< 以斯拉記 6 >

1 於是大流士王降旨,要尋察典籍庫內,就是在巴比倫藏寶物之處;
So King Darius ordered an investigation in the house of archives in Babylon.
2 在米底亞省亞馬他城的宮內尋得一卷,其中記着說:
In the fortified city of Ecbatana in Media a scroll was found; this was its record:
3 「塞魯士王元年,他降旨論到耶路撒冷上帝的殿,要建造這殿為獻祭之處,堅立殿的根基。殿高六十肘,寬六十肘,
“In the first year of King Cyrus, Cyrus issued a decree about the house of God in Jerusalem: 'Let the house be rebuilt as a place for sacrifice, let its foundations be laid, let its height be sixty cubits, and its width sixty cubits,
4 用三層大石頭,一層新木頭,經費要出於王庫;
with three rows of large stones and a row of new timber, and let the cost be paid by the king's house.
5 並且上帝殿的金銀器皿,就是尼布甲尼撒從耶路撒冷的殿中掠到巴比倫的,要歸還帶到耶路撒冷的殿中,各按原處放在上帝的殿裏。」
Now bring back the gold and silver objects belonging to the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar brought to Babylon from the temple in Jerusalem and send them back to the temple in Jerusalem. You are to put them in the house of God.'
6 「現在河西的總督達乃和示他‧波斯乃,並你們的同黨,就是住河西的亞法薩迦人,你們當遠離他們。
Now Tattenai, the governor of the Province Beyond the River, Shethar-Bozenai, and associates who are in the Province Beyond the River, keep away!
7 不要攔阻上帝殿的工作,任憑猶大人的省長和猶大人的長老在原處建造上帝的這殿。
Leave the work of this house of God alone. The governor and Jewish elders will build this house of God at that place.
8 我又降旨,吩咐你們向猶大人的長老為建造上帝的殿當怎樣行,就是從河西的款項中,急速撥取貢銀作他們的經費,免得耽誤工作。
I am ordering that you must do this for these Jewish elders who build this house of God: Funds from the king's tribute beyond the River will be used to pay these men so they do not have to stop their work.
9 他們與天上的上帝獻燔祭所需用的公牛犢、公綿羊、綿羊羔,並所用的麥子、鹽、酒、油,都要照耶路撒冷祭司的話,每日供給他們,不得有誤;
Whatever is needed—young bulls, rams, or lambs for the burnt offerings to the God of Heaven, grain, salt, wine, or oil according to the command of the priests in Jerusalem—give these things to them every day without fail.
10 好叫他們獻馨香的祭給天上的上帝,又為王和王眾子的壽命祈禱。
Do this so they will bring the offering in to the God of Heaven and pray for me, the king, and my sons.
11 我再降旨,無論誰更改這命令,必從他房屋中拆出一根樑來,把他舉起,懸在其上,又使他的房屋成為糞堆。
I am ordering that if anyone violates this decree, a beam must be pulled from his house and he must be impaled on it. His house must then be turned into a rubbish heap because of this.
12 若有王和民伸手更改這命令,拆毀這殿,願那使耶路撒冷的殿作為他名居所的上帝將他們滅絕。我-大流士降這旨意,當速速遵行。」
May the God who has caused his name to dwell there overthrow any king or people who lifts a hand to change this decree, or to destroy this house of God in Jerusalem. I, Darius, am ordering this. Let it be done with diligence!”
13 於是,河西總督達乃和示他‧波斯乃,並他們的同黨,因大流士王所發的命令,就急速遵行。
Then because of the decree sent by Darius the king, Tattenai, the governor of the Province Beyond the River, and Shethar-Bozenai and his associates, did everything that King Darius had ordered.
14 猶大長老因先知哈該和易多的孫子撒迦利亞所說勸勉的話就建造這殿,凡事亨通。他們遵着以色列上帝的命令和波斯王塞魯士、大流士、亞達薛西的旨意,建造完畢。
So the Jewish elders built and prospered under the teaching of Haggaithe prophet and Zechariah son of Iddo. They completed their buildings according to the decree of the God of Israel and by the decree of Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes the king of Persia.
15 大流士王第六年,亞達月初三日,這殿修成了。
The house was completed on the third day of the month of Adar, in the sixth year of King Darius' reign.
16 以色列的祭司和利未人,並其餘被擄歸回的人都歡歡喜喜地行奉獻上帝殿的禮。
The Israelite people, priests, Levites, and the rest of the captives celebrated the dedication of this house of God with joy.
17 行奉獻上帝殿的禮就獻公牛一百隻,公綿羊二百隻,綿羊羔四百隻,又照以色列支派的數目獻公山羊十二隻,為以色列眾人作贖罪祭;
They offered one hundred bulls, one hundred rams, and four hundred lambs for the dedication of God's house. Twelve male goats were also offered as a sin offering for all Israel, one for each tribe in Israel.
18 且派祭司和利未人按着班次在耶路撒冷事奉上帝,是照摩西律法書上所寫的。
They also assigned the priests and Levites to work divisions for the service of God in Jerusalem, as it was written in the Book of Moses.
19 正月十四日,被擄歸回的人守逾越節。
So those who had been in exile celebrated the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month.
20 原來,祭司和利未人一同自潔,無一人不潔淨。利未人為被擄歸回的眾人和他們的弟兄眾祭司,並為自己宰逾越節的羊羔。
The priests and Levites all purified themselves and slaughtered the Passover sacrifices for all those who had been in exile, including themselves.
21 從擄到之地歸回的以色列人和一切除掉所染外邦人污穢、歸附他們、要尋求耶和華-以色列上帝的人都吃這羊羔,
The Israelite people who ate some of the Passover meat were those who had returned from exile and had separated themselves from the uncleanness of the people of the land and sought Yahweh, the God of Israel.
22 歡歡喜喜地守除酵節七日;因為耶和華使他們歡喜,又使亞述王的心轉向他們,堅固他們的手,作以色列上帝殿的工程。
They joyfully celebrated the Festival of Unleavened Bread for seven days, for Yahweh had brought them joy and turned the heart of Assyria's king to strengthen their hands in the work of his house, the house of the God of Israel.

< 以斯拉記 6 >