< Joshua 1 >

1 BOEIPA kah sal Moses a duek phoeiah Moses aka bong Joshua, Nun capa te BOEIPA loh a voek tih,
And it was doon aftir the deeth of Moyses, seruaunt of the Lord, that the Lord spak to Josue, sone of Nun, the mynystre of Moyses, and seide to hym, Moises, my seruaunt, is deed;
2 “Ka sal Moses duek coeng. Te dongah thoo lamtah namah neh pilnam pum loh Jordan he kat lamtah kai loh Israel ca rhoek taengah ka paek khohmuen la kun lah.
rise thou, and passe this Jordan, thou, and al the puple with thee, in to the lond which Y schal yyue to the sones of Israel.
3 Moses taengah ka thui vanbangla na khopha loh a cawt hmuen boeih te nangmih kam paek bitni.
Y schal yyue to you ech place which the step of youre foot schal trede, as Y spak to Moyses,
4 Khosoek lamkah Lebanon tuiva puei duela, Khitti khohmuen pum Perath tuiva khotlak tuili puei due pataeng nang khorhi la coeng ni.
fro the deseert and Liban til to the greet flood Eufrates; al the lond of Etheis, `til to the greet see ayens the goyng doun of the sunne, schal be youre terme.
5 Na hingnah a tue khui boeih na hmai ah hlang loh m'pai thil thai mahpawh. Moses taengkah ka om bangla nang taengah ka om van ni. Nang te kang rhael pawt vetih nang kan hnoo mahpawh.
Noon schal mow ayenstonde you in alle the daies of thi lijf; as Y was with Moises, so Y schal be with thee; Y schal not leeue, nether Y schal forsake thee.
6 Amih taengah paek ham a napa rhoek taengah ka caeng tangtae khohmuen te pilnam nang loh na pang sak coeng dongah thaahuel lamtah namning sak.
Be thou coumfortid, and be thou strong; for thou schalt departe bi lot to this puple the lond, for which Y swoor to thi fadris, that Y schulde yyue it to hem.
7 Ka sal Moses loh nang ng'uen olkhueng te boeih ngaithuen tih saii hamla thaahuel lamtah nam khak ning sak. Anih taeng lamloh banvoei bantang la taengphael boeh. Te daengah ni na caeh nah takuem ah lungming la na om uh eh.
Therfor be thou coumfortid, and be thou ful strong, that thou kepe and do al the lawe, which Moyses, my seruaunt, comaundide to thee; bowe thou not fro it to the riyt side, ether to the left side, that thou vndirstonde alle thingis whiche thou doist.
8 Olkhueng cabu he na ka dong lamloh na hlong mahpawh. Khoyin khothaih na thuep daengah ni a khuikah a daek bangla boeih saii ham na ngaithuen eh. Te vaengah na longpuei thaihtak vetih lungming la na om uh ni.
The book of this lawe departe not fro thi mouth, but thou schalt thenke therynne in daies and nyytis, that thou kepe and do alle thingis that ben writun therynne; thanne thou schalt dresse thi weie, and schalt vndirstonde it.
9 Nang kang uen moenih a? Thaahuel lamtah namning sak. Na caeh nah takuem ah BOEIPA na Pathen loh nang taengla a om coeng dongah na sarhing sak boeh, rhihyawp boeh,” a ti nah.
Lo! Y comaunde to thee; be thou coumfortid, and be thou strong; nyle thou drede `withoutforth, and nyle thou drede withynne; for thi Lord God is with thee in alle thingis, to whiche thou goost.
10 Te dongah pilnam kah rhoiboei rhoek te Joshua loh a uen tih,
And Josue comaundide to the princis of the puple, and seide, Passe ye thoruy the myddis of the castels; and comaunde `ye to the puple, and seie ye, Make ye redi metis to you,
11 “Rhaehhmuen khui la cet uh laeh. Pilnam te uen uh lamtah thui pah. Na lampu ham te sikim uh laeh. Hnin thum dongah ngawn tah Jordan te m'poeng uh pawn ni. BOEIPA na Pathen loh nang pang sak ham m'paek khohmuen te pang hamla paan uh laeh,” a ti nah.
for after the thridde dai ye schulen passe Jordan, and ye schulen entre to welde the lond, which youre Lord God schal yyue to you.
12 Tedae Reuben koca, Gad koca neh Masnasseh koca hlangvang te Joshua loh a voek tih,
Also he seide to men of Ruben, and `to men of Gad, and to the half lynage of Manasses, Haue ye mynde of the word which Moises,
13 “BOEIPA kah sal Moses loh nangmih taengah n'uen olka te poek lah. Nangmih duem sak ham te BOEIPA na Pathen loh a thui tih khohmuen he nangmih taengah m'paek coeng.
the `seruaunt of the Lord, comaundide to you, and seide, Youre Lord God hath youe to you reste and al the lond;
14 Huta camoe neh na boiva tah Moses loh nangmih taengah m'paek Jordan rhalvangan kah khohmuen ah om uh mai saeh. Tedae nangmih tatthai hlangrhalh boeih long tah na manuca rhoek kah a hmai ah caem la cet uh lamtah na manuca rhoek te BOEIPA loh nangmih bangla a duem sak due amih te bom uh.
youre wyues and youre sones and beestis schulen dwelle in the lond which Moises yaf to you biyende Jordan; but passe ye armed, `alle strong in hond, bifor youre britheren; and fiyte ye for hem,
15 BOEIPA na Pathen loh amih a paek khohmuen te amih long khaw pang uh van saeh. Te phoeiah namih kah rho khohmuen la bal uh lamtah BOEIPA kah sal Moses loh khocuk Jordan rhalvangan ah nangmih m'paek te huul uh van,” a ti nah.
til the Lord yyue reste to youre britheren, as `he yaf also to you, and `til also thei welden the lond which youre Lord God schal yyue to hem; and so turne ye ayen in to the lond of youre possessioun, and ye schulen dwelle in that lond which Moises, `seruaunt of the Lord, yaf to you ouer Jordan, ayens the `rysyng of the sunne.
16 Te dongah Joshua te a doo uh tih, “Kaimih nang uen boeih te ka saii uh vetih kaimih nan tueih nah boeih la ka cet uh ni.
And thei answeriden to Josue, and seiden, We schulen do alle thingis whiche thou comaundidist to vs, and we schulen go, whidir euer thou sendist vs;
17 Moses ol te boeih ka ngai uh bangla nang ol te ka ngai uh van ni. Moses taengkah a om bangla BOEIPA na Pathen loh nang taengah om van saeh.
as we obeieden in alle thingis to Moises, so we schulen obeie also to thee; oneli thi Lord God be with thee, as he was with Moyses.
18 Nang kah olthui aka koek tih nang kah olka nan uen te pakhat kangna khaw aka hnatun pawt hlang boeih tah duek pai saeh. Tedae thaahuel lamtah namning sak,” a ti nahuh.
Die he that ayenseith thi mouth, and obeieth not to alle thi wordis, whiche thou comaundist to hym; oneli be thou coumfortid, and do thou manli.

< Joshua 1 >