< 民數記 10 >

1 耶和華曉諭摩西說:
Yahweh spoke to Moses. He said,
2 「你要用銀子做兩枝號,都要錘出來的,用以招聚會眾,並叫眾營起行。
“Make two silver trumpets. Hammer the silver to make them. You must use the trumpets to call the community together and to call the community to move their camps.
3 吹這號的時候,全會眾要到你那裏,聚集在會幕門口。
The priests must blow the trumpets to call all the community together in front of you at the entrance to the tent of meeting.
4 若單吹一枝,眾首領,就是以色列軍中的統領,要聚集到你那裏。
If the priests blow only one trumpet, then the leaders, the heads of the clans of Israel, must gather to you.
5 吹出大聲的時候,東邊安的營都要起行。
When you blow a loud signal, the camps on the east side must begin their journey.
6 二次吹出大聲的時候,南邊安的營都要起行。他們將起行,必吹出大聲。
When you blow a loud signal the second time, the camps on the south side must begin their journey. They must blow a loud signal for their journeys.
7 但招聚會眾的時候,你們要吹號,卻不要吹出大聲。
When the community gathers together, blow the trumpets, but not loudly.
8 亞倫子孫作祭司的要吹這號;這要作你們世世代代永遠的定例。
The sons of Aaron, the priests, must blow the trumpets. This will always be a regulation for you throughout your people's generations.
9 你們在自己的地,與欺壓你們的敵人打仗,就要用號吹出大聲,便在耶和華-你們的上帝面前得蒙紀念,也蒙拯救脫離仇敵。
When you go to war in your land against an adversary who oppresses you, then you must sound an alarm with the trumpets. I, Yahweh your God, will call you to mind and save you from your enemies.
10 在你們快樂的日子和節期,並月朔,獻燔祭和平安祭,也要吹號,這都要在你們的上帝面前作為紀念。我是耶和華-你們的上帝。」
Also, at the times of celebration, both your regular festivals and at the beginnings of the months, you must blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices for your fellowship offerings. These will act as a reminder of you to me, your God. I am Yahweh your God.”
11 第二年二月二十日,雲彩從法櫃的帳幕收上去。
In the second year, in the second month, on the twentieth day of the month, the cloud was lifted from the tabernacle of the covenant decrees.
12 以色列人就按站往前行,離開西奈的曠野,雲彩停住在巴蘭的曠野。
The people of Israel then went on their journey from the wilderness of Sinai. The cloud stopped in the wilderness of Paran.
13 這是他們照耶和華藉摩西所吩咐的,初次往前行。
They made their first journey, following Yahweh's command given through Moses.
14 按着軍隊首先往前行的是猶大營的纛。統領軍隊的是亞米拿達的兒子拿順。
The camp under the banner of Judah's descendants went out first, moving out their individual armies. Nahshon son of Amminadab led Judah's army.
15 統領以薩迦支派軍隊的是蘇押的兒子拿坦業。
Nethanel son of Zuar led the army of the tribe of Issachar's descendants.
16 統領西布倫支派軍隊的是希倫的兒子以利押。
Eliab son of Helon led the army of the tribe of Zebulun's descendants.
17 帳幕拆卸,革順的子孫和米拉利的子孫就抬着帳幕先往前行。
The descendants of Gershon and of Merari, who cared for the tabernacle, took down the tabernacle and then set out on their journey.
18 按着軍隊往前行的是呂便營的纛。統領軍隊的是示丟珥的兒子以利蓿。
Next, the armies under the banner of Reuben's camp set out on their journey. Elizur son of Shedeur led Reuben's army.
19 統領西緬支派軍隊的是蘇利沙代的兒子示路蔑。
Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai led the army of the tribe of Simeon's descendants.
20 統領迦得支派軍隊的是丟珥的兒子以利雅薩。
Eliasaph son of Deuel led the army of the tribe of Gad's descendants.
21 哥轄人抬着聖物先往前行。他們未到以前,抬帳幕的已經把帳幕支好。
The Kohathites set out. They carried the sanctuary's holy equipment. Others would set up the tabernacle before the Kohathites arrived at the next camp.
22 按着軍隊往前行的是以法蓮營的纛,統領軍隊的是亞米忽的兒子以利沙瑪。
The armies under the banner of Ephraim's descendants set out next. Elishama son of Ammihud led Ephraim's army.
23 統領瑪拿西支派軍隊的是比大蓿的兒子迦瑪列。
Gamaliel son of Pedahzur led the army of the tribe of Manasseh's descendants.
24 統領便雅憫支派軍隊的是基多尼的兒子亞比但。
Abidan son of Gideoni led the army of the tribe of Benjamin's descendants.
25 在諸營末後的是但營的纛,按着軍隊往前行。統領軍隊的是亞米沙代的兒子亞希以謝。
The armies that camped under the banner of Dan's descendants set out last. Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai led Dan's army.
26 統領亞設支派軍隊的是俄蘭的兒子帕結。
Pagiel son of Okran led the army of the tribe of Asher's descendants.
27 統領拿弗他利支派軍隊的是以南的兒子亞希拉。
Ahira son of Enan led the army of the tribe of Naphtali's descendants.
28 以色列人按着軍隊往前行,就是這樣。
This is the way that the armies of the people of Israel set out on their journey.
29 摩西對他岳父-米甸人流珥的兒子何巴-說:「我們要行路,往耶和華所應許之地去;他曾說:『我要將這地賜給你們。』現在求你和我們同去,我們必厚待你,因為耶和華指着以色列人已經應許給好處。」
Moses spoke to Hobab son of Reuel the Midianite. Reuel was the father of Moses' wife. Moses spoke to Hobab and said, “We are traveling to a place that Yahweh described. Yahweh said, 'I will give it to you.' Come with us and we will do you good. Yahweh has promised to do good for Israel.”
30 何巴回答說:「我不去;我要回本地本族那裏去。」
But Hobab said to Moses, “I will not go with you. I will go to my own land and my own people.”
31 摩西說:「求你不要離開我們;因為你知道我們要在曠野安營,你可以當作我們的眼目。
Then Moses replied, “Please do not leave us. You know how to camp in the wilderness. You must watch out for us.
32 你若和我們同去,將來耶和華有甚麼好處待我們,我們也必以甚麼好處待你。」
If you go with us, we will do for you the same good that Yahweh does to us.”
33 以色列人離開耶和華的山,往前行了三天的路程;耶和華的約櫃在前頭行了三天的路程,為他們尋找安歇的地方。
They journeyed from the mountain of Yahweh for three days. The ark of the covenant of Yahweh went before them for three days to find a place for them to rest.
34 他們拔營往前行,日間有耶和華的雲彩在他們以上。
Yahweh's cloud was over them by daylight as they journeyed.
35 約櫃往前行的時候,摩西就說:「耶和華啊,求你興起!願你的仇敵四散!願恨你的人從你面前逃跑!」
Whenever the ark set out, Moses would say, “Rise up, Yahweh. Scatter your enemies. Make those who hate you run from you.”
36 約櫃停住的時候,他就說:「耶和華啊,求你回到以色列的千萬人中!」
Whenever the ark stopped, Moses would say, “Return, Yahweh, to Israel's many tens of thousands.”

< 民數記 10 >