< 詩篇 105 >

1 【上主向先民顯的奇蹟】請眾感謝上主,呼號祂的聖名,請眾在萬民中,傳揚祂的聖名。
Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name: make known his deeds among the nations.
2 請眾歌頌祂,詠讚祂,傳述祂的奇工妙化。
Sing to him, make music to him, tell of all his wondrous works.
3 請您們以祂的聖名為光榮,願尋求上主的人樂滿心中。
Make your boast in his holy name, be glad at heart, you who seek the Lord.
4 請眾尋求上主和祂的德能,要時常不斷追求祂的儀容。
Seek after the Lord and his strength, seek his face evermore.
5 請您們記念祂所行的奇蹟,祂的異事和祂口中的判詞。
Remember the wonders he did, his portents, the judgments he uttered,
6 天主的僕人亞巴郎的後裔,上主揀選的雅各伯的兒子!
you who are offspring of Abraham, his servant, the children of Jacob, his chosen ones.
7 祂是上主,是我們的天主,祂的統治遍及普世各處。
He is the Lord our God: in all the earth are his judgments.
8 祂永遠懷念著自己的盟約,直到萬代不忘自己的許諾;
He remembers forever his covenant, his promise for a thousand generations
9 就是向亞巴郎所立的盟約,向依撒格所起的誓諾,
The covenant he made with Abraham, the oath he swore to Isaac,
10 為雅各伯立為不移的規條,向以色列立為永遠的盟約,
and confirmed as a statute to Jacob, a pact everlasting to Israel
11 說:我必將客納罕地賜給您,作您們產業的一分子。
to give them the land of Canaan as the lot which they should inherit.
12 當他們在那裏僑居時,寥寥無幾而人數極桸。
And when they were very few, few and but pilgrims therein,
13 從這一族系遷移到另一族系,從這一國家飄流到另一地域。
wandering from nation to nation, journeying from people to people,
14 祂不但不讓人把他們壓迫,且為了他們還把眾王責斥,
he allowed no one to oppress them, even punishing kings for their sakes.
15 說:您們決不可觸犯我的受傅者,您們切不可把我的先知傷害!
He forbade them to touch his anointed, or do any hurt to his prophets.
16 以後祂使飢荒籠罩那地,斷絕了食糧的任何供給。
When he called down famine on the land, and cut off the bread which sustained them,
17 在他們以前祂將一人遣去,就是那被出賣為奴隸的若瑟。
he sent before them a man, Joseph, who was sold as a slave.
18 人以銬鐐扣他的雙腳,他的頸項也帶上了鐵鎖,
His feet were galled with fetters, he was laid in chains of iron,
19 直到他所講的那預言實現,上主的話才在他身上應驗。
till the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord that had tried him.
20 君王遂派人釋放了他,眾民的首長解救了他。
The king sent and freed him, the ruler of nations released him.
21 且立他為王家的宰相,掌管一切皇產的侯王,
He made him lord of his household, and ruler of all his possessions,
22 讓他隨意指導通國的王侯,以其智謀教訓通國的長老。
to admonish his princes at will and instruct his elders in wisdom.
23 從此以色列進入了埃及,雅各伯也就在含邦作客。
Thus Israel came into Egypt, Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham.
24 上主使祂的百姓昌旺,比他們的仇敵便強壯。
His people he made very fruitful, and mightier than their foes.
25 祂轉變他們的心,仇恨祂的百姓,讓他們陰險殘酷對待祂的僕人。
He inspired them to hate his people, and to deal with his servants craftily.
26 祂打發祂的僕人梅瑟和所揀選的亞郎,
He sent his servant Moses, and Aaron whom he had chosen,
27 叫二人對他們將奇蹟和異事行於含邦。
portents he wrought in Egypt, and signs in the land of Ham.
28 上主命降黑暗,立時天昏地暗;然而埃及人卻反抗祂的聖言。
Darkness he sent, and it fell: yet they gave no heed to his word.
29 使他們的水都變成血,將他們的魚類全都殺滅。
He turned their waters into blood, thus causing their fish to die.
30 蝦蟆在他們的土內蕃生,跳進了他們眾王的內宮。
Their land was alive with frogs, swarming even in the royal chambers.
31 祂一發令,蒼蠅便成群飛來,蚊蚋也在他們的各地徘徊,
At his command came flies, and lice in all their borders.
32 代昝時雨,為他們降下冰雹,在他們全國各地雷電閃爍,
He gave them hail for rain and fire that flashed through the land,
33 打壞他們的葡萄和無花果樹,又擊倒了他們國內的樹木。
smiting their vines and figs, breaking the trees of their border.
34 祂一癹命令蝗虫飛遍,蚱蜢的數目,無法計算,
At his command came locusts, young locusts beyond all counting,
35 吃光他們地裏所有的青草,吞盡他們田間所有的百果。
which ate every herb in the land, ate up, too, the fruit of their ground.
36 祂打擊境內所有的頭胎,將強壯的長子全部殺害。
He struck down in their land all the firstborn, the firstlings of all their strength
37 祂領出滿載金銀的以色列,王支派中沒有一個人殘缺。
Then forth he led Israel with silver and gold, and among his tribes no one was weary.
38 以色列出走,埃及人無不觀愉, 因為那實在叫他們戰兢恐懼。
Egypt was glad when they left, for terror had fallen upon them.
39 祂展佈雲彩,用以掩護遮陰,祂樹立火柱,為在夜間照明。
He spread out a cloud to screen them, and fire to give light in the night.
40 他們一懇求,祂就送來鵪鶉,用天降的食糧,飽飫了他們。
He sent quails at their entreaty, and heavenly bread in abundance.
41 祂闢開了岩石,使水湧出,在沙漠中好像江河流注。
He opened the rock; waters gushed: in the desert they ran like a river.
42 因為祂沒有把祂神聖的許諾遺忘,並且也常懷念著祂的僕人亞巴郎。
For he remembered his holy promise to Abraham his servant.
43 祂引百姓歡樂地離去,祂率領選民欣然出走。
So he led out his people with joy, his elect with a ringing cry.
44 給劃分了異民的領土,使他們佔領了外人的財富,
And he gave them the lands of the nations, the fruit of their toil for possession,
45 為叫他們遵行祂的誡命,格守祂的命令。阿肋路亞。
that so they might keep his statutes, and be of his laws observant. Hallelujah.

< 詩篇 105 >