< 何西阿書 4 >

1 [後編:以色列的罪惡和懲罰]四:以色列子民,請聽上主的話! 因為上主譴責此地的居民:因為此地沒有誠實,沒有仁愛,沒有人認識天主;
Heare the worde of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controuersie with the inhabitants of the lande, because there is no trueth nor mercie nor knowledge of God in the lande.
2 只有詛咒、謊言、殺戳、偷竊、姦淫、強暴和纍纍的血案。
By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and whoring they breake out, and blood toucheth blood.
3 因此,此地必要荒廢;凡住在這地上的,甚至田間的野獸和天空的飛鳥都要絕跡,連海中的魚類也要消滅。
Therefore shall the land mourne, and euery one that dwelleth therein, shall be cut off, with the beasts of the fielde, and with the foules of the heauen, and also the fishes of the sea shall be taken away.
4 但是沒有人爭辯,也沒有人譴責! 司祭啊,我要與你爭辯!
Yet let none rebuke, nor reproue another: for thy people are as they that rebuke the Priest.
5 你白天黑夜跌倒,先知也同你一齊跌倒,你竟然使你的人民喪亡。
Therefore shalt thou fall in the day, and the Prophet shall fall with thee in the night, and I will destroy thy mother.
6 我的百姓因缺乏知識而滅亡;因為你拋棄了知識,我也要拋棄你,不讓你充當我的司祭;你既然忘卻了你的天主的法律,我也要忘記你的子孫。
My people are destroyed for lacke of knowledge: because thou hast refused knowledge, I will also refuse thee, that thou shalt be no Priest to me: and seeing thou hast forgotten the Lawe of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
7 司祭越增多,也越得罪我,竟以羞辱作為他們的光榮。
As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I chaunge their glorie into shame.
8 他們賴我百姓的罪惡自肥,一心渴望他們的過犯。
They eate vp the sinnes of my people, and lift vp their mindes in their iniquitie.
9 由此百姓和司祭,一律看待:我將按他的行徑懲治他,對他的行為予以報復,
And there shalbe like people, like Priest: for I wil visite their wayes vpon them, and reward them their deedes.
10 好使他們吃,卻吃不飽,行淫而不能繁殖;因為他們捨棄了上主,縱慾,
For they shall eate, and not haue ynough: they shall commit adulterie, and shall not increase, because they haue left off to take heede to ye Lord.
11 行淫:老酒新酒叫人失去良知。
Whoredome, and wine, and newe wine take away their heart.
12 我的人民求教於木偶,讓木杖啟示他;因為淫心迷往了他們,使他們行淫,遠開了他們的天主。
My people aske counsell at their stockes, and their staffe teacheth them: for the spirite of fornications hath caused them to erre, and they haue gone a whoring from vnder their God.
13 在山頂上獻祭,在丘陵上、在橡樹、楊樹和篤耨香下焚香,在濃蔭下多麼愉快;因此你們的女兒行淫,你的兒媳犯姦。
They sacrifice vpon the toppes of ye mountaines, and burne incense vpon the hilles vnder the okes, and the poplar tree, and the elme, because the shadow thereof is good: therefore your daughters shall be harlots, and your spouses shall be whores.
14 但我卻不因你們的女兒行了淫,而懲罰她們,也不因你們的兒息媳犯了姦,而處罰她們;因為她們同蕩婦走往偏僻之處,又同廟妓一同獻祭:但無知的百姓卻因此而墮落!
I will not visite your daughters when they are harlots: nor your spouses when they are whores: for they themselues are separated with harlots, and sacrifice with whores: therefore the people that doeth not vnderstand, shall fall.
15 以色列,如果你行了淫,但願猶大不要陷於罪惡! 你們不要到基耳加耳去,不要上貝特阿文,也不要起誓願 2上主永在! 」
Though thou, Israel, play the harlot, yet let not Iudah sinne: come not ye vnto Gilgal, neither goe ye vp to Beth-auen, nor sweare, The Lord liueth.
16 的確,以色列倔強,有如一頭倔強的母牛,那麼上主那能牧放他們,有如在廣闊的草場牧放羔羊﹖
For Israel is rebellious as an vnruly heyfer. Nowe the Lord will feede them as a lambe in a large place.
17 厄弗辣因與偶像結了不解之緣:任憑他們吧!
Ephraim is ioyned to idoles: let him alone.
18 他們與醉客為伍,任意荒淫,喜愛羞恥勝於上主的光榮。
Their drunkennes stinketh: they haue committed whoredome: their rulers loue to say with shame, Bring ye.
19 暴風要伸展羽翼將他們捲去,他們必因自己的祭壇蒙受恥辱。
The winde hath bounde them vp in her wings, and they shalbe ashamed of their sacrifices.

< 何西阿書 4 >