa en Okse, naar den tærsker.
You must not muzzle the ox when he treads out the grain.
5 Naar Brødre bo til Hobe, og en dør af dem, og han har ingen Søn, da skal den dødes Hustru ikke vorde en fremmed Mands uden for Slægten; hendes Mands Broder skal komme ind til hende og tage hende til sin Hustru og ægte hende i sin Broders Sted.
If brothers live together and one of them dies, not having any son, then the wife of the dead man must not be married off to someone else outside the family. Instead, her husband's brother must sleep with her and take her to himself as a wife, and do the duty of a husband's brother to her.
6 Og det skal ske, den førstefødte, som hun føder, skal opføres efter hans døde Broders Navn, at dennes Navn ikke skal udslettes af Israel.
This is so that the firstborn that she bears will succeed in the name of that man's dead brother, so that his name will not perish from Israel.
7 Men om Manden ikke har Lyst til at tage sin Broders Hustru, da skal hans Broders Hustru gaa op til Porten til de Ældste og sige: Min Mands Broder vægrer sig ved at oprejse sin Broder et Navn i Israel og vil ikke ægte mig i sin Broders Sted.
But if the man does not wish to take his brother's wife for himself, then his brother's wife must go up to the gate to the elders and say, 'My husband's brother refuses to raise up for his brother a name in Israel; he will not perform the duty of a husband's brother to me.'
8 Saa skulle de Ældste af hans Stad kalde ham og tale til ham; naar han staar fast derved og siger: Jeg har ikke Lyst til at tage hende,
Then the elders of his city must call him and speak to him. But suppose that he insists and says, 'I do not wish to take her.'
9 da skal hans Broders Hustru komme frem til ham for de Ældstes Øjne og drage hans Sko af hans Fod og spytte ham i hans Ansigt; og hun skal svare og sige: Saa skal der gøres ved den Mand, som ikke vil bygge sin Broders Hus.
Then his brother's wife must come up to him in the presence of the elders, take off his sandal from his foot, and spit in his face. She must answer him and say, 'This is what is done to the man who does not build up his brother's house.'
10 Og hans Navn skal kaldes i Israel: Den barfodedes Hus.
His name will be called in Israel, 'The house of him whose sandal has been taken off.'
11 Naar Mænd trættes sammen, den ene med den anden, og den enes Hustru kommer nær til for at udfri sin Mand af hans Haand, som slaar ham, og hun rækker sin Haand ud og tager fat paa dennes Blusel:
If men fight with each other, and the wife of one comes to rescue her husband out of the hand of him who struck him, and if she stretches out her hand and takes him by the private parts,
12 Da skal du afhugge hendes Haand; dit Øje skal ikke spare.
then you must cut off her hand; your eye must have no pity.
13 Du skal ikke have tvende Slags Vægt i din Pose, en stor og en liden.
You must not have in your bag different weights, a large and a small.
14 Du skal ikke have to Slags Efa i dit Hus, en stor og en liden.
You must not have in your house different measures, a large and a small.
15 Du skal have en fuldkommen og ret Vægt, du skal have en fuldkommen og ret Efa, paa det dine Dage skulle forlænges i det Land, som Herren din Gud giver dig.
A perfect and just weight you must have; a perfect and just measure you must have, so that your days may be long in the land that Yahweh your God is giving you.
16 Thi hver som gør dette, er en Vederstyggelighed for Herren din Gud, enhver som gør Uret.
For all who do such things, all that act unrighteously, are an abomination to Yahweh your God.
17 Kom i Hu, hvad Amalek gjorde dig paa Vejen, der I droge ud af Ægypten,
Call to mind what Amalek did to you on the road as you came out of Egypt,
18 hvorledes han kom imod dig paa Vejen og slog din Bagtrop, alle de udmattede, som droge efter dig, der du var træt og mødig; og han frygtede ikke Gud.
how he met you on the road and attacked those of you at the rear, all who were feeble in your rear, when you were faint and weary; he did not honor God.
19 Og det skal ske, naar Herren din Gud faar skaffet dig Rolighed for alle dine Fjender trindt omkring i Landet, som Herren din Gud giver dig til Arv for at eje det, da skal du udslette Amaleks Ihukommelse under Himmelen; du skal ikke glemme det.
Therefore, when Yahweh your God has given you rest from all your enemies round about, in the land that Yahweh your God is giving you to possess as an inheritance, you must not forget that you must blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.

< 5 Mosebog 25 >