< 歷代志下 30 >

1 希西家差遣人去見以色列和猶大眾人,又寫信給以法蓮和瑪拿西人,叫他們到耶路撒冷耶和華的殿,向耶和華-以色列的上帝守逾越節;
Hezekiah sent messengers to all Israel and Judah, and also wrote letters to Ephraim and Manasseh, that they should come to the house of Yahweh in Jerusalem, to celebrate the Passover to Yahweh, the God of Israel.
2 因為王和眾首領,並耶路撒冷全會眾已經商議,要在二月內守逾越節。
For the king, his leaders, and all the assembly in Jerusalem had consulted together, deciding to celebrate the Passover in the second month.
3 正月間他們不能守;因為自潔的祭司尚不敷用,百姓也沒有聚集在耶路撒冷;
They could not celebrate at the regular time, because not enough priests had consecrated themselves for the celebration and the people had not gathered together in Jerusalem.
4 王與全會眾都以這事為善。
This proposal seemed right in the eyes of the king and of all the assembly.
5 於是定了命令,傳遍以色列,從別是巴直到但,使他們都來,在耶路撒冷向耶和華-以色列的上帝守逾越節;因為照所寫的例,守這節的不多了。
So they agreed to make a proclamation throughout all Israel, from Beersheba to Dan, that the people should come to celebrate the Passover to Yahweh, the God of Israel, in Jerusalem. For they had not observed it with large numbers of people according to what was written.
6 驛卒就把王和眾首領的信,遵着王命傳遍以色列和猶大。信內說:「以色列人哪,你們當轉向耶和華-亞伯拉罕、以撒、以色列的上帝,好叫他轉向你們這脫離亞述王手的餘民。
So couriers went with the letters from the king and his leaders throughout all Israel and Judah, by the command of the king. They said, “You people of Israel, turn back to Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, so that he may turn back to the remnant of you who have escaped from the hand of the kings of Assyria.
7 你們不要效法你們列祖和你們的弟兄;他們干犯耶和華-他們列祖的上帝,以致耶和華丟棄他們,使他們敗亡,正如你們所見的。
Do not be like your ancestors or your brothers, who trespassed against Yahweh, the God of their ancestors, so that he made them an object of horror, as you see.
8 現在不要像你們列祖硬着頸項,只要歸順耶和華,進入他的聖所,就是永遠成聖的居所;又要事奉耶和華-你們的上帝,好使他的烈怒轉離你們。
Now do not be stubborn, as your ancestors were; instead, give yourselves to Yahweh and come into his holy place, which he has consecrated forever, and worship Yahweh your God, so that his fierce anger may turn away from you.
9 你們若轉向耶和華,你們的弟兄和兒女必在擄掠他們的人面前蒙憐恤,得以歸回這地,因為耶和華-你們的上帝有恩典、施憐憫。你們若轉向他,他必不轉臉不顧你們。」
For if you turn back to Yahweh, your brothers and children will find compassion before those who led them away as prisoners, and they will come back into this land. For Yahweh your God, is gracious and merciful, and will not turn his face away from you, if you return to him.”
10 驛卒就由這城跑到那城,傳遍了以法蓮、瑪拿西,直到西布倫。那裏的人卻戲笑他們,譏誚他們。
So the couriers passed from city to city throughout the regions of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the way to Zebulun, but the people laughed at them and mocked them.
11 然而亞設、瑪拿西、西布倫中也有人自卑,來到耶路撒冷。
However, certain men of Asher and Manasseh and of Zebulun humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem.
12 上帝也感動猶大人,使他們一心遵行王與眾首領憑耶和華之言所發的命令。
The hand of God also came on Judah, to give them one heart, to carry out the command of the king and leaders by the word of Yahweh.
13 二月,有許多人在耶路撒冷聚集,成為大會,要守除酵節。
Many people, a very great assembly, gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread in the second month.
14 他們起來,把耶路撒冷的祭壇和燒香的壇盡都除去,拋在汲淪溪中。
They rose and took away the altars that were in Jerusalem, and all the altars for incense; they threw them into the brook Kidron.
15 二月十四日,宰了逾越節的羊羔。祭司與利未人覺得慚愧,就潔淨自己,把燔祭奉到耶和華殿中,
Then they killed the Passover lambs on the fourteenth day of the second month. The priests and Levites were ashamed, so they consecrated themselves and brought burnt offerings into the house of Yahweh.
16 遵着神人摩西的律法,照例站在自己的地方;祭司從利未人手裏接過血來,灑在壇上。
They stood in their place by their divisions, following the directions given in the law of Moses, the man of God. The priests sprinkled the blood that they received from the hand of the Levites.
17 會中有許多人尚未自潔,所以利未人為一切不潔之人宰逾越節的羊羔,使他們在耶和華面前成為聖潔。
For there were many in the assembly who had not consecrated themselves. Therefore the Levites slaughtered the Passover lambs for everyone who was not purified and could not consecrate their sacrifice to Yahweh.
18 以法蓮、瑪拿西、以薩迦、西布倫有許多人尚未自潔,他們卻也吃逾越節的羊羔,不合所記錄的定例。希西家為他們禱告說:「凡專心尋求上帝,就是耶和華-他列祖之上帝的,雖不照着聖所潔淨之禮自潔,求至善的耶和華也饒恕他。」
For a great many of the people, many of them from Ephraim and Manasseh, Issachar and Zebulun, had not purified themselves, yet they ate the Passover meal, against the written instructions. For Hezekiah had prayed for them, saying, “May the good Yahweh pardon everyone
who sets his heart to seek God, Yahweh, the God of his ancestors, even though he is not purified by the purification standards of the holy place.”
20 耶和華垂聽希西家的禱告,就饒恕百姓。
So Yahweh listened to Hezekiah and healed the people.
21 在耶路撒冷的以色列人大大喜樂,守除酵節七日。利未人和祭司用響亮的樂器,日日頌讚耶和華。
The people of Israel who were present in Jerusalem kept the Festival of Unleavened Bread for seven days with great joy. The Levites and the priests praised Yahweh day after day, singing with loud instruments to Yahweh.
22 希西家慰勞一切善於事奉耶和華的利未人。於是眾人吃節筵七日,又獻平安祭,且向耶和華-他們列祖的上帝認罪。
Hezekiah spoke encouragingly to all the Levites who understood the service of Yahweh. So they ate throughout the festival for the seven days, offering sacrifices of fellowship offerings, and making confession to Yahweh, the God of their ancestors.
23 全會眾商議,要再守節七日;於是歡歡喜喜地又守節七日。
The whole assembly then decided to celebrate for another seven days, and they did so with joy.
24 猶大王希西家賜給會眾公牛一千隻,羊七千隻為祭物;眾首領也賜給會眾公牛一千隻,羊一萬隻,並有許多的祭司潔淨自己。
For Hezekiah king of Judah gave the assembly one thousand bulls and seven thousand sheep as an offering; and the leaders gave to the assembly one thousand bulls and ten thousand sheep and goats. A large number of priests consecrated themselves.
25 猶大全會眾、祭司、利未人,並那從以色列地來的會眾和寄居的人,以及猶大寄居的人,盡都喜樂。
All the assembly of Judah, with the priests and the Levites, and all the people who came together from Israel, as well as the foreigners who came from the land of Israel and those who lived in Judah—they all rejoiced.
26 這樣,在耶路撒冷大有喜樂,自從以色列王大衛兒子所羅門的時候,在耶路撒冷沒有這樣的喜樂。
So there was great joy in Jerusalem, for since the time of Solomon son of David, king of Israel, there had not been anything like it in Jerusalem.
27 那時,祭司、利未人起來,為民祝福。他們的聲音蒙上帝垂聽,他們的禱告達到天上的聖所。
Then the priests, the Levites, rose and blessed the people. Their voice was heard, and their prayer went up to heaven, the holy place where God lives.

< 歷代志下 30 >