< Joba 28 >

1 Cak ham a khorhui om tih sui ham khaw a ciil nah hmuen om.
for there to/for silver: money exit and place to/for gold to refine
2 Thicung khaw laipi lamloh a loh tih lungto te rhohum la a tlae.
iron from dust to take: take and stone to pour bronze
3 A bawtnah te a hmuep neh a khuetnah a cungkuem hil a khueh. Anih loh lungto te a hmuep neh dueknah hlipkhup ah khaw a hoem.
end to set: put to/for darkness and to/for all limit he/she/it to search stone darkness and shadow
4 Soklong te aka bakuep taeng lamloh a yoe tih kho neh caeh khaw a hnilh uh. Hlanghing lamkah aka tlayae rhoek khaw hinghuen uh.
to break through torrent: river from from with to sojourn [the] to forget from foot to languish from human to shake
5 Diklai amah lamloh buh thoeng tih a hmui ah hmai bangla om.
land: soil from her to come out: produce food: bread and underneath: under her to overturn like fire
6 A lungto te minhum hmuen tih a taengah sui laipi om.
place sapphire stone her and dust gold to/for him
7 A hawn te vatlung loh ming pawt tih maisi mik loh hmu pawh.
path not to know him bird of prey and not to see him eye falcon
8 Te te sa ca rhoek loh cawt pawt tih te donglong te sathuengca long khaw pawn pawh.
not to tread him son: type of pride not to advance upon him lion
9 Hmailung soah a kut a hlah tih tlang pataeng a yung ah a phil.
in/on/with flint to send: reach hand: power his to overturn from root mountain: mount
10 Sokko lungpang dongah a khoel tih umponah cungkuem khaw a mik loh a hmuh.
in/on/with rock stream to break up/open and all preciousness to see: see eye his
11 Tuiva tuilong khaw a kueng tih olhuep te khosae la a khuen.
from weeping river to saddle/tie and secret her to come out: send light
12 Tedae me rhoek ah nim cueihnah a hmuh tih yakmingnah hmuen he menim?
and [the] wisdom from where? to find and where? this place understanding
13 A phu te hlanghing loh ming pawt tih mulhing khohmuen ah a hmuh moenih.
not to know human valuation her and not to find in/on/with land: country/planet [the] alive
14 Tuidung loh, “Te te kai ah moenih,” a ti tih tuitunli loh, “Kai taengah moenih,” a ti.
abyss to say not in/on/with me he/she/it and sea to say nothing with me me
15 Te ham te cui cilh khaw pae thai pawt tih cueihnah a phu te cak khaw a khiing pah.
not to give: give enclosure underneath: instead her and not to weigh silver: money price her
16 Ophir sui nen khaw, oitha lung vang nen khaw minhum nen khawting pawh.
not to weigh in/on/with gold Ophir in/on/with onyx precious and sapphire
17 Te te sui neh canglung neh tluk pawt tih a hnothung he suicilh hnopai bal moenih.
not to arrange her gold and glass and exchange her article/utensil pure gold
18 Maerhuhlung neh disaehlung khaw thui lawk pawt tih cueihnah rhovoep tah lungvang lakah then.
coral and crystal not to remember and bag/price wisdom from jewel
19 Te te Kusah vaya nen khaw tluk pawt tih sui cilh nen khaw ting pawh.
not to arrange her topaz Cush in/on/with gold pure not to weigh
20 Te dongah cueihnah he me lamkah nim ha pawk tih yakmingnah hmuen he menim?
and [the] wisdom from where? to come (in): come and where? this place understanding
21 Mulhing boeih kah mik lamloh a thuh pah tih vaan kah vaa taeng lamloh a thuh.
and to conceal from eye all alive and from bird [the] heaven to hide
22 Abaddon neh dueknah loh, “A olthang te kaimih hna neh ka yaak uh,” a ti.
Abaddon and death to say in/on/with ear our to hear: hear report her
23 Pathen loh a longpuei a yakming tih a hmuen te khaw amah loh a ming.
God to understand way: direction her and he/she/it to know [obj] place her
24 Amah loh diklai khobawt hil a paelki tih vaan hmui khaw boeih a hmuh.
for he/she/it to/for end [the] land: country/planet to look underneath: under all [the] heaven to see: see
25 Yilh kah a khiing a khueh pah tih tui khaw cungnueh neh a nueh.
to/for to make: offer to/for spirit: breath weight and water to measure in/on/with measure
26 Amah loh khotlan ham rhi a suem tih rhaek ol ham khaw longpuei a khueh.
in/on/with to make he to/for rain statute: decree and way: journey to/for lightning voice: thunder
27 Cueihnah te a hmuh tih a tae. Cueihnah te a sikim sak tih a khe bal.
then to see: see her and to recount her to establish: establish her and also to search her
28 Hlang taengah khaw, 'Ka Boeipa hinyahnah he cueihnah la om tih boethae lamloh nong he yakmingnah,’ a ti,” a ti nah.
and to say to/for man look! fear Lord he/she/it wisdom and to turn aside: turn aside from bad: evil understanding

< Joba 28 >